"The smell on your body needs to be washed off." Gui Manami also advised Liu Shengxia Ye to wash off the smell on her body, because Gui Manami heard what Xiyuanji pupa said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye just now, and put it in heart.

It's the same choice as Qingpu Mai and Xiyuanji Pupa, but this does not mean that Katsura Manami wants Sister Gui Yanye to know her relationship with Yagyu Xia Ye.

If Liusheng Xiaye didn't wash it off, it might be smelled by the noses of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, their noses definitely belonged to dogs.

"So, it's three to one now." After listening to Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami's words, Xiyuanji Pupa looked at Yagyu Xiaye with a smug expression, and even rubbed her body on Yagyu Xiaye's body a few times , amused Yagyu summer night burst into flames.

The bathroom is next door to the room, so I don't worry that Xiyuanji pupa will catch a cold when she is naked and exposed to the space at this time, and now whether it is her body or Yagyu Xiaye's body wrapped in clothes, it is not a problem. It was piping hot.

The current Liusheng Xiaye has no intention of refusing, and puts both hands directly on Xiyuanji Pupa's buttocks, and Xiyuanji Pupa takes advantage of the opportunity to clamp Liusheng Xiaye's waist with her feet, and directly rests her head on Liusheng Xiaye shoulders.

"Let's go!" Xiyuan Temple Pupa was very excited.


More than half an hour later, Yagyu Xiaye returned to the room just now holding the limp Xiyuanji pupa.

Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami had regained some strength at this time, and when they saw the pupa of Xiyuanji who was still naked, they hurriedly pulled back the quilt by a corner.

"Xia Ye, pass me the work clothes in the closet, I'll get up later."

Yagyu Xiaye was wearing clothes, so Katsura Manami and Kiyoura Mai had no intention of avoiding suspicion.From the closet, I found Xiyuanji's pupa's work clothes and put them on the bed.

"Xia Ye, are you going back?"

"Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi are still waiting for me to go back and make dinner."

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Xiyuanji pupa look at Katsura Manami lying beside her, making Katsura Manami not have the strength to look at her.

However, after Katsura Manami escaped from the eyes of Xiyuanji's pupa, she looked at the food Yagyu put aside before Xiaye.It's almost cold now, because they didn't have the strength to get up and eat before.

The pupa of Xiyuan Temple stretched out his hand to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, motioning for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to stretch his head over.

When Yagyu Xiaye approached, Xiyuanji pupa kissed Yagyu Xiaye's face, and then pressed Liusheng Xiaye's face to Kiyoura Mai, and Kiyoura Mai did not refuse, and on the other side of Yagyu Xiaye There was also a kiss on the face.

"I don't need it." From the voice just now, Katsura Manami also knew what Kiura Mai and Saiyuanji Pupa had done to Yagyu Xiaye.

Maybe because she thought that Yagyu Xia Ye would go back to face her daughters, so Katsura Manami was really embarrassed.

Without Katsura Manami's farewell kiss, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't feel any discomfort, and said to the three women: "Enough rest, let's get up and eat later."

"I'll get up and warm them up." Xiyuanji Pupa took on this task.

Afterwards, Yagyu Xiaye left the room of Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye left, Qingpu Wu grabbed the Xiyuan Temple pupa and asked: "Pupa, why do I feel that you speak a little strangely after you come out of the bath, like a leak."

"Is there?" Xiyuansi pupa deliberately opened and closed its mouth not too much, but after doing so, it became even more vulnerable.

This time, even Katsura Manami sensed something was wrong, turned around and faced Xienji Pupa again, and looked at Xiyuanji Pupa, who was silent, with her mouth still a little open, pointing at Xiyuanji Si Puzi said: "Puppa, you can't be..., that just now?"

Just now, Xiyuan Temple pupa kissed Yagyu Xiaye.

Similarly, what Katsura Manami understood, Kiyoura Mai also understood in an instant, but the point of concern was completely different from Katsura Manami.

"Pupa, how does that feel?"

"You can only seize the opportunity to experience it yourself in the future." After answering Mai Kiyoura's question, Xiyuan Temple Pupa turned over on the bed, facing Katsura Manami and said: "I washed it carefully. , Manami, you are a bit dirty.

"No." Of course Manami Katsura would not admit it.

And Xiyuanji pupa did not respond to Katsura Manami, but suddenly lifted the quilt that covered Katsura Manami, exposing Katsura Manami's fair body to the air, and most importantly, a pair that made the same sex jealous Existence is exposed at the same time.

He stretched out both hands to hold one, but he couldn't grasp it at all, and then Xiyuanji Pupa imprinted his mouth on it.

"I think Xia Ye likes Manami, but there is no chance today."

"It's itchy, don't make a fuss..." Katsura Manami, who was attacked, kept twisting her body and begging for mercy.

"Really? I really envy Manami." Kiyoura Mai said enviously after she took the initiative to lift the quilt on her body and compared it with the lowermost chest of Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

Author's message:

Thank you for the rewards and monthly ticket support of the bereaved patients, Dongxiang, Huangtian Wuqin and the archway of the Boli Temple, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Maybe it's because words don't count, Kiyoura Mai also extended her hand to Katsura Manami.

"Mai, don't, don't..." Although Katsura Manami has regained some strength, it is still a bit impossible to face the combination of Kiyoura Mai and Xiyuanji Chrysalis.

Therefore, in the end, Katsura Manami could only be completely subdued by Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Kiyoura Mai.

"It's really as enviable as Wu said." Xiyuanji pupa put her head in Katsura Manami's chest for a while with both hands, and then raised her head and said, "I almost suffocated." I'm dead."

The behavior of Xiyuan Temple Pupa made Qingpu Mai laugh on the sidelines, but Katsura Manami had no strength to refute.

She pulled the quilt to cover Katsura Manami and Kiyoura Mai, but she did get out of the quilt herself.

"Shishi and Setsuna are coming back soon. Get up and take a shower when you have strength. I'll take the food that Xia Ye brought out just now to warm up. It's probably specially for you to replenish your body."

"It's as if you don't have a share." Sensing that Xiyuan Temple Pupa had left, Katsura Manami also spoke.

"Manami, I think the pupa is already full." Kiyoura Mai finished answering for Xienji pupa, and gave Katsura Manami a laugh that you understand.

"You guys are really dirty." Although I did drink some in the shower before, it's not enough to be full.

Xiyuanji Pupa left the room with the meal that Yagyu Xiaye had prepared, and closed the door after going out so that Kiyoura Setsuna and Saiyuanji World would not be seen when they came back.

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