I opened the package, and inside was a box of chocolates.

When seeing the chocolate, Aragaki Ayase didn't continue to move, but her friend Kosaka Kirino questioned the delivery clerk.

"Whose joke is this thing? I wonder if Ayase doesn't like chocolate?"

Kosaka Kirino's question stunned the clerk for a moment, but he remembered a detail in the store, and hurriedly said: "That person seems to have left a note under the chocolate, there should be something on it."

After listening to the clerk's words, Takasaka Kirino directly lifted the chocolate in Aragaki Ayase's hand, and then took out the note.

"It seems that you don't have much energy. Are you planning to stay like this until I go home?"

After Kosaka Kirino finished reading the words on the note, the clerk who delivered the goods was about to leave, because judging from the content, the delivery person knew the two little models.

"I'll take my leave first." After bowing, the clerk left.

The clerk took a few steps before being stopped by Aragaki Ayase who stood up from the stool.

"Wait a moment."

"Is there anything else I can do to help you?"

"Where is that man, take me to see him quickly."

"I'm very sorry, the guest left after paying, and I don't know where to go."

After getting this answer, Ayase Aragaki was not very happy.Her brother saw her now, but she didn't even have a chance to see him, so she came back a little lost and picked up the chocolates that the clerk had sent before.

Seeing the state of Aragaki Ayase, the delivery clerk could only signal to Kosaka Kirino, and then walked back to the convenience store.

"Ayase, didn't you always dislike chocolate? Why did your brother give you chocolate, and he didn't come out to see you." Takasaka Kirino and Aigaki Ayase have been friends for a long time, maybe Aragaki Aya Sen doesn't know Kosaka Kirino's hobbies, but Kosaka Kirino knows more about Ayase Aragaki.

Including Aragaki Ayase's older brother and her dislike of chocolate.

"No, I've always liked chocolate." Aragaki Ayase said something that surprised Kosaka Kirino.

In fact, before meeting Kosaka Kirino, Aragaki Ayase was not what she is now. At that time, chocolate was only a daily snack for her.

But after seeing the charm of Takasaka Kirino as a model, Ayase Aragaki began to restrain herself slowly. In addition, because of her going to be a model, her brother and parents had a quarrel, which made Aragaki Ayase stopped pestering her brother to buy him snacks.

Now, she has received chocolates from her brother again.

"Tirino, I'm fine now, and the shooting at night will definitely be fine." Aragaki Ayase assured Kosaka Kirino.

Seeing Aragaki Ayase who suddenly regained her vitality, Takasaka Kirino was a little envious, because she knew that Aragaki Ayase's recovery was due to her brother's credit.

And her brother hasn't spoken to her for a long time.

Don't you know how to take the initiative as a brother?

"Well, Ayase, it would be great if you can recover!"


Although the clerk of the convenience store sent chocolates to Aragaki Ayase, Yagyu Xiaye had no intention of going to see Aragaki Ayase.

This is not to say that Yagyu Xiaye has any estrangement from Aragaki Ayase or the Aragaki family.Although Yagyu Xiaye's memories of the previous ten years have not been fully recovered, compared to the Yagyu family, Liusheng Xiaye has a stronger sense of belonging to the Aragaki family.

The purpose of not meeting with Aragaki Ayase is to let Yagyu Kubei know that now he does have plans to identify with the Yagyu family.

This process may be a bit long, but Liu Shengxia Ye at least does not resist now.

I didn't prepare gifts for Aragaki Ayase's friends, because I don't know what she likes at all. If the preparation is wrong, it may affect her friendship with Aragaki Ayase.

On the tram back to Sakano County, nothing unexpected happened.

"I'm back." Outside the house, Liu Sheng could sense that Gui Xin and the others were back, so he pushed the door open and walked in.

After coming in, I didn't see Gui Yanye, Gui Xin and others in the living room, but at this time there was a scent from the kitchen, so Gui Yanye should be cooking in the kitchen.

And when Liu Shengxia Ye was surprised, two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, came out of his room at this time, and followed a young woman she didn't know.

Before Liusheng Xiaye had time to look at this person, two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, threw themselves into his arms.

"Big Brother, you are back."

"I thought you disappeared again, big brother."

The two little loli hugged Liu Shengxia Ye tightly, which made Liu Sheng Xia Ye a little embarrassed, after all, there was an unknown person beside him.

"Be careful, Xiaozhi, well, there are still guests here." Yagyu Xiaye made an apologetic expression to the unknown young woman, and then began to persuade Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, but felt that the unknown young woman seemed to be Where have I seen it.

Pulling Gui Xin and Ito Yuki out of his arms, Yagyu Xia Ye looked at Ito Yuki.

He squatted down and put Yuki Ito's body in front of him, and behind her was the unknown woman.

No matter how you look at these two people, they are very similar.

"Xiaozhi, who is this?" Although there was a little guess, Yagyu Xiaye still planned to ask Ito Zhi, because Ito Zhi had never heard of other people in the family.

"Big brother, this is Xiao Zhi's mother. We just met when we went out to play, and then came back with us." Before Yi Teng Zhi explained to Yagyu Xia Ye, Gui Xin began to introduce.

"Come back with you?"

"Yes, and my mother came back together today. I'm going to stay here for one night. Now I'm cooking today's dinner with my sister in the kitchen." Gui Xin revealed another message to Liu Shengxia Ye, and said Gui Manami is now in the kitchen with Gui Yanye.

Yagyu Xiaye stood up in surprise, and when he wanted to go to the kitchen to confirm whether Gui Xin was telling the truth, Ito Yuki's mother walked up to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi's mother Ito Moko, please take care of Xiaozhi during this time." Ito Yuki's mother Ito Moko extended her hand to Yagyu Natsuya.

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