"I'm Miki Zeyong's boyfriend. Just now her younger brother called me and told me that she was drunk. Which room is she in now?" Yagyu Xiaye said this identity because Makoto Ito didn't occupy Zeyong just now. The identity of Yong Meiji's boyfriend.

The waiter at the front desk was a little surprised by the speed at which Liu Shengxia Ye's boyfriend came, and did not check the identity of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, so he said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Room 305 on the third floor."

"Thank you." After thanking him, Yagyu Xiaye went up the stairs.


On the third floor, there was no door open in the corridor. It seemed that they had already entered the room. Fortunately, all the doors outside had house numbers.

Yagyu Xia Ye knew the room number of 305 in the row on the left, and knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Ito Makoto's impatient voice came from inside.

"Sorry, it seems that one of you hasn't registered, and you need to show us your identity information." Yagyu Xiaye said outside the door. Of course, the voice was changed by Yagyu Xiaye, so Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong spoke for a while Can't tell it's him.

"We'll be leaving soon."

"No, this is the regulation above, and it is a period of strict crackdown recently."

"Really, wait a minute."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye heard footsteps, and waited for the people inside to come out and open the door.

"We can't delay for a long time, can't we be flexible?" Makoto Ito opened the door from the inside and removed the safety chain so that the waiters outside could come in. Of course, complaints were inevitable.

Unfortunately, what he greeted was not a hotel waiter.

Makoto Ito felt something was wrong when he saw a hand reaching in and grabbing the safety chain outside the door.He wanted to pull out the safety chain and hang it on the door again, but found that he couldn't pull it out, so he could only plan to forcibly squeeze out the people who wanted to come in, even if it got their hands stuck, it didn't matter.

However, when the person outside the door stretched his leg against the door again, Makoto Ito had no choice.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" Yagyu Xia Ye forcefully pushed open the door, knocking Ito Makoto back several steps.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When he really saw that it was Yagyu Xiaye, Ito Makoto immediately ran backwards into the room, not even intending to stop Yagyu Xiaye at all, which made Yagyu Xiaye feel bored.

Then he followed Makoto Ito into the room and heard Taisuke Zeyong's voice.

"Chengjun, why did you come back so soon?"

However, Ito Makoto did not answer Ze Yong Taisuke's question, but pointed to the corridor where the door came in.

Makoto Ito's strange movements also caught Taisuke Zeyong's attention. When he turned his head, he just saw Yagyu Xia Ye coming out of the corridor, and a cup in his hand immediately fell to the ground in fright.

"Yo, it's really a picture of sister and brother's deep love." Seeing the water poured on the ground, and seeing the medicine pills rolling out of it, plus what he saw on the tram on Monday, Liu Shengxia also understood What are Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong planning to do.

Of course, sibling love is nonsense.

Seeing that it was Yagyu Xia Ye coming in, Ze Yong Taisuke also got up from the bed, stood in front of Ito Makoto, and said to Yagyu Xia Ye, "Why are you pretending to be a staff member?"

"Don't worry, of course I won't come in and do what you want to do, but if you don't leave now, you might have to drink and wait for the police here to explain why."

"What's the use of calling the police, we didn't do anything."

"After the police arrive, they will conduct a body search on you, and what will be found from you will not be under your control. Or do you want to work together to drive me out now, and then take her away?" Yagyu Xia Ye He didn't attack Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong first, but waited for their choice. "There seems to be something suitable for use as a weapon over there, you can try it."

Yagyu Xiaye pointed to the broom behind Makoto Ito, if he really had the determination, he could indeed use it.

However, neither Makoto Ito nor Taisuke Zeyong had such determination. After knowing that Yagyu Natsuya would not take the initiative, Taisuke Zeyong pulled Makoto Ito out of the room without leaving a single word of cruelty.

"It's really gone, that's fine." For these two guys, Liu Shengxia Ye really had no idea of ​​making a move, because the time to settle the account was almost here.

Yagyu Xiaye walked to the bed and shook Miki Zeyong's body, but Miki Zeyong didn't wake up, she saw that she was already in a deep sleep.

At this time, Yagyu Xia Ye also saw a packaging bag next to him, picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was indeed the same as what he had guessed before. The medicine Makoto Ito gave to Miki Sawaong on the tram on Monday was really flattering. medicine.

"It's really scum, but it's really a couple." Picking up the bag and throwing it into the trash can next to it, Yagyu Xiaye waited in the room for Miki Zeyong to wake up.

Yagyu Xia Ye did not call the police before, and he believed that Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito would not choose to call the police after they left the hotel.


Originally, she thought she was going to fall asleep until night, but Yagyu Natsuya didn't have to wait long before Miki Sawaaga opened her eyes. Maybe it's because she is the physical education teacher of Sakakino Academy.

"Water." Those who wake up should drink water. This is an eternal truth.

Yagyu Xiaye poured water and handed it to Zeyong Miki, and Zeyong Miki realized something was wrong when she thanked Yagyu Xiaye after drinking the water.

"Yagyu-san, why are you here?" After asking, Ze Yong Miki also groped around her, because now she finally found out where she was.

After taking the cup and putting it away, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said: "It's not me who appeared here, could it be your brother and his girlfriend who appeared here?"

"Taisuke doesn't have a girlfriend." Miki Zeyong retorted instantly, but immediately felt that something was wrong, and explained: "And Ito-san is not his girlfriend, they are just..."

"It's just a couple of gay guys. There's nothing the man said. As for who attacks and who suffers, outsiders don't know."

"Liuyu, you seem to have gone too far."

"But what I'm saying is the truth, and if I don't appear here, maybe you will become their girlfriend, and it's still public." Yagyu Xiaye stimulated Miki Zeyong.

"What did you say?"

Miki Zeyong couldn't believe what Yagyu Xiaye said at all, but immediately after recalling, Miki Zeyong broke out in a cold sweat.

Today, her younger brother Taisuke Zeyong said that he wanted to change something in the school, and asked her to help him figure out a way, and finally called Ito Makoto and her to the teahouse.

I thought that I was really going to change, so I gave them serious advice, but finally after drinking tea with dry mouth, I felt more and more sleepy, and then I couldn't remember anything.

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