Liu Shengxia Ye felt a little surprised that the phone was placed in the room, but he suggested, "How about I make lunch?"

Yagyu Natsuya's proposal moved Jing Yi Uzuki a little bit, because Ii Uzuki knew and enjoyed Yagyu Natsuya's cooking skills, but thinking that Yagyu Natsuya was here as a guest today, Jingi Uzuki still rejected Yagyu Natsuki Ye's proposal, and said: "Just now my mother also raised this question for me, asking me not to do anything with Brother Xia Ye."

Now that Jingi Uzuki's mother has asked Jingi Uzuki to say this, Yagyu Xiaye will no longer plan to make lunch, and it's better to wait for Jingi Uzuki's mother for a while.

"Uzuki, what happened to those people just now?" Yagyu Xiaye remembered the behavior of those guys who were regarded as Jingyi Uzuki's neighbors pointing at Jingyi Uzuki when they parked the car.

Hearing Liu Shengxia Ye mentioned those people, Jing Yi Uzuki's expression changed suddenly, Liu Sheng Xia Ye had no choice but to say: "Sorry, it seems that I touched your sad place." What kind of relationship, but judging from Jingyi Uzuki's reaction, it must not be very good.

"Brother Xia Ye, would you like something to drink? Mom won't be able to come back to cook for a while." Yagyu Xia Ye stopped mentioning those people, and Jing Yi Uzuki was also very grateful.

"Just drink whatever you want."

"I see, I'll go to the kitchen to get it now." After Jing Yi Uzuki finished speaking, he got up and walked to the kitchen.


After a while, Jing Yi Uzuki came out with a drink. The drink had already been opened, because now Jing Yi Uzuki had a cup in his hand.

Putting the drink bottle in front of Yagyu Xiaye, Jingi Uzuki said, "I only need this cup, and you can drink the rest by yourself, big brother."

Seeing the brightly colored orange juice, Yagyu Xia Ye said, "Uzuki, you'd better give me a cup, I can't finish this bottle."

Since Yagyu Xiaye didn't want to drink the bottle, Jing Yi Uzuki had no choice but to go to the kitchen again to get a cup and hand it to Yagyu Xiaye.After Xia Ye Yagyu poured himself a glass of orange juice similar to that in Jingi Uzuki's first quilt, he covered the drink bottle with a lid and put it aside.

"The phone seems to be ringing, I'll go check it out."

Jing Yi Uzuki got up, and Yagyu Xia Ye also heard the bell.

After Jingi Uzuki entered the room she had entered before, Yagyu Xiaye switched his glass of orange juice with Jingi Uzuki's orange juice.

Because the two cups are transparent, and there is no indication of who owns them, and the amount of orange juice in the cups is almost exactly the same under Yagyu Xiaye's deliberate control, so Yagyu Xiaye can guarantee that Jingi Uzuki will not see anything different.

The call didn't take long this time. After Jing Yi Uzuki came out, he said to Yagyu Xia Ye: "Brother Xia Ye, my mother said that she is off work and is rushing home."

After speaking, he came to his seat and sat down, took a big sip of orange juice, and asked, "Brother Xia Ye, you said before that there was a threat to you, so you should get rid of it earlier."

Seeing that Jingyi Uzuki had no reaction after drinking the orange juice, Yagyu Xiaye also relaxed, but after hearing what Jingyi Uzuki said, Yanagyu Xiaye hurriedly said: "Uzuki, you are not talking about those people just now, right? Don’t take what I told you before, some things cannot be solved by violence.”

The previous Jing Yi Uzuki did ask this question. At that time, Yagyu Xia Ye thought that Jing Yi Uzuki was just asking casually, so he said the words of removal.

However, after seeing Jingi Uzuki's unfriendly relationship with those people outside the apartment today, Yagyu Xiaye was afraid that Jingi Uzuki would really target those people.

"It's not those people, and you, Brother Xia Ye, made me forget before, I just want to confirm again." After seeing Yagyu Xia Ye's worry, Jingi Uzuki still felt a little happy, proving that she Time's efforts at Gui's family were not in vain.

