She can now tell that Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami didn't come here with any malice, so now she can't take the bento that Yagyu Xia Ye prepared for her to eat with Ganroji Nanami and Kato Otome lunch.Because in that case, it would be easy to be recognized as showing off, especially in front of Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami.

"Xia Ye, you can eat this bento. I will go to the cafeteria to eat with Ganlusi and Kato." Gui Yanye handed the bento in her hand to Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xia Ye has no objection to Gui Yanye's acceptance of the invitation of Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome, and it also surprised Liusheng Xiaye that Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome were able to take the initiative to show their favor.

"Leave it to me at ease." Of course, Yagyu Xiaye would not have any worries about Gui Yanye's trip to the cafeteria, because Nanami of Ganlu Temple and Otome Kato were not the kind of double-faced people.

After receiving Yagyu Xia Ye's answer, Gui Yanye also said to Kato Otome, "Kato-san, Ganluji-san, let's go to the cafeteria now."

"Well, let's go together."

Originally thought that Gui Yanye would ask Liusheng Xiaye to escort her when facing their invitation, but unexpectedly, Gui Yanye not only agreed to go alone, but also gave Liusheng Xiaye her lunch, which made her Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai also changed a lot in their impression of Gui Yanye.

You know, all the students in the class now know that Gui Yanye's bento is made by Liu Shengxiaye himself.

If Gui Yanye brought that bento to the cafeteria with them, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami decided that they would only thank Gui Yanye for what happened to Kuroda Hikaru this morning, and everything else would be as good as before .

It doesn't hurt anyway.

However, now Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai have to prepare for a change, maybe the bad relationship with Gui Yanye can be changed.


Gui Yanye, Kato Otome, and Ganluji Qihai's three most popular girls from the fourth class of the year left, and the rest of the girls became active, and some even invited Yagyu Xiaye to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Yagyu-san, come have lunch with us."

"That's right, we have many people accompanying you."

However, facing the girls' attention, the boys couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up one after another and said, "Liu Sheng is the one who has Gui's lunch, why would he go to the cafeteria?"

"If you want to go, you can only go to the next class, because the battle against the next class has not yet been won."

?Chapter Three hundred and ninety-one

The battle of the next-door class that the boys are talking about refers to Yagyu Xiaye's unfinished attack on the next-door class, Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna.

Although they agree with the changes and performances of Liu Shengxia Ye in the class these days, if Liu Sheng Xia Ye has relationships with the three most popular girls in the class, but also has too much intimacy with the rest of the girls, then it is right Their blows were a bit harsh.

So now we have to draw Liu Sheng Xia Ye's attention to the third class of the first year. Whether the girls in the fourth class of the first year can be attracted by them depends on their own abilities.

When the rest of the girls heard about the class next door, they didn't have the idea to invite Liu Shengxia Ye to have dinner together, because at this time, Liu Sheng Xia Ye not only had the bento that Gui Yanye gave him just now, but also himself Take out a bento, and look at the packaging, it is for two people.

"Then I'll go out first."

"Come on, Yagyu-kun."

"We all support you." When Liu Sheng Xia Ye left the classroom, the boys offered their support one after another.


Yagyu Xiaye didn't go to class three of the first year to see if Pu Shana and Xiyuan Temple World were still there, but went directly to the rooftop on the top floor of the school.

For Qingpu Setsuna and Xiyuanji World, unless it is necessary to attend get out of class, they will definitely escape from the classroom where Arizawa Yutaisuke and Ito Makoto are staying after class, because their behavior is very important to them. disgusting.

Therefore, Yagyu Xiaye found Kiyoura Setsuna and Saiyuanji World on the rooftop.

However, I also met a more unexpected person here, that is Kuroda Hikaru.

You know, in the past, only Liusheng Xiaye and three people came to the rooftop. When Liusheng Xiaye went to Shengfeng College as an exchange student, only Qingpu Setsuna and Xiyuanji World came together.

However, there was no Kuroda Hikaru among the members Yagyu Xiaye expected. It seems that Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna brought Kuroda Hikaru here on their own initiative today.

It should be after coming to the school and hearing what happened at the school gate before.

Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arrival, the three daughters of Qingpu Shina also sat up from their chairs, and Xiyuan Temple World came to her side and said, "Xia Ye, thank you for this morning's light."

At this time, the world of Xiyuan Temple is also a little guilty, because they have not come to school with Kuroda Hikari, Kato Otome, Kanroji Nanami and others for a long time. If the five of them come to school together, Zeyong Taisuke and Makoto Ito would definitely not dare to block them at the school gate like he blocked Kuroda Hikaru.

Fortunately, although Kuroda Hikaru was intercepted by Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, in the end Yagyu Xiaye came forward to solve it.

"After accepting the commission, there must be something to do." Liu Shengxiaye didn't think that he acted because of Kuroda Hikaru himself, but because of Kuroda Hikaru's father's commission.

However, the world of Xiyuan Temple didn't care what the reason for Liu Shengxia Ye's move was. He looked at the bento in Liu Shengxia Ye's hand and asked, "For three people? Did you make a copy yourself?"

After Saiyuanji World's questioning words were finished, Kiyoura Setsuna's face immediately changed as he stood behind.

Yagyu Xiaye actually brought her own bento here today, whether it was because the bento she made was not tasty, or because she said the day before yesterday that she was going home, Qingpu Setsuna couldn't be sure.

"It's not mine, it's Yan Ye's, but she didn't eat it today." Liu Sheng Xiaye explained the origin of the third bento in his hand.

"It turned out to be Gui's. Doesn't she like the bento you made alone?" Knowing that it was Gui Yanye's bento, Xiyuan Temple World also asked a little jokingly.If Yagyu Xiaye made a bento for her alone, no matter what it was made, the world of Xiyuan Temple would be willing to eat it, not to mention that with Yagyu Xiaye's cooking level, she would never be able to cook dark dishes.

"It's the same as your bento, except that she went to the cafeteria to eat with Otome and Qihai today, so I can only leave the bento to me."

"Gui and Qihai and the others go to the cafeteria together?"

"Xia Ye, are you right?"

"Yagyu-san, do you still have Setsuna's bento for the world?"

After Yanagi Natsuya finished speaking, both Saiyuanji World, Kiyoura Setsuna, and Kuroda Hikaru all expressed their questions.

What Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna are concerned about is that the relationship between Gui Yanye, Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome will change so quickly. You must know that they were the two most difficult parties to deal with before.

On the other hand, Hikari Kuroda didn't care much about Qihai and Otome Kato of Ganlu Temple, because she shifted the focus a little this morning, so the two people's attitudes towards Gui Yanye would change, which was not unexpected by Hikari Kuroda .

Unexpectedly, Yagyu Natsuya made the bento at Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna, but today Kiyoura Setsuna also brought the bento, so who is the bento she made for?

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