However, before Yuanshan Zhengdao walked to the leader, before he had a chance to speak, the leader passed him this time and walked towards Uncle Liangping.

"Captain Fukui, please give me instructions." The police leader saluted Uncle Ryohei.

It seems that the level of the team leader this time is lower than that of Fukui Ryohei, or the field is different.

"There was a case of out-of-control driving just now. Fortunately, there were no casualties. You need to take the specific personnel back and educate them." Hu Jing Liangping said to the police leader this time.

"Yes, we understand."

The leading policeman began to divide the work among his team members, and the most important thing was to invite Yuan Shan Zhengdao into the car.


What happened in Chiba County has been passed on to Yagyu's family at the same time.

There are no photos of the scene, but from the text of the report, Yagyu Kubei can also imagine what Yagyu Xiaye did in Chiba County.

"Five percent rights, and crashing the suitor's car, it's really unexpected, my brother." Yagyu Kubei put down the report in his hand.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Xiaye and Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't spend long in Chiba County, because shortly after they drove away, the two of them each received a message.

But even so, the two of them still ignored the text messages and continued to hang out. It was only when the second text message came that they prepared to end today's wandering.

"Do you want me to take you to your hotel?" Shizuka Hiratsuka asked in her new car.

"No need, anyway, it's not that far from here, I'll just walk over there." Yagyu Xiaye rejected Shizuka Hiratsuka's suggestion to carry someone, and after saying goodbye to Shizuka Hiratsuka, she reincarnated and walked to Sakakino Academy alone The direction of the hotel.

Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye left just like that, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't ask any more, and started the car and drove in the opposite direction from where Yagyu Xia Ye left.


When Yagyu Xiaye returned to the hotel, he met Nanami and Otome Kato in the lobby.

"Yagyu-san, nothing happened to you?" Kato Otome stepped forward and asked.

Before, it was Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami who sent two messages to Yagyu Xia Ye, one for each.

"Did you see it?" On the way back, Yagyu Xiaye read the message sent to him by the two girls, and with the words just now, Yagyu Xiaye understood that Kato Otome and the two girls must know something.

And the big thing Yagyu Xiaye did in Chiba County was to use Uncle Ryohei's military vehicle to crash the luxury car of Yuanshan Zhengdao. Although there were not many people around because of the appearance of the military vehicle, it was obvious However, Kato Otome and the two daughters of Kanroji Nanami discovered Yagyu Xiaye.

Faced with Yagyu Xiaye's question, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami also nodded, and said, "But we only vaguely saw you there, Yagyu-san. We don't know what happened."

The two of them didn't lie about this, because even if they saw Liu Shengxia Ye, the large crowd of onlookers at that time were constantly retreating, so they had no chance to ask what happened.

"It's just a special reunion with some friends. Don't worry, I'm standing in front of you very well right now?" Since Kato Otome and the two women don't know, Yagyu Xia Ye has no intention of explaining in detail, saying After finishing his own business, Liu Sheng Xiaye said to the two daughters of Qihai from Ganlu Temple: "Compared to me, you should pay more attention to your opponent in tomorrow's final."

"Our opponent tomorrow is Zong Wugao, we already know this."

"It turns out that you, Yagyu, disappeared during the second half. You went to the next door to observe our opponent."

In the first half of today's game in Zone A, the style was set.

Therefore, after a period of time in the third quarter, Liu Shengxiaye, who knew the general situation, directly left Area A and went to Area B.

During the timeout, the two daughters of Ganlu Temple Qihai and the basketball team members on the field did not see the voice of Yagyu Xiaye and heard the voice of Yagyu Xiaye cheering for them, but because there were too many advantages ahead, even though the opponent There was a small counterattack in the fourth quarter, and in the end Kato Otome and the others still defeated their opponents and entered the final.

"Well, Zong Wu Gao is a strong opponent for you." Yagyu Xia Ye admitted that he was not in Area A in the second half to cheer for Nanami and the others in Ganlu Temple.

"Is there anyone Yagyu knows in Sobu High?"

"Which side does Yagyu want to win?"

Faced with the two questions of Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, Yagyu Xiaye didn't feel any difficulty.

"In Sobu High, I do know people, but I am not a member of the basketball club of their school. As a student of Sakakino Academy, I have followed you here to fight here. I definitely hope that you can win.

Yagyu Natsuya's answer made Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami very satisfied. If Yagyu Natsuya said just now that they hoped their opponent Sobu Taka would win, it might not arouse their desire to win the opponent, but it would make them feel disappointed. .

"Well, we will win tomorrow's finals, and then enter the national competition as the first place in the Kanto competition." Kato Otome was full of confidence at this time, and Kanroji Nanami also nodded in agreement.

Although the first and second places in the Kanto Competition can directly enter the main competition of the National Competition, the difference between the first and second place is still a bit big.

And Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami are aiming for the national championship. Of course, the first place in the Kanto competition is much better.

"I believe we can win." Yagyu Xiaye was also full of confidence in Kato Otome, Ganluji Qihai and others.

Although Yagyu Xiaye has not experienced every training and every game of the women's basketball team, she knows that Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami are working hard.

Hard work does not necessarily lead to success, but success must be the result of hard work.


On the second day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Yagyu Xiaye and the team from Sakakino Academy entered the gymnasium in Chiba Prefecture again.

Today's final was held in Area A of the stadium.

In terms of wins, this should be regarded as Sakakano Gakuen's home field, but Sobu High is a local high school in Chiba Prefecture, so it can be said to be their home field.

However, after entering the arena, neither side fell behind in the cheering competition of the cheerleaders of both sides.

Although Sakakino Academy is a foreigner, there are not many cheerleaders from the school, but today they suddenly joined another group.

Most of the people who supported the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University before came to support Sakano Gakuen. After all, Sakano Gakuen is the last team from Sakano County in the Kanto Competition.

If it was just because it was the last team, it would definitely not be able to get such a big support. Also, people from the high school affiliated to Lingyang University knew that Sakakino Academy played two practice games with their academy, and then two Sakakino Gakuen won all the practice matches.

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