Yagyu Xia Ye picked up the orange juice in front of him, drank half of the glass and put it down, then said to Jingi Uzuki: "If you meet someone who threatens you, just tell me, and I will help you deal with it. You Don't risk yourself, or your mother will worry, Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi will both worry about you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay, Brother Xia Ye, I won't let you guys worry." After Jingyi Uzuki finished speaking, she turned on the TV, but she didn't decide which channel to watch, but used the remote control to constantly Switching TV programs.

"Uzuki, I'll go to the bathroom first, and you sit here." Yagyu Xiaye suddenly stood up, and after speaking, he walked directly to the bathroom room, and after Yagyu Xiaye left, Jingi Uzuki stopped switching TV programs , staying on a midday variety show.

She drank the orange juice in her cup in one go, and instead of pouring the orange juice out of the drink bottle again, she sent her cup back to the kitchen, and then brought out a package of something from the kitchen.

He didn't use the things he brought out of the kitchen for the second time right away, as if he was waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, I heard the bathroom door being opened.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye came out of the bathroom, but looking at Liu Sheng Xia Ye's situation, it seemed that something was wrong, walking side to side, as if drunk.

However, Yagyu Natsuki came to Ii Uzuki's house and never drank alcohol. If he wanted to drink, the only thing he had to drink was the orange juice that Ii Uzuki brought out.

And just in case, Yagyu Xiaye also swapped his cup and Jingyi Uzuki's quilt.

"Uzuki, you..."

Now Yagyu Xia Ye fully understood that the problem was not the bottle of drink that Jing Yi Uzuki gave him, but the glass that Jing Yi Uzuki held in her hand at the beginning.What's ridiculous is that Yagyu Natsuya took Jing Yi Uzuki to the room to answer the phone and exchanged cups with her, and now it has become like this.

Liu Shengxia Ye's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and then he fell down on the ground not far from the bathroom.

Jingi Uzuki was still very nervous when he saw Yagyu Xiaye coming over, but when he heard the plop of Yagyu Xiaye collapsed, Jingi Uzuki ran over in a hurry.

"Brother Xia Ye, are you okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Jingi Uzuki ran to Yagyu Xiaye's side and shook his body, but no matter how much she shook, Yagyu Xiaye showed no sign of waking up.

"Brother Xia Ye, I just want to experiment, so please wake up!"

Jingi Uzuki tried his best to turn Yagyu Xiaye over, and then stretched out two fingers to Yagyu Xiaye's nostrils, feeling that there was still hot air coming out, then lowered his head and pressed it to Yagyu Xiaye's chest, hearing the sound of Yagyu Xiaye. With Xia Ye's strong heartbeat, he knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye's life was not in danger, but just passed out.

That proves that the medicine she used today is easy to use.

But, it's better not to let Liu Sheng Xia Ye sleep on the floor here, the distance here in the living room is a little far away, if you want to drag Liu Sheng Xia Ye there, you may not be able to do it until her mother comes back .

Jing Yi Uzuki, who didn't have much time, had to choose another location, which was to drag Liusheng Xiaye to her mother's room first. After all, her mother's room was only one corner away from the place where Liusheng Xiaye fainted.

However, even if it is a short distance, it is still difficult for an elementary school girl to drag a high school boy.Fortunately, the difference between Jing Yi Uzuki and Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolita, may be due to family reasons, personal exercise or too much work, so the strength is much greater than Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, although It took a lot of effort, but still dragged Liu Shengxia Ye to her mother's room.

However, I could only drag Xia Ye Yagyu and put it on the carpet in the room, because if I wanted Xia Ye Yagyu to move to bed, no matter how much Ii Uzuki worked out, I was still just a primary school girl.

A thin quilt was found from her mother's room, and it was covered on Yagyu Xiaye's body, and then Jing Yi Uzuki left her mother's room.

After coming out, Jingi Uzuki went back to her own room, and after a while she came out dressed as if she was going out. The clothes she had changed before were changed because she was sweating and soaking in summer night while carrying Yagyu, and she added an extra bag.It's not the kind of schoolbag you carry for school, but the backpack for schoolbags you use when you go shopping.

When she came to the place where she and Yagyu Xiaye were sitting, she picked up the unfinished orange juice, and poured in the things she brought out from the kitchen for the second time, after shaking it a few times, Jingi Uzuki put It was put into the backpack.

After filling the drink bottle, Jingi Uzuki fumbled a few more times from her backpack, and found a package again, opened it and poured it into the cup that Yagyu Xia Ye drank most of before.

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