However, it is still unknown who these two guys are conspiring with, and Liu Shengxia Ye has no plans to intervene now.

And on Saturday, Yagyu Xiaye planned to have a serious talk with the three daughters of the pupae of Xiyuan Temple about one thing, not about yesterday, but about something serious.

Therefore, Liu Shengxia Ye really didn't plan to care about it unless he could meet it.

After Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong finished plotting, they also began to bite each other's ears, making the people in the car make unpleasant noises.

The two homosexuals raised their heads and glanced at the crowd in the car with disdain, because there was no one they cared about or feared, so they were a little unscrupulous.

However, when they saw Liu Shengxia Ye, the two of them were also taken aback.

Because after getting on the car, he confirmed the environment inside the car, and saw Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye in the next car.

Now, Liu Shengxia Ye actually appeared in the carriage where they were, and it was not too far away from where they were. Could it be that Liu Sheng Xia Ye also heard the conspiracy between the two of them just now?

However, when they were reassured a little, Liu Shengxia Ye seemed to be squeezed over, because now Liu Shengxia Ye kept looking at his original compartment, which was the compartment where Gui Yanye was.Then Yagyu Xia Ye definitely had no time to listen to the conversation just now.

After reasoning to this point, Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke did not continue to whisper their ears in the car, because if Yagyu Xia Ye was attracted by the sound of discussion, they would be found in this car.

Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke don't want to have a conflict with Yagyu Xiaye now, so let's get through it safely.


When the train arrived at Sakakino Gakuen Station, Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke got off the train together. It seemed that they were just ordinary friends going to and from school together, but the students who knew some inside stories cast contemptuous glances at them.

Liu Shengxia returned to the original carriage, got off with Gui Yanye and others and walked into the school.

At noon, Yagyu Xiaye did not accompany Gui Yanye to the cafeteria for lunch, even though Yagyu Xiaye did not make his own bento today, nor did he make the bento of Xiyuanji World and Qingpu Setsuna like last week.Since Kiyoura Setsuna's cooking graduated last week, the exchange of lunches did not continue without Yagyu Natsuya's guidance.

Last night, Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna should have met their mothers, so even if they didn't meet any of them on the rooftop today, Yagyu Xiaye would not be surprised.

However, after Yagyu Xiaye went to the rooftop, he found that the world of Xiyuan Temple was on the rooftop.

"Xia Ye, this way." Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye approaching, Xiyuan Temple World waved to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, beckoning her to go.

Without Kiyoura Setsuna, the width of the chair can be guaranteed, and Yagyu Xiaye sat on the chair casually.

"Xia Ye, you didn't bring any bento."

"Of course, I originally wanted to come up to see if I could eat some, but now it seems that there is no hope." Liu Sheng Xia Ye also saw the bento of Xiyuan Temple World at this time, but there was only one copy.

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Xiyuan Temple World laughed and said, "It's not that you are unlucky, but that you are very lucky."

"What do you mean?"

"This bento is for you." Xiyuan Temple World picked up the bento from the chair, handed it to Yagyu Xia Ye, and continued: "And this is a love bento made by mother and aunt Puzi."

Yagyu Xia Ye felt a little weird when Xiyuan Temple World told the origin of the bento.

"Where are you and Setsuna's Bento?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

Author's message:

Thanks to Rem Yu Ram, Yu Ji Nanqian, Shuke 7969449885, Yukinoshita for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Today, Setsuna and I are going to go to the cafeteria to eat." Xiyuan Temple World's answer surprised Liu Shengxiaye.

Just now, Xiyuan Temple World said that this bento was prepared by Katsura Manami and their three mothers. Logically speaking, if there is no Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye who are not in Radish, they should also be given to Xiyuan Temple World and The two of Qingpusha prepared it.

However, listening to Xiyuan Temple World now, it seems that the three mothers only prepared a side lunch.

"Only one bento?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"Yes, that's why I said that you are very lucky in Xia Ye. Today, Setsuna and I don't have time to make bento and bring it to school. Of course, two people can't eat a bento, so I will put the bento first. Bring it to the roof."

The development of the matter seems to be that Katsura Manami and the three probably made him a bento, and it was their daughter who sent the bento.

"Are you used to the bento in the cafeteria?"

"Before Setsuna didn't learn cooking, there was nothing terrible about eating the food in the school cafeteria." After answering Yagyu Xiaye's question, Xiyuan Temple World continued: "Xia Ye, Setsuna will not be with you today. I went back to Radish, but went home with Aunt Pupa."

Having been with Qing Pu for so long day and night, Xiyuan Temple World is still not used to it when they suddenly want to separate.

Now, there is no problem with Kiyoura Setsuna's cooking, but Xiyuanji World is still worried about the relationship between their mother and daughter.

"This is Setsuna's own decision, so we should believe that Setsuna can handle it well." Yagyu Xiaye said to Xiyuan Temple World.

"By the way, Xia Ye, I heard that Mom and Manami are doing other things together. The management after Radish will still be handed over to Aunt Wakaba." Xiyuanji World revealed such information to Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xiaye understood that the three daughters of Qingpu Wu wanted to make some achievements to gain the approval of the Yagyu family, and they should have done it for the sake of Yagyu Jiubingwei.

If they had nothing to do with Yagyu Xiaye, the current state would be the best for them.

Kiyoura Mai waited for her daughter Kiyoura Setsuna to agree to study abroad, and Xiyuanji pupa returned to Radish to take power, Katsura Manami is no longer worried about whether Gui Yanye can take good care of Guixin.

However, because they made a choice at the Yagyu family, they had to do something.

"I do have some ideas. I can talk to them during the weekend break."

"Then I'll go back and tell my mother Xia Ye what you said. They should like to hear different voices. Now I'm going to the cafeteria first, maybe I can't wait any longer."

After the world of Xiyuan Temple said that he wanted to bring a message to Liu Shengxia Ye, he left the rooftop of the school, leaving Liu Sheng Xia Ye alone, which made him a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

You know, when eating lunch at noon in the past, either Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna accompanied Yagyu Xiaye, or one of them accompanied Yagyu Xiaye.

A bento for one person is a little lonely no matter what.

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