"These are people who can be trusted, and they should meet your requirements." Xiyuan Temple pupa said to Liu Shengxiaye, because these people were basically found by her.

"Whether the talisman fits or not will be known later. I'm not sure now, but thank you for your hard work."

Yagyu Kubei and his team did not keep Yagyu Xiaye waiting any longer. Five minutes before the appointed time, Yagyu Kubei showed up with his people.When Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, the people brought by Yagyu Kubei turned out to be young and looked like college students, and the people brought by both sides actually knew each other, but it was only because of Yagyu Kubei and Xiyuanji pupa Neither said anything yet, and did not come out to talk.

"Sister, you are late." In addition to the college students brought by Yagyu Kubei, Xixiang was following beside Yagyu Kubei.

"There are still two minutes before the agreed time. I'm already early. It seems that our conversation today will save some time." Yagyu Jiubingwei also found out that the people brought by the two parties seemed to know each other, and Yagyu Xiaye After finishing speaking, he walked to the side of the three pupae of Xiyuan Temple and said, "I'm waiting to see your performance today."

"We know, please come inside." Katsura Manami invited Yagyu Kubei to enter the teahouse.


Of course, with so many people today, they can't be by the window like yesterday. Fortunately, Xiyuan Temple pupa had already booked a small conference room in the teahouse, anticipating such a situation.

After the waiter in the tea house cut the tea, Yagyu Kubei said: "As the inviter, you should talk first."

Yagyu Jiuhei signaled Xiyuanji Pupa to let the team she brought speak, because although Yagyu Xiaye was the one who made the match, the protagonist was not him, or it meant that the protagonist on the surface was not him.

After receiving Yagyu Xiaye's signal, Xiyuanji Pupa nodded to the leader of her team and asked him to come out and speak.

"Today I want to talk about the payment model of Internet shopping in the future and what we want to do..."

As expected of a college student, it is easy to accept the concept of Internet consumption, and the opinions thrown out today obviously have their own ideas.

"... If there is a decent shopping platform to match, the payment website we want to quit will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in the future Internet economy."

"Tanaka-kun, in other words, you only have the idea of ​​payment, and you haven't considered other things, right?" Yagyu Kubei didn't pick up the words, but someone from her team said, Obviously the two knew each other.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before waiting for the person he called Tanaka-kun to answer, the people on Yagyu Kubei's side went on to say: "Now we know your model, after we leave here, we can also do what you just said. The payment website, and I think with our strength, it will definitely be completed faster and better than yours."

This guy is not lying.

If the Yagyu family really supports the payment website with all their strength, it is indeed possible to finish it in front of the three pupae of Xiyuanji, but this drug has only been paid for by the third daughter of Pupa of Xiyuanji or Xiaye Yagyu. .

Liu Sheng Jiubing Wei stretched out his hand to signal that the people who followed her should not speak, and then asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye, "If you have anything else to say, you can say it together."

Although it was said that it was the pupae of Xiyuanji that paid for the website before, Yagyu Kubei knew that her younger brother thought of everything, and those people were just perfect and reported to her.

She also didn't believe that Liu Shengxia Ye asked her to come here in person, so she only talked about a payment website.

"Sister, are all your people reliable?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked instead of answering Jiubingwei's words.

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Yagyu Kubei slightly frown, and the college students who came behind her were also a little angry.

Although these guys did not feel the full power of the Yagyu family, they also knew that with the help of the Yagyu family, their careers or work would be much easier in the future, so they refuted Tanaka before. Jun.

Now Yagyu Xiaye actually doubted their loyalty to the Yagyu family, but Tanaka-kun had no intention of asking.

"There is no problem with the people I have found."

"That's good." After Liu Shengxia Ye heard this, he had no intention of hiding anything.

After taking a sip of the tea in front of him, Yagyu Xia Ye told Yagyu Kubei about his plan.

Not only Taobao, which is related to Alipay, but also the Alibaba model as the main body. He intends to let Yagyu’s family be responsible for the establishment of Alibaba and the construction of Taobao, while Xiyuanji’s pupa team is only responsible for Alipay.

Of course, after the ability of the Xiyuan Temple Pupa team improves, they may be able to work more.

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's narration, the two teams did not speak first, because Yagyu Xiaye's idea of ​​Internet commerce was a bit radical for them in this era, but they are also college students in this era , and the majors are basically the same, so there is not much resistance to Yagyu Xiaye's words, but I am just thinking about the possibility of Yagyu Xiaye's plan.

"What do you think?" Yagyu Kubei finally asked her team.

"If it succeeds in the end, maybe it will become an existence that controls the Japanese economy." Because what Yagyu Xiaye said in the end was really a bit too exaggerated, and when it develops to the extreme, it can actually affect the basic necessities of life of the people.

"It's just that this is not something that can be done overnight, and it will require a lot of capital and contacts to operate in the early stage. If our team comes, we can only operate a payment website at most."

"However, your payment website is almost the core of this plan." After Yagyu Kubei interrupted, he said to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Sister, most of the money is with you. Our side is just a payment website. What do you think of this plan?"

"It's rare for you to come up with a plan for your family. Of course I support it. Even if it fails, it can be regarded as a contribution for your family." Even though he said this, Yagyu Kubei still didn't believe that Yagyu Xia Ye's plan would be successful. Failure, just like the Xiyuanji pupa team said before, the complete completion of Yagyu Xiaye's plan is not an instant thing, it takes time to complete slowly.

"I'm not doing it for my family." Liu Shengxia Ye defended.

After hearing Yagyu Xia Ye's words, Yagyu Jiubei didn't express any opinions, but said to her team: "Since you both know each other well, let's sum up how my brother's plan should be done in the early stage. I will solve the capital and connections you are worried about for you." The latter words were obviously heard by the people who talked about Xiyuan Temple's pupae team.

"Xia Ye, go out with me." Yagyu Kubei directly stopped Yagyu Xia Ye and left the meeting room for the teams of both sides.

The three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple and Xixiang stayed because they were able to remind both teams of a degree that should be known.


Yagyu Xiaye and Yagyu Kubei went outside and ordered another tea.

"How come there is such a plan suddenly, and I was notified."

"It's a reward for what happened before." Liu Shengxia Ye didn't deny it like before, but he didn't say it was intentional either.

"You take this as a deal?"

"No, although I can't get rid of the fact that I belong to the Yagyu family, I really don't want to integrate into the Yagyu family now. However, I can feel the care of you, my sister, or the family. If there is no response, why not?" my style."

"so what……"

"Sister, I will decide on my own marriage in the future, right?"

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