Although you won't get lost in Sakakino City, it's still a bit difficult for Yagyu Natsuya to know exactly where it is.

"It's about the same distance as before, and it's not far from where I work." Jingi Uzuki's mother answered Yagyu Xiaye's question.

Now, she finally understood what Yagyu Xiaye meant when she said she wanted to move, that she could help them.It wasn't that Liu Shengxia Ye was busy getting rid of the relationship with their mother and daughter, but was really thinking about their mother and daughter.

Moreover, the address was actually sent by the sheriff of the police station. The law and order and humanities must be the same as what Liu Sheng Xia Ye said, so there is nothing to worry about.

Jingi Uzuki also thought that Yagyu Xiaye was all for her.

Liu Shengxia Ye must have known what she did today.Originally, she thought that after being arrested, her mother would be taken care of by Liu Shengxia Ye, but she didn't expect that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would personally come to the police station to fish her out intact.

Now he also helped their mother and daughter find a new address, in order not to let Kyouichi Hanayamain have the conditions to take revenge on them after he recovered from the treatment.

"Thank you, Brother Xia Ye." Jing Yi Uzuki did not refuse Yagyu Xia Ye's kindness.

However, her mother still couldn't accept it all at once, because it was as if she had been taken care of by Liu Shengxia Ye, and she also had a daughter with her.


"I said before that I can help you. In order to have a good growth environment for Uzuki in the future, you don't have to refuse. And this way, you can have more time to spend with Uzuki." When Yagyu Xia After Ye pushed Jing Yi Uzuki, Jing Yi Uzuki's mother didn't know how to refuse.

"Thank you."

"Mom, what's the second message?" Jingi Uzuki asked urgently.

Yagyu Xia Ye's cell phone received two messages just now, one of which helped them solve the new address problem, Uzuki Uzuki was a little curious about what the second message was and what it could bring them.

After listening to Jing Yi Uzuki's urging, her mother also opened the second message and read it out.

"Boy Liusheng, if you've had enough trouble, let's stop it, don't make any more gossip."

This was a message with an obviously critical tone, and Jingi Uzuki and her daughter looked at Yagyu Xiaye together.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't even need to ask, the only person who spoke to him in such a tone was definitely Yukinoshita Genyoshi who was saved by him that night, that is, the member of Sakakano County.

Regarding the matter of Jingyi Uzuki, when he confronted Yukinoshita Genyoshi on the phone before, Yagyu Xiaye knew that Yukinoshita Genyoshi seemed to be a little dissatisfied with him, and asked his assistant Kobayashi Ryosuke to propose Yagyu It can be seen that Xia Ye paid the treatment fee for Kyouichi of Huashanyuan.But the current message came over with the meaning of easing the relationship and criticizing it.

Obviously, Yukinoshita Xuanyi knew the true identity of the owner of the car at some time, and then became jealous of him.

He warned Liu Sheng Xia Ye not to take advantage of this situation to continue messing around, so that the relationship between him and Liu Sheng Xia Ye could be eased.

Yagyu Xiaye had no intention of continuing to take advantage of the situation, so this message from Yukinoshita Genyoshi came at the right time.

"'Uncle, I know how to measure, thank you for today's matter'. Please help me reply in this way." Yagyu Xiaye said to Jingi Uzuki's mother.

Author's message:

Thank you for the rewards and monthly ticket support that are so empty that you can only walk against the wall, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In any case, Yukinoshita Genyoshi was indeed of great help in Jingi Uzuki's incident.

After all, he is the person who issued the order to crack down on Sakakano County, and he knows exactly what degree it will be.And even if Hiratsuka Shizuka has a great background, the county magistrate might as well take care of it now.If Yukinoshita Genyoshi really wants to confront the forces behind Hiratsuka Shizuka, it can still be done in this three-acre land in Sakakino County.

However, Yukinoshita Genyoshi did not do this, because he really did everything about Jingi Uzuki, offending not only Hiratsuka Shizuka and the background behind her, but also the upcoming quarrel with the Yagyu family .

Now, Yukinoshita Genyoshi sent such a message to Yagyu Xiaye, indicating that he was unwilling to add two enemies to his future political career.

After hearing Yagyu Natsuya's words, Jingi Uzuki's mother began to reply Yukinoshita Genyoshi's message.

"Brother Xia Ye, this person is scolding you, do you still want to thank him?"

Jingi Uzuki heard the message her mother read just now, and she can understand the literal meaning.

What is incomprehensible is that Liu Shengxia Ye was not angry but wanted to thank the owner of the message, and her mother did not stop her.

"You'll understand this question when you grow up." After hearing Jingi Uzuki's question, Yagyu Xiaye was sure that she was just a little girl the same age as Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, although she was younger than the two of them. People need to be a little more mature, but they are still a child.

When Jingi Uzuki was about to say something, she suddenly felt her mother hugging her and said, "Okay, Uzuki, don't disturb Yagyu-kun's driving, safety is the most important thing."

It turned out that Jingi Uzuki's mother had already replied to the message according to Yanagi Natsuya's words before, and was preventing Jingi Uzuki from continuing to ask Yagyu Xiaye questions.

After being stopped by her mother, Jingi Uzuki didn't speak any more, and just quietly curled up in her mother's arms.


Yagyu Xiaye drove to the apartment of Jingi Uzuki's mother and daughter, and saw the crowd of onlookers gathered in the parking lot.

These guys may have a hobby of getting together, but after seeing clearly that it was Yagyu Xiaye's car, all those who had gathered to talk before all dispersed, as if they had seen something terrifying same thing.

"What's wrong with these people?" Uzuki Utsuki, who had never seen such a reaction from these neighbors, asked involuntarily.When Liu Shengxia Ye sent her back this morning, those guys still gathered together and pointed at her and Liu Sheng Xia Ye, the reaction now is really abnormal.

"Perhaps he went home to drink medicine to cure his illness. After all, being away from home for a long time is considered an illness." Yagyu Xiaye said to Jingi Uzuki.

"Then these people must be seriously ill, because it's been a long time since they didn't go home." Jing Yi Uzuki responded very seriously to Yagyu Xia Ye.

The interaction between the two made Jing Yi Uzuki's mother find it funny, because she knew why these neighbors who love to watch and gossip had such a reaction. live them.They wanted to gossip about their mother and daughter, but when Liu Shengxia Ye was with them, their first concern was their own safety.

The three of them got out of the car together, and without the neighbor's gossip, Jingyi Uzuki suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but the fact that Yagyu Xiaye was by her side made her forget these unaccustomed immediately, stretched out her hands, and held Yagyu Xiaye with one hand, Holding her mother by the hand, she said, "We're going home."

Just like that, the three of them walked into the apartment together.


After returning home, Jingi Uzuki asked to take a bath, and her mother originally planned to go with Jingi Uzuki, because she wanted to know what happened to Jingi Uzuki, but Jingi Uzuki refused.

"I'm here today, why don't I move in today?"

The new address sent by Shimaji Yamashita must have been packed, and Ii Uzuki and her daughter can just move there.And just like what Yagyu Xia Ye said, today is not the time to go back, so he can just make a contribution.

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