"Big brother, is the porridge ready?"

"Smells good, for sure."

"Slightly more fragrant than in Radish."

After hearing Jing Yi Uzuki's comments, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, walked into the kitchen immediately, and went to the place where the yam porridge pot was placed.

The performance of the three little girls made Gui Yanye feel a little funny, but as long as it is connected with the aroma of the porridge now, all of this is not a problem.

Seeing that the claws of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were about to reach out to the pot, Gui Yanye reached out and knocked off their claws and said, "Be careful, Xiao Zhi, it's still hot, you guys still need to eat it." Put the side dishes first and take them out."

Gui Yanye pointed to the side dishes that Liu Sheng Xia Ye made while soaking red beans and rice on the kitchen counter.

Although he was a bit reluctant, he also knew that Liu Shengxia Ye had already made the red bean and yam porridge they were looking forward to, so he definitely couldn't escape.

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, Jing Yi Uzuki also walked into the kitchen and helped serve side dishes. It seemed that she also wanted to eat the red bean and yam porridge that Yagyu Xia Ye made for them earlier.

After the three little lolis brought out all the side dishes in the kitchen, Liu Shengxia Ye found a damp cloth and took the yam and red bean porridge away with the pot.


All the yam and red bean porridge that Liu Shengxia made was eaten, and even the side dishes were the same.

After dinner, Gui Xin, Ito Yuki, and Jingi Uzuki all left the dining table, and then lay down on the sofa, showing weakness all over their bodies.

Although Gui Yanye also ate more than usual because it was the first time he saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye's dishes, but he was not lazy like Gui Xin's three little girls, but took the initiative to clean up the tableware.

When facing Liusheng Xia Ye who wanted to help, Gui Yanye said: "Let me do the cleaning up, Xia Ye, you can go to rest first, and I will fry the medicine for you of."

It has been a week since Liusheng Xiaye returned to Sakakino City, and Gui Yanye has also seen Liusheng Xiaye decoction a few times, because it is not very difficult, so Gui Yanye has already learned it, and also slowly got used to the medicine package smell.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't reject Gui Yanye's kindness, so he walked over very naturally and stayed decadently on the sofa with Gui Xin's three little girls.

?Chapter [-] Call

"It's so bloated!"

"I want to move!"

"too delicious."

Although the three little lolis lying on the sofa had no intention of moving their bodies, they were still chatting constantly.

"Big brother, we want this porridge for lunch tomorrow." Gui Xin just moved her head in the direction of Liu Shengxia Ye, expressing her request to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Ito Zhi also moved his head, but instead of looking at Liu Shengxia Ye, he nodded to let Liu Sheng Xia Ye understand that she agreed with Gui Xin's proposal.Jingyi Uzuki also looked at Liusheng Xiaye with expectant eyes. If Gui Xin and Ito Zhi said that Liusheng Xiaye would make this red bean and yam porridge tomorrow night, then Jingyi Uzuki would not have to look forward to it, because she would not be there on Monday. Gui family.

But what Guixin put forward was a request for a bento. It just so happened that this week Jingyi Uzuki's bento was made by Yagyu Xia Ye, so Jingi Uzuki had expectations.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye's words disappointed Gui Xin's three little girls.

"No, although this porridge is a good thing, it's not suitable for your bento nutrition. You can only eat it once in a while."

After listening to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, Gui Xin's three little lolitas immediately started chatting with only the three of them again, as if they were deliberately ignoring Liu Sheng Xia Ye, as if they were revenge for Liu Sheng Xia Ye's rejection of their request just now .

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't care either, because Gui Xin and the three could get along in such a harmonious way, which already made Liu Sheng Xia Ye very satisfied.

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and Liu Shengxia Ye took it out to check, it was the notification sound of a text message.

After walking back to the room with the mobile phone, Liu Shengxia Ye called up the text message to read it.

There are two text messages in total.

The first one opened was from an unfamiliar number, but after reading the content, Liu Shengxiaye knew who it was from.

"Boss, Sana Kuranaka has transferred from the school. It seems that the arrest of Director Nagano and Teacher Akizuki has spread in the school. Sister Akizuki hasn't noticed anything unusual for the time being."

The names mentioned in the text message must be Colonel Xicun.

When Liu Shengxia was about to leave Shengfeng Academy, he left his phone number for Senior Colonel Nishimura, so that Senior Colonel Nishimura could occasionally tell him about the situation of Sister Qiuyue.

The transfer of Cana Naka's school was expected by Yagyu Natsuya. After all, Yagyu Natsuya and Cana Nakaka also had an agreement, that is, Yagyu Natsuya gave Kuranaka Sana two weeks to deal with the incident. Feng Academy, and then transferred to leave on his own initiative.It was only a week before Yagyu Natsume left from Sacred Maple Academy, and Saana Kuranaka had fulfilled her promise to Yagyu Natsume. It seemed that she still valued her friendship with Akizuki Airi.

What happened to Director Nagano and Yoshida Kozo when Yagyu Xiaye was puzzled.

It can be said that what the two committed, even the police station is unwilling to disclose it, because it would be their dereliction of duty.

But judging from the information sent by Senior Colonel Nishimura, the police station there is going to vigorously deal with the matter of Director Nagano and Kozo Yoshida, after all, it has affected the Sacred Maple Academy.

As for the reactions of Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi, Yagyu Xiaye had expected it. It seemed that he could really feel relieved.

"Thanks, please contact me if there is anything wrong." Liu Sheng Xia Ye edited the text message and sent it out.


After that, Yagyu Xiaye opened the second text message.

It was the number of an acquaintance, and it was the number that Yagyu Xiaye had to look at, the information from Yagyu Kubei.

As for the content, there is nothing to ask for warmth, because to their siblings, those are not important, and they can just say what they have to say.

"They'll be back next week."

Although in the text message, Yagyu Kubei did not say who "they" are, but Yagyu Xia Ye understood that the "they" of Yagyu Kubei refers to Gui Yanye's mother Gui Zhen Nami, the mother of Xiyuan Temple World Xiyuanji pupa, and Kiyoura Setsuna's mother Kiyoura Mai.

This news made Yagyu Xia Ye a little helpless, because he still wanted to postpone the meeting between the three of Katsura Manami and Yagyu Kubei, which is why Yagyu Kubei has not actively contacted Katsura Manami and the others.

Instead of choosing to continue the conversation with Yagyu Kubei through text messages, he dialed directly.

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