"Maybe it's because I opened it from home, and it shook too much on the way here." It was detected that something was wrong, but Uzuki Ii didn't panic, and found a similar reason to explain to Kyoichi Hanayamain.

"Orange juice will indeed change its taste when shaken, Uzuki, what is the main reason you came to see me for tutoring?"

"Senior Gongyi, have you had lunch yet?"

"It turns out that it's already time for lunch. I only have noodles at home. Why don't I call to order first, and then we can start tutoring after eating." Looking at the wall clock in the room, I found that it was already past morning.

"There's no need to make an order." Uzuki Uzuki stopped Kayamain Kyouichi's proposal to order a meal, and then said, "Just a few days ago, my mother taught me how to cook noodles, so let me cook noodles for today's lunch."

Author's message:

Thank you for the support of the monthly tickets of Dongxing but Westward Journey, Xiaoba Xiaodi, ReQuiem, ginoo, Yanzhu, and zero00, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then I'll take you to the kitchen and tell you where some commonly used things are."

"No need, later, Senior Gongyi, you still have to give me homework, so let me do all of this alone. The kitchen is not a strange existence to me."

Kyouichi Hanayamain knew that if he pushed too hard, it might backfire, so after Uzuki Uzuki asked again, he didn't plan to go to the kitchen with Uzuki anymore, so he sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"I'm waiting for Uzuki's noodles."

"Well, I will work harder, I still have the notes on cooking noodles in the bag, I'll take the bag in too." When Uzuki Uzuki was talking, he put the backpack that he put down before in his hand again , As for the little orange juice left, Uzuki Uzuki didn't care about it.

After Ii Uzuki entered the kitchen, Kyouichi Hanayamain didn't just lie on the sofa and wait for Ii Uzuki to make noodles, but stood up and pulled the curtains of the living room.It is not all closed, in order to leave a certain amount of light in the living room, and it is not easy for people outside to see in.

When Ii Uzuki said that there were notes in the bag, Hanayamain Kyoichi thought that it was Ii Uzuki who learned how to cook noodles for him.

Because I had contact with Jing Yi Uzuki before, she knew what kind of elementary school student Jing Yi Uzuki was before, and only when Yagyu Natsuya's behavior made Jing Yi Uzuki really disappointed, she would turn back to him.

"So what about the experience of being a hero who saved the beauty, didn't you come to me in the end?" Kyouichi Hanayama, who was leaning on the sofa, thought to himself.

The gap in the curtains allowed sunlight to shine on Kyouichi Hanayamain's face from there, filling Kyouichi Hanayamain with a sense of laziness, and he gradually closed his eyes.


In the kitchen of Hanayamain's house, Jing Yi Uzuki did not cook noodles for Hanayamain Kyouichi as she said, but leaned against the kitchen door, as if guarding against Hanayamain Kyouichi's sudden rush in.

Although I don't have a mobile phone, I can still do it in estimated time.

After Yagyu Xia Ye passed out for a little longer than before, Jingi Uzuki opened the kitchen door and looked towards the living room.

Kyoichi Hanayamain, who drank orange juice with the same ingredient, did not pass out on the ground like Yagyu Natsuya, but lay quietly on the sofa, or maybe it was because he didn't get up and move around.

However, Uzuki Uzuki also noticed the drawn curtains at this time, and realized that Kyouichi Hanayamain was not what he appeared to be.

"Senior Gongyi."

Uzuki Ii didn't get close to Kyouichi Hanayamain, so her shout didn't wake Kyouichi Hanayamain up.

Hanging the bag on his chest, Ii Uzuki slowly approached Kyouichi Hanayamain.

"Senior Kyouichi?" After approaching Kyouichi Hanayamain, Ii Uzuki stretched out his foot and kicked Kyouichi Hanayamain, and then Kyouichi Hanayamain did not respond at all.

Jingi Uzuki exhaled softly, walked to a place on the sofa to do it, and then took the bag off her body and put it aside.

After resting for a while, Ii Uzuki did not continue to test Kyouichi Hanayamain, because judging from Yagyu Xia Ye's performance before, Kyouichi Hanayamain must have passed out.

I got up and picked up the remaining orange juice, then walked back to the kitchen, poured all the orange juice in the drink bottle into the sink, then lit the gas to burn the drink bottle, right in the sink .

After doing all this, Uzuki Uzuki came out of the kitchen and returned to the edge of the sofa. This time the target was Kyouichi Hanayamain.

After opening the bag, there were no notes on making noodles as she said before, because Uzuki Uzuki's mother never taught her to cook noodles.

Appearing in the bag is a pair of scissors, not small scissors for paper cutting, but large scissors for cutting cloth, Uzuki Uzuki needs two hands to hold it.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xia Ye." Knowing what she was doing now, Jing Yi Uzuki apologized softly, but now Liu Sheng Xia Ye is not by her side, so she cannot hear her apology.


Now Kyouichi Hanayamain fell asleep with his back leaning on the sofa, so Uzuki Uzuki got him to lie flat on the sofa with ease.

Instead of touching Kyouichi Hanayamain's shirt, he went directly to untie his pants, but because he was not familiar with men's pants, he couldn't untie them after several attempts.

After having no other choice, Jingi Uzuki could only use the scissors she brought from home.

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, he pointed to the wrinkled place of Kyouichi Hanayamain's trousers, and then squeezed into his arms vigorously.

A slit was cut in Kyouichi Kayamain's trousers, and following this opening, Uzuki Uzuki cut both of Kyouichi Hanayamain's trousers on his thighs.

Only the bottom half of the trousers and Kyoichi Hanayamain's underwear remained.

Obviously, Uzuki Ii's goal is not the pants on the outside.

Compared with the outer pants, it is much easier to cut the inner underwear, because there is a gap where the scissors can be inserted.

This time, Jing Yi Uzuki didn't finish the job with a single cut.After cutting so many knives, he has also mastered certain skills a little bit, so now Ii Uzuki cuts Kyoichi Hanayamain's underwear like a cloth.

The unconnected panties did not fall down, Uzuki Uzuki picked them up with scissors, and then they were lifted off.

"So small! So ugly!"

There was no fear at all, because Jingi Uzuki understood what she was going to do in the future.

Instead of stretching the scissors to the maximum, he wrapped Kyoichi Hanayamain's ugly things with a suitable width.


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