After hearing Gui Yanye's words, the three little lolitas all started to clean up their homework.

Because it has been done almost, there is no need to come to Yagyu Xiaye's room to continue finishing after taking a bath. It is most correct to complete the appropriate amount every day.

As for Liu Shengxia Ye, they walked out of the room together when Gui Yanye turned around.

Instead of going to the toilet to wash his hands, Liu Sheng Xiaye followed Gui Yanye to the kitchen, because the kitchen can also wash hands.

"Yan Ye, I have already promised to take Maoyue home tomorrow." Liu Shengxia Ye mainly wanted to tell Gui Yanye about this.

However, when she heard Liu Shengxia Ye's decision, she didn't feel any surprise.

"Xinxin and Xiaozhi, do they really have no objections?" Gui Yanye knew that after Liu Sheng Xiaye drove back the car, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, always wanted to let them ride in the car again. .Although it is said that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi have repeatedly asked Yagyu Xia Ye to drive Jing Yi Uzuki home, but Gui Yanye thinks that may not be true.

"The two little guys are very sensible, and they sincerely asked for Uzuki. And after Uzuki came to the house, Xinxin and Xiaozhi have changed a lot, and her request is not too much."

"Is there any problem with that car?" Gui Yanye asked.

Gui Yanye knew that the car belonged to Liu Shengxia Ye's sister's friend. After Liu Sheng Xia Ye drove back on Tuesday, although because of Xin Xin and Xiao Zhi's relationship, she never used it once.If Liu Sheng Xia Ye was accidentally damaged while driving this time, would there be any disputes?

"It belongs to me for the time being. It doesn't matter what happens. I will be careful."

With Liu Shengxia Ye's guarantee, Gui Yanye also felt relieved, and now Gui Xin's three little lolitas also came outside the kitchen.

"Stop peeking, come in and help if you want to have an early dinner." Gui Yanye looked at the three little girls looking in from the door and said helplessly.

However, this time the three little girls were not very obedient. After Gui Yanye finished speaking, they all turned around and left, going to the dining table to wait for Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye to bring out the dishes.

"Okay, anyway, we can figure it out." Liu Shengxia quickly comforted Gui Yanye, and then began to put the dinner that Gui Yanye had prepared.


Because the three little loli want to spend more time together, the three of them went to take a bath first tonight, and then went back to the room together.

Liu Sheng Xiaye was in second place, and went back to bed after taking a bath.

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was half awake, he felt that someone was in his bed, and it wasn't just one.

Liu Shengxia Ye, who was about to get up on the bed and started to start, stopped after hearing the voice inside the cup.

"Big brother, it's us."

"It's me and be careful."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are the two little lolis who are making noises under the quilt. Fortunately, they are the only two little lolis.

"Why are you here?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye spoke in a very low voice.

Knowing that Liu Shengxia Ye would not turn on the lights and would not let them leave, the two little lolis got out of the bed and leaned on both sides of Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Uzuki fell asleep, so we came over."

"We're here to check if Big Brother has kept what he promised us in mind."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, actually believed that the precocious guy Uzuki Uzuki would fall asleep first, and they were really eaten to death by Uzuki Jingi, as for the promise to them.

"I'll take Uzuki back in a car tomorrow, and I'll take you and Yan Ye out to play when I have time in the future. Is there anything else?"

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, with his extraordinary eyesight, he could see the smiles on the corners of the mouths of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

"Big brother really forgot."

"Let's let big brother remember."

After Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls, arm in arm, they got into Liu Shengxia Ye's bed again, and this time they sank a bit deeper.


The two hands were restrained by Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's other hand respectively, and Yagyu Xia Ye immediately had an experience that he hadn't had for a long time, so he didn't continue to speak.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the second day, Yagyu Xiaye was the first to wake up, got up and changed clothes, opened the door and found Jing Yi Uzuki standing outside the door.

"Brother Xia Ye, these are the clothes of Xinxin and Xiaozhi." Jing Yi Uzuki held two sets of clothes in his hands, and after Liu Sheng Xia Ye took them, Jing Yi Uzuki said: "It's none of my business, I have nothing Do."

Yagyu Xia Ye knew that it wasn't Jingi Uzuki who ordered it last night, but if Jingi Uzuki wasn't at the house last night, the two little girls, Guixin and Ito Zhi, would definitely not do that kind of thing, and didn't respond to Jingi Uzuki's words After picking up the clothes of the two little lolitas, he returned to his room.

After turning around and going back to the room, only to find Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's clothes fell on the ground from another place on the bed, no wonder Yagyu Xia Ye didn't see it when he first woke up.

Put the clothes that Uzuki Ii brought on the bed first, then pick up the clothes on the ground and tidy them up, ready to take them out and put them in the washing machine.

After doing all this, Liu Shengxia walked out of the room, but did not see Jing Yi Uzuki who was standing outside the door just now, and Gui Yanye hadn't gotten up yet.

Therefore, it was very easy to send the clothes of the two little lolitas to the washing machine. When I went to wash, I ran into Jingyi Uzuki again.

"Brother Xia Ye, I will restrain Sister Yan Ye."

Although he didn't know what happened last night, Jing Yi Uzuki knew that Liu Shengxia Ye definitely didn't want Gui Yanye to go to his room now.

"Well, then I'll leave it to you." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he went into the toilet to wash himself.


Not only did Yagyu Xiaye prepare breakfast, but today's lunch was also prepared for Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.As for dinner, I just sent Jing Yi Uzuki back today and should be able to come back.

Gui Yanye got up behind Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, so she didn't know that the two little lolis came out of Yagyu Xiaye's room.

"Big Brother, are you coming back tonight?" Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were happier after knowing that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had made lunch, but what they cared about was whether Liu Sheng Xia Ye would come back tonight.You know, although Yagyu Xia Ye had already promised them, but if she stayed with Jing Yi Uzuki for an extra minute, they would be more worried.

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