Xixiang's change of attitude also surprised Liusheng Xiaye, but he didn't care too much. After getting Xixiang's affirmative answer, Liusheng Xiaye stopped talking.

The three pupae girls of Xiyuan Temple had finished sending Yagyu Jiubingwei to the end, and Xixiang left Yagyu Xiaye's side to pick up the car.

"It's fine if you put my way, and you will have a new direction for your efforts in the future." Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye approaching, Liu Sheng Jiubingwei also said goodbye.

The three pupae girls of Xiyuan Temple understood what Yagyu Kubei meant, but now it seemed that Yagyu Kubei didn't have the idea of ​​blaming, which also made them feel at ease.

"We know what to do."

"That's it, lest someone come and say that I bully you."

Xixiang's car came out, and Yagyu Kubei also said goodbye to the three pupae girls of Xiyuan Temple, and waved with Yagyu Xiaye before getting in the car.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xixiang drove away with Yagyu Kubei, and the three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple also relaxed a lot, and they also knew what Yagyu Kubei said just now.

In the conference room before, through some revelations from Xixiang, Xiyuanji pupa also knew some of the strength of the Yagyu family intuitively, and also knew that if Yagyu Xiaye handed over his plan to the Yagyu family at the beginning At that time, there would be nothing for them at all.

But now, the payment website that the three pupae girls of Xiyuan Temple will control is an important part of the plan.

All of this was won by Liu Shengxia Ye for the three of them.

"Xia Ye, thank you." Qingpu Wu directly gave Liu Sheng Xia Ye a hug.

Because after I arrived at Radish today, I found out from Xiyuanji pupa that she and Katsura Manami spent half a day with Yagyu Xia Ye yesterday. Although they didn't do anything, they still had half a day.

And today Yagyu Kubei didn't care about yesterday's half-day, and Yagyu Kubei didn't plan to bring up what happened last weekend, it was acquiescence to the plan of the three of them for three days.

That's why Kiyoura Mai used a hug to show that she has the same attitude with Katsura Manami and Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

"It's because you have prepared well, so you have to work harder in the future." Liu Shengxia Ye won this opportunity for cooperation, and also reminded Xi Xiang not to give Xiyuan Temple a chrysalis when working in the future. Sub team wear small shoes.

However, if Xiyuanji Pupa's team is really mud that can't be pasted on the wall, what will eventually turn out to be beyond Yagyu Xiaye's control.

However, Yagyu Xiaye also believed in Xiyuanji's pupa's vision, otherwise, how could he have picked a college student who was familiar with Yagyu Kubei's team.

"Xia Ye, do you want to go back to Radish for a sit-down?" Xiyuan Temple Pupa asked.

"No need, I still have to go back today. You should still be busy, after all, it is the initial stage of the plan." Liu Sheng Xiaye has no plans to go to Radish, at least in Xiyuan Temple Pupa three daughters. When the time is not up.

Although today's plan can be regarded as helping the Yagyu family, it is not something that can directly bring benefits to the Yagyu family, so Yagyu Xiaye cannot give Xiyuanji pupae and three daughters more than the three daughters at Yagyu Kubei's place. ask for something.

If they work hard enough and succeed in the future, Yagyu Kubei will definitely take the initiative.

And after listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Xiyuan Temple pupae also came to their senses. Now they are in the initial stage, so it is better to restrain their thoughts a little bit.

Yagyu Xia Ye left to take the tram home, while the three pupae girls of Xiyuanji were preparing to return to Radish. As for their teams, they were still discussing in the conference room of the teahouse.


"Wu, are you in such a low mood? It wasn't like that when you hugged Xia Ye just now."

The three daughters Kiyoura Mai, Katsura Manami, and Saienji Pupa walked back to Radish, but along the way, Katsura Manami and Saizonoji Pupa found that there seemed to be something wrong with Kiyoura Mai's emotions, so Saienji Pupa The son will ask.

"Manami, Chrysalis, I'm a bit conflicted now." For her two friends, Kiyoura Mai has nothing to hide.

"Mai, are you regretting it now?" Xiyuanji pupa asked a little anxiously, and Katsura Manami was also a little surprised.

Seeing the expressions of Katsura Manami and Xiyuan Temple Pupa, you can tell what they are worried about. Kiyoura Mai explained: "It's not what you think. I have never regretted making this choice."

"Then what exactly are you contradicting?" Katsura Manami and Xiyuanji pupa were a little confused.

"Do you still remember how I complained about Setsuna not wanting to go abroad?"

"Remember, because of this, you probably used alcohol to drown your sorrows, and you don't have a good relationship with Setsuna." Xiyuanji Kageko knew more about Kiyoura Mai's affairs, because Katsura Manami had been abroad for a long time.

"That's the thing, but the first day I brought Setsuna home, she told me that she promised to study abroad after the school festival at Sakakino Academy." Kiyoura Mai said Setsuna's decision.

"Before, it was because of those things that you let Setsuna go abroad to study, but now there is no need to go abroad, and you may not be able to take good care of Setsuna after going abroad."

"So she learned to take care of herself. Last night's dinner was cooked after she came back from school."

"I did know something from Luo Ye. During the time we went abroad, Setsuna lived with my home world, and often learned how to cook. I guess cooking was developed at that time." Xi Yuan Temple Pupa revealed a message.

"You can learn cooking in such a short period of time?" Katsura Manami was a little unconvinced.

You know, her daughter Gui Yanye learned to cook and take care of her after she ran around for the family.Gui Yanye also helped cook the dinner at Gui's house last Saturday.

"If I say Xia Ye's assistance, although Ruoye doesn't know how Xia Ye helped Setsuna and the world, he did contribute to Setsuna's learning of cooking."

"Summer night?" After hearing Xiyuanji's pupa's words, Katsura Manami also remembered that at dinner on Friday, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, seemed to have complained that Gui Yanye's cooking was not as good as Yagyu Xia Ye's. , but was stopped by Gui Yanye.At that time, I thought it was Guixin and Ito Yuki who wanted Yagyu Xiaye to be at home, but they didn't expect that the two little girls really missed Yagyu Xiaye's cooking.

"Setsuna also said that there was Xia Ye's help, but he didn't specifically say what kind of help it was." Qingpu Wu said.

"The contradiction is..."

"Originally, after Xia Ye solved that matter for us, I was going to come back and cancel the matter of studying abroad. But before, I entrusted Xia Ye to help persuade Setsuna to accept the matter of studying abroad. I knew it after I came back. Setsuna has already agreed. But now there is really no need to study abroad, I want to make today's plan together with you, and then build a fire together with Setsuna safely is what I want now."

"Have you mentioned your current thoughts to Setsuna?" Katsura Manami asked.

"Not yet." Qingpu Wu shook her head, because if she put it forward, it would appear that her previous decision was perfunctory for Qingpu Setsuna.

"I think you should have a good talk with Setsuna. Since she can agree to you to study abroad, she must be able to understand your decision now." Xiyuan Temple Pupa explained.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I hope so." However, Mai Qingpu's confidence is not very high, because Qingpu Setsuna has already learned how to cook in order to be able to go abroad and take care of herself, so she must have made up her mind.

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