"This is already our duty." The third daughter of Xiyuanji Pupa said to Yagyu Kubei.

It's not a task, but something that should be done. Yagyu Kubei was very satisfied with this answer.

Picking up the mobile phone that was put aside, he stood up and said, "Then I will wait for your good news, so I won't bother you today." After speaking, he walked out of the room first.


Because Yagyu Xiaye was worried that the three daughters of Katsura Manami and Yagyu Kubei would conflict with Yagyu Kubei or the people who Yagyu Kubei photographed when they came back, so she sent a message to Xiyuan Temple Chrysalis to explain a little bit, and let them Play by ear and don't resist as a last resort.

However, before Yagyu Xiaye knew about it, his sister had already sent a message to Katsura Manami and the three daughters in his name. Last week, Katsura Manami and the three had been taken to Yagyu's house by Yagyu Kubei. Moreover, some agreements were reached with Yagyu Kubei.

?Chapter Three hundred and eighty-fourth escape

Before this, Yagyu Xiaye had promised Yagyu Kubei that he would not take the initiative to contact Katsura Manami and others.But now when Yagyu Kubei said that he would let Katsura Manami and others come back, Yagyu Xiaye not only called to express his attitude to his sister, but also revealed a little something to Xiyuan Temple Pupa and others, so that They are well prepared.

Doing so is already considered a breach of promise, but for the safety of Xiyuan Temple Pupa and others, Yagyu Xiaye also accepted it.

He didn't wait for Xiyuanji's pupa to reply, but Yagyu Xiaye knew that Xiyuanji's pupa would read his message and listen to what he said in the message.

After all this was done, a knock on the door was heard.

"Xia Ye, what's wrong with you?" Gui Yanye's questioning voice came from outside the door.

You know, in the past, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was always with Gui Xin's three little girls, and rarely went back to his own room.

However, today, after Gui Yanye cooked the bath water and Chinese medicine, he came to the living room and found that there were only three little lolis lying on the sofa watching TV, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye had disappeared.After inquiring about the three little girls, he knew that Liu Shengxia had returned to his room, so Gui Yanye knocked on the door to inquire.

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye opened the door, he found Gui Yanye with a worried expression, and immediately said, "It's nothing, I just called my family."

After hearing that Liu Shengxia Ye called his family, Gui Yanye's eyes darkened for a moment. You must know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had never done such a thing before.

Especially today, Gui Yanye met with her mother, Gui Manami, and learned something about Yagyu Xiaye from Gui Manami.

Will Yagyu Xia Ye suddenly disappear one day like last week?

However, when seeing Liu Shengxia Ye still standing here alive, Gui Yanye also put these worries in his heart, and said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Xia Ye, the medicine you drank has been decocted. This One pack is already the last time, you should only have the last pack."

Liu Shengxia Ye told Gui Yanye once when decocting the medicine, that the medicine packs he got from Liu Sheng were five packs and half a month's worth.So after today, there is only the last pack left, which means that the internal injury Yagyu Xiaye suffered at Yagyu's house last week will basically heal.

"Well, there's only one pack, and the taste is really not that good." Liu Sheng Xia Ye also smacked his lips.

"Xia Ye, don't complain anymore, it's a medicine that is good for your body." Gui Yanye wanted to correct Liu Shengxia Ye's attitude towards the medicine pack.

Although the smell of the medicine bag was very unpleasant when it was decocted, it should taste even worse when Liu Sheng Xia Ye drank it.But no matter how bad it was, it would be a good medicine for Liu Shengxia Ye, although he didn't know what kind of injury Liu Sheng Xia Ye had suffered.

"It's just a complaint about the taste. After all, it's a medicine for healing."

"Xia Ye, how is your injury?" Gui Yanye asked with concern, if Liu Sheng Xia Ye answered dissatisfied, Gui Yanye felt that he should take Liu Sheng Xia Ye to the hospital for a checkup.

"It will be completely fine after taking the medicine package, Yan Ye, you don't have to worry, I'll go drink the medicine first."

In fact, Liu Shengxia Ye now felt that there was no problem with his body, but he still chose to believe that old driver Liu Sheng, so he probably wouldn't lie.

After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he came out of his room and closed the door behind him.

Gui Yanye was standing at the door before, and she stood aside when Liu Shengxia Ye came out, because she thought it was better not to have too much intimate contact with Liu Shengxia Ye for the time being, because she was afraid that she would lose control of herself.

"Well, I'll go and be careful with them first." Gui Yanye also planned to do what she was going to do.

Guixin's three little lolitas went to Radsih today, and Gui Yanye wanted to make a cliché, and wanted to know whether the three little lolitas thought it was better at home or Radish.

Regarding Gui Yanye's little thought, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't point it out, and went directly to the kitchen first.


Gui Xin's three little girls took a bath very late, because they ate too much for dinner.

After taking a bath, the three little girls were too sleepy, so Gui Yanye didn't tell them at all that he wanted to sleep with Liu Shengxiaye, and directly pulled the two little girls Gui Xin and Ito Zhi went back to their room.

Only Ito Zhi and Gui Xin were pulled because Jing Yi Uzuki didn't need Gui Yanye to worry about it at all.

"Good night, Brother Xia Ye."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were twisting and turning in Gui Yanye's hands, and they were still talking about asking Gui Yanye to let them go, so there was no chance to say good night to Liu Shengxia at all.

"Good night."

After saying goodnight to Uzuki and Ii, Yagyu Xiaye also opened the door and entered his own room.


When Liu Shengxia woke up the next day, what he saw was not Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls who used to come to wake him up, nor the mature and sensible little ghost of Jingyi Uzuki, but Gui Yan. leaf.

"Yan Ye..." Liu Shengxia Ye called out softly.

Gui Yanye's eyes were looking at Liu Shengxia Ye's face, but he didn't know what Gui Yanye was thinking at this time, and he didn't notice that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had woken up.

And after hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's voice, Gui Yanye also immediately came back to his senses, seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye staring at her in confusion, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he also left Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bed .

"Xia Ye, you're awake. I saw that you haven't woken up yet, so I came in to see if your injury has worsened." After leaving Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bed, Gui Yanye explained the reason for her coming here.

Today, Gui Yanye woke up earlier than usual. After washing, he didn't see the three little girls of Gui Xin getting up, and he didn't see Liu Sheng Xia Ye getting up either.

You must know that in the past, Liusheng Xiaye had already woken up to make breakfast and lunch at noon. After thinking of Liusheng Xiaye's medicine bag, Gui Yanye opened the door of Liusheng Xiaye's room and entered the room, because Liusheng Xiaye's The door didn't lock at all.

Originally, he wanted to come in and ask Liu Sheng Xia Ye about his health, but when he saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye was sleeping very soundly, Gui Yanye couldn't bear to break the harmony at this moment, so he sat on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bed and looked at Liu Sheng summer night.

However, when she was thinking about the current relationship with Liu Shengxia Ye, Liu Shengxia Ye suddenly woke up, so Gui Yanye seemed to flee in panic.

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