"Uncle Lianghei, I need a car now, and I'm going to drive to the stadium in Chiba soon."

"Miss, your consumption rights have been restricted, and you can no longer make these consumptions. If you need to go home, I will go to pick you up."

"I'm being forced into marriage now, and I need to drive out to relax."

"Where are they from?"

"It's from the Yuanshan family."

"Miss, wait a moment, we will deliver the car to you within ten minutes."

After receiving Uncle Ryohei's assurance, Hiratsuka Shizuka hung up the phone contentedly.

However, Yagyu Xiaye and Toyama Masamichi looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka in surprise.

Just now Shizuka Hiratsuka actually said that she was forced to marry, Toyama Masamichi felt that such a statement was a bit wronged, he just wanted to come over to say hello to Shizuka Hiratsuka, and then he was not happy with Yagyu Xiaye who was beside Shizuka Hiratsuka, it was nothing more than I have no plans to force marriage.

Although I have this idea in my heart, I haven't really put it into action.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, fortunately, it was not her father that Hiratsuka Shizuka spoke on the phone just now, but her father's assistant, so even if she waits later, she can still explain.

"Boy, is this how you buy a car?" Not wanting to anger Shizuka Hiratsuka anymore, Masamichi Toyama started targeting Xia Ye Yagyu again.

"He gave me the money to buy the car just now, but he just doesn't know what style I like. Yuanshan Zhengdao, if you continue to target me like this, I will really turn my face."

However, in the face of Hiratsuka Shizuka's warning this time, Toyama Masamichi had no intention of answering the words, but looked straight at Yagyu Xiaye.

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't know why it felt like Hiratsuka Shizuka and Yagyu Kubei had fallen out of the conversation first.Yagyu Kubei didn't buy his Alipay rights, so he couldn't let Hiratsuka Shizuka pay her for the car. It seems that there are other ways to solve this problem. Yagyu Xiaye can use it in his hand stuff in.

At this time, Liu Shengxia Ye heard two hurried voices, and they stopped in front of them in an instant.

There were two cars parked in total, one of which Yagyu Xiaye felt a bit familiar, because the car Hiratsuka Shizuka left him was very similar, except that the car Hiratsuka Shizuka left him was black, and this time it appeared in their The one in front is black.

Just like couples.

And the remaining one is actually a military vehicle, and it is still a very sturdy one.

A middle-aged man got out of the military car, and a woman got out of the red car and luxury car. The uniform on her body indicated that she should be a clerk in a car dealership.

Shizuka Hiratsuka walked towards the middle-aged man.

"Uncle Liangping, your movements are too fast." Shizuka Hiratsuka walked up to the middle-aged man and said familiarly.

"Miss, I just don't want to see you being forced by Yuan Shan's family. Your car has already been driven, and the salesperson of the auto shop will go back by himself later."

Because Shizuka Hiratsuka doesn't like to have her car touched, especially men, that's why the salesperson from the auto shop drove over.

"Uncle Liangping, you should stop calling me Miss, just call me by my name."

"Uncle Liangping, what Xiaojing told you on the phone just now was all lies. I didn't do anything to force a marriage, but I did meet a liar here who was going to lie to Xiaojing. Maybe you need to use your money to get married." car to take him back."

While Shizuka Hiratsuka was chatting with Uncle Ryohei, Masamichi Toyama broke in directly, explained what happened to Shizuka Hiratsuka before him, and then drew Ryohei's gaze to Natsuya Yagyu standing aside.

Originally, he was very upset about Masamichi Toyama, but when he heard that someone was going to deceive Shizuka Hiratsuka, Uncle Ryohei walked directly in the direction of Xia Ye Yagyu, leaving Hiratsuka Shizuka and Masamichi Toyama a few positions away.

"Boy, do you want to deceive Xiao Jing?" The conversation with Liu Shengxia Ye was straightforward.

"Not anymore, but I think you were cheated by that guy. I have a request and I wonder if you can help me."

"Interesting, what's the request?" Uncle Liangping was a little curious. Since Yagyu Xia Ye dared to lie to Shizuka Hiratsuka, he should know something about Shizuka Hiratsuka.But after he came, he dared to ask him.

"Can you lend me your car?"

"What is it for?"

"Break away this iron lump in front of you, it's too annoying." Liu Shengxia Ye explained his purpose of borrowing the car.

Uncle Liangping didn't expect this request. He didn't know what to say to Yagyu Xiaye at this time, so he just asked, "Boy, do you have a driver's license?"

Uncle Liangping's request was expected by Liu Shengxia Ye. Although he didn't drive out today, Liu Sheng Xia Ye still carried his driver's license with him.

Uncle Liangping was a little surprised to see that Yagyu Xiaye, a minor, actually took out his driver's license, but when he opened the driver's license, Yagyu Xiaye immediately understood.

"It's you, you..."

"Can I borrow your car now?" Yagyu Xia Ye didn't let Uncle Liangping say what he wanted to say, and asked to borrow the car again.

"Yes." This time, Uncle Liangping did not refuse.

While Yagyu Xiaye and Uncle Lianghei were talking, Hiratsuka Shizuka also warned Toyama Masao from behind, but only halfway through, he saw Uncle Lianghei standing where he was, and Yagyu Xiaye crossed over. lost them.

"Are you planning to run away?" Toyama Masamichi Because Yagyu Xiaye knew something about Hiratsuka Shizuka from Uncle Ryohei, after knowing the truth of the matter, Yagyu Xiaye could only make the choice to escape.

But Toyama Masamichi didn't want Yagyu Xiaye to be let go like this, but also hoped that Uncle Lianghei would severely punish Yagyu Xiaye.

After listening to Toyama Masamichi's words, Liu Sheng Xiaye's body paused, then turned around and said, "I have no intention of escaping, I hope you can have a pleasant experience."

After speaking, Liu Shengxia Ye walked to the military vehicle and opened the door directly.

Toyama Masamichi thought that Yagyu Xiaye's head was a joke, and he dared to touch Uncle Liangping's car in front of Uncle Liangping.

However, what made Yuan Shan Zhengdao a little confused was that he heard the sound of a military vehicle starting.

Wiring is not allowed, so there is only one possibility, that is, Yagyu Xiaye got the key of the car from Uncle Liangping.

But how is this possible.

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