"I succeeded?" Gui Yanye was a little happy, but Gui Xin and Ito Zhi gave a blow.

"Sister, you only cooked the yam this time."

"Yes, the most important thing is porridge?"

The two little girls reminded Gui Yanye that the theme of her three attempts was porridge, so even if she finished cooking the yam for the third time, it was not a big improvement.

Sure enough, being provoked by Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Gui Yanye also became discouraged again.

"Yan Ye, you're just not used to the degree. When I do it next, I will explain it to you. It's not a difficult thing." Seeing Gui Yanye, he was a little unconfident again. Liu Shengxia Ye Hurry up and solve Gui Yanye.

In fact, because the rice cooker also has the function of cooking porridge, Gui Yanye has never used a pot to cook porridge, let alone judging the water consumption and time.

After listening to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, not only Gui Yanye became happy, but Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, were also very happy, because they could eat Liu Sheng Xia Ye's porridge again, especially after experiencing Gui After Yan Ye's three dark trials.

"Xia Ye, can I learn it?" Gui Yanye was a little uncertain. You must know that when Liu Sheng Xia Ye did it last time, she was also on the side, but this time the three trials all ended in failure.

"Of course!" Liu Sheng Xia Ye assured Gui Yanye.

Then, Liu Sheng Xia Ye drove the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, out of the kitchen, because they couldn't be busy at all when they were teaching.


However, Liu Shengxiaye's first step was not to dump the finished product that Gui Yanye failed in the third attempt, but to pick up the chopsticks that Gui Yanye had put down before, and move them in the pot. The yam was clipped out.

"Xia Ye, what are you?" Gui Yanye was a little puzzled, you must know that these yams cannot be boiled a second time, because they will melt away.

"Of course usable food can't be wasted. I'll dispose of it later. Let's start making porridge." Liu Sheng Xia Ye put the yams he picked out aside, and then threw out the half-cooked rice.

Although it is advocated that food should not be wasted, this half-cooked rice is really not suitable for future cooking.

"Well, I'll keep learning."

"You don't need to be so formal, Yan Ye, what you lack is only the speed, but it's actually very simple." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to Gui Yan Ye after washing the pot.

However, even if Liu Shengxia Ye said it so easily, Gui Yanye was still ready, because she had failed three times before.

However, after Liu Shengxia Ye's teaching started, Gui Yanye discovered that what Liu Sheng Xia Ye said was really right, everything was very simple.

When the teaching paused to add water to the pot, Liu Shengxia Ye first asked Gui Yanye to add water to the pot.

Gui Yanye added a total of three times, but it was either too much or too little, which was completely denied by Liu Shengxiaye.

In the end, Liu Shengxia Ye asked Gui Yanye to use her finger as a ruler, added a certain proportion of water, and said, "Basically, this is how water is added. Of course, you can change it slightly after you become proficient."

After igniting the fire to a medium fire, Liu Shengxia Ye also stopped taking care of the pot, but started to process the yams.

After cutting an appropriate amount of yam, and seeing the movement in the pot, Liu Shengxia Ye said to Gui Yanye: "After opening, you need to turn the fire to a low fire, then put the yam in, and finally cover the pot. .”

Liu Shengxia Ye just said that it is Gui Yanye who is operating all these things now.

"Then what about these yams?" After completing what Liu Shengxia Ye said, Gui Yanye asked, pointing to the yams that Liu Shengxia Ye had put aside before.

"Put it in after half an hour on low heat." Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not forget.

"I see."


Gui Yanye counted the time, and when half an hour was up, without Liu Shengxia Ye's instructions, she took the initiative to uncover the pot.

The result inside is just like what Liu Sheng Xiaye did last time, and it completely exploded her three failed attempts before.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yan Ye, put the yam you picked out before, and cook it for another two minutes or so." Seeing that Gui Yanye was still staring at the pot obsessively, Liu Sheng Xia Ye had no choice but to remind him.

After being reminded by Liu Shengxia Ye, Gui Yanye also woke up, the cooking is not over yet.

The yam that Yagyu Xiaye picked out from the work that she failed in her third attempt before was poured into the work directed by Yagyu Xiaye this time, and then the lid was closed.

I don't have time to be distracted, and I'm afraid that this time's directing work will fail again, so Gui Yanye sees the time very accurately.There was no need for Liu Shengxia Ye to remind him, Gui Yanye immediately turned off the fire when the time was up, fearing that the food in the pot would be mushy if he waited a little longer.

Carefully opened the lid of the pot, and the familiar fragrance came out from inside. Gui Yanye was very happy, because this time the work was a success.

"Great, Xia Ye, we succeeded." Gui Yanye turned to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, took Liu Sheng Xia Ye's hand and said.

Although the main part this time was done by Liu Shengxiaye, in the process of doing it, Liusheng Xiaye explained to Gui Yanye how to grasp the degree. Now that this trial is successful, Gui Yanye can guarantee There will be no problems in the next trial.

"It's very simple, isn't it? From now on, Xinxin and Xiaozhi won't call it poison anymore." Knowing that his explanation helped Gui Yanye, Liu Shengxiaye was quite happy.

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye did not intend to let go of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but slowly turned his head towards Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

When the two were about to meet, the kitchen door was opened from the outside with a clatter.

"Big brother, sister, we smell it and want to ask, is dinner ready?"

At this time, the only ones who can open the door are Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls.

They opened the door to ask if the dinner was ready, but they would have seen this scene. Although Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye hadn't kissed each other yet, the actions of the two of them now, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi A little lolita can still deduce it, after all, she was educated by Uzuki Uzuki for a while.

And the two little girls didn't leave, they just stood at the door to give Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye time to settle, and they didn't want to know the answer to the previous question.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, can't you go out for a while?" Gui Yanye finally let go of Liu Shengxia Ye's hand on his own initiative, and shouted a little dissatisfied at the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

If the two little lolitas went out when they found them, maybe Gui Yanye would surprise Liu Shengxiaye, but now that the two little lolitas were staring at him, Gui Yanye still couldn't do it.

"Sister, it's impossible for you to occupy big brother alone." Gui Xin and Ito Zhi gave the answer that they would not leave.

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