I don't know if Hiratsuka Shizuka will listen to it, but Yagyu Xiaye still thinks that he should leave this advice.

After doing all this, Yagyu Natsuya left the room where Hiratsuka Shizuka was resting.


After coming out, I found that Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna were still chatting with the three Xia Luoli and the others. After seeing that there was only a spoonful of red bean porridge left in Yagyu Xiaye's bowl, several people were very interested in this red bean porridge. Longing arose.

Therefore, after Liu Shengxia Ye proposed that he really went home this time, Gui Xin and the three little girls did not refuse any more.

Because after returning home, you can eat the red bean porridge that the drunk person inside just ate.

Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna did not ask Yagyu Xiaye to go to the kitchen to return the bowl, but let him put it in this talking room, and the two of them would clean it up later.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't insist either, because now Gui Xin's three little lolitas had moved with him, and if they followed him to the kitchen and saw that there was still red bean porridge left, it would be a bit troublesome.

Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna came out to see off Yagyu Xiaye and the others. When they got to the front, although they were almost full of guests, the number of people who came in was not very frequent.

"Yusheng-kun, are you going back?" Erjo Ruoye was originally instructing something, but when she saw Liusheng Xiaye and others coming out together, she also came over.

Although the business at the bar is not very good today, but after Genfan Tanizaki asked for leave, Yagyu Xiaye was able to take over Genfan Tanizaki's position as a bartender, Erjo Wakaba is still very grateful to Yagyu Xiaye.

"It's time to go home, and I have to make dinner for these little guys when I go back."

"It's really a blessing, I'm a little envious."

Erjo Wakaba didn't lie either, after eating Yagyu Xiaye's lunch at noon today, he was really impressed by Yagyu Xiaye's cuisine.So now it is not false to say that the three little lolitas who are envious of Gui Xin can eat the meals that Liu Shengxia Ye made, but they still said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "I personally can't give you the things you came here to help. What is your reward, but I think there may be some after the pupa comes back."

"The store manager of Xiyuan Temple wants to come back?" Liu Sheng Xiaye asked quickly, knowing that even though Ze Yuezhi was dealt with, Liu Sheng Xia Ye hadn't contacted Xi Yuan Temple yet, it was Pupa and the three of them who asked them to come back.

Yagyu Xiaye was going to wait for a while, and wait for Ze Yuezhi's matter to pass completely, and then think of a way to make the meeting between the three of them and Liusheng Jiubingwei a little more harmonious.

"Not anymore, but listening to their tone, they should be back soon." Nijo Wakaba denied the information that Xiyuanji Jizi and others were coming back now.

And Yagyu Xia Ye could judge that Erjo Wakaba was not lying, so the current Xiyuanji Pupa and the others might still abide by the agreement to wait for his notification.

However, Yagyu Xiaye didn't see it. When he was talking to Erjo Wakaba, both Xiyuanji World and Qingpu Setsuna turned their eyes away.

"I don't need to be paid to help here, because the store manager of Xiyuan Temple has helped me a lot."

"This is beyond my control. Be careful when you go back, I'll go to work first." After Erjo Ruoye finished speaking, she walked back to where she was before, and there was another waiter waiting Then, there must be something wrong.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't care about what kind of problems Erjo Wakaba had encountered, because the purpose of coming here today was achieved.

Not only did Gui Xin, Ito Yuki, and Ii Uzuki come out to relax, but they also completed the task of helping out in Radish. It can be said that there is no regret.

?Chapter Three hundred and eighty I'm jealous

Erjo Wakaba couldn't send Yagyu Xiaye and the others because of work, but Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna sent the four of them to the station.

"If you have time, please let them come and play. Of course, it is also possible for Gui to come together. Is it too much for you to let her stay at home alone?" When it was time to say goodbye, Xiyuan Temple World unexpectedly Said to Liu Shengxia Ye, this is what Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not expect.After all, this is not just inviting Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the three little girls, but also Gui Yanye.

Although Xiyuanji World and Qingpu Setsuna's attitude towards Gui Yanye is a little better than that of Ganluji Nanami and Kato Otome, they are almost always expressed in the academy.

It is definitely the first time that Gui Yanye is invited to play in life like this.

Perhaps it was because Yagyu Xiaye hadn't spoken for too long, but Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna left voluntarily.

"Xia Ye, see you tomorrow." After the two waved to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, they also waved to Gui Xin and the other three little girls.

"Goodbye, sister world."

"Goodbye, sister Setsuna."

The voices of Guixin and Ito Zhiji saying goodbye to Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna brought Yagyu Xiaye back to his senses, but at this time both Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna had gone a little far, but Yagyu Xiaye still rushed Looking at them, he said, "See you at school tomorrow."

Liu Shengxia Ye heard what the two of them said to him just now, but he didn't react.

After Liu Shengxia Ye bid farewell, the car back also pulled into the station, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye got into the car with three little girls.


After parting from Yagyu Xiaye and the others, Kiyoura Setsuna and Saiyuanji World walked towards Radish.

"World, do you think we are deceiving Xia Ye?" Now even in front of Xiyuan Temple World, Qingpu Setsuna is called Yagyu Xia Ye.

And the world of Xiyuan Temple didn't care about the change of Kiyoura Setsuna's address to Yagyu Xia Ye, and she also knew what Qingpu Setsuna meant by deception.

Because Xiyuanji Yuzi and Kiyoura Mai have already returned to China, today they did not go to Kuroda's bakery to help, but went to see their respective mothers, of course, under the circumstances that Yagyu Xiaye needed to be kept secret.

"They said that if there is something wrong with Xia Ye, they will settle it, and we don't need to worry about it." Although Pu Zi and Qingpu Setsuna gave them such a promise in Xiyuan Temple, now the world of Xiyuan Temple is not saying it. confidence.

"World, I have already told Xia Ye that after my mother comes home next week, I will go back from here." Qingpu Setsuna told Xiyuan Temple World about his previous decision.

After hearing the decision of his friend Kiyoura Setsuna, Xiyuan Temple World was also slightly stunned for a while.

Although we know that Kiyoura Setsuna's mother is back, the world of Saiyuanji also knows what kind of person Kiyoura Mai was before. Although it seems that he has changed a lot when we met today, Kiyoura Setsuna, who has only mastered cooking skills now, Xiyuan Temple World thinks that it is not enough to take care of their mother and daughter.

"Do you have to go back, Setsuna?"

"It's to plan for the future, because I will live with my mother after going abroad, so it's just a rehearsal now."

"For the future?"

Xiyuan Temple World knew about Qingpu Setsuna's decision to study abroad, but now that the end of this semester is getting closer, Xiyuan Temple World is becoming more and more reluctant.

However, Saiyuanji World did not stop Qingpu Setsuna's decision.

Because this is Qingpu Setsuna's choice.

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