"Xia Ye, I'll pick up Xinxin and Xiaozhi first. If you're too late, I'll take them home first." Gui Yanye knew that Xiyuan Temple World and Qingpu Seta had something to do before going out. Waiting for Liu Sheng Xia Ye on the way to the school gate, otherwise the three of them would not get together easily.

"I'll hurry up."

After Ito Moko accepted Katsura Manami's proposal, she didn't take Ito Zhi away, but still kept her at Gui's house and Gui Xin also lived together, so Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye took the two little girls to and from school together .

When Moko Ito is resting, she will come to accompany her daughter Yuki Ito to increase the relationship between their mother and daughter.

Yagyu Natsuya was not at home at that time, because being at home would hinder Ito Yuki and Ito Moeko from developing a relationship, because Yagyu Natsuya held a lot of weight in Ito Yuki's mind.

What's more, a month has passed, and Katsura Manami and the three daughters also asked Yagyu Xiaye out on the same day when they were resting.

It's not in Radish, but changed places.

Yagyu Xiaye also asked Qingpu Mai about Qingpu Setsuna's study abroad, but Qingpu Mai said that it had been resolved.


After Gui Yanye finished speaking, he walked out of the school alone, and the two people who were still together, Qingpu Seta and Xiyuan Temple World, also left one of them after seeing Gui Yanye leave.

"Don't bully Setsuna." Xiyuan Temple World walked to Liusheng Xiaye's side, first warned and then seemed to remind Liusheng Xiaye, and then left.

Then, it should be Setsuna Qingpu who is waiting here for Yagyu Xiaye today.

"Xia Ye, I'm sorry to keep you from going home for a while." Qingpu Setsuna then walked to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side and apologized to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xia Ye shook his head, and said, "It's nothing serious, Setsuna you're looking for me for something, right?" After asking, Liusheng Xiaye signaled Qingpu Setsuna to walk out of the school with her first.

Chapter four hundred and eighty first is Guiyan Yelake

Now that he and Yagyu Xiaye are walking together, Qingpu Setsuna no longer has any worries.

The reason why Xiyuan Temple World came here with her was probably because she was playing tricks in her heart. She wanted to let Xiyuan Temple World know that she had nothing else to do with Yagyu Xia Ye.Because, on the way to find Yagyu Xia Ye, Kiyoura Setsuna told the world of Saiyuan Temple everything.

I was a little surprised that Kiyoura Setsuna could take the initiative, but the rest of the Saiyuanji world didn't have any opinions, because it would be relatively easy for her to ask Yagyu Xia Ye to cook at Radish.

Kiyoura Setsuna and Yagyu Natsuya walked out of Sakakino Academy together.

There were still many students going home from school along the way, but they did not see Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye among the crowd. It seems that they all left first, and they would not think that Yagyu Xiaye and Qingpu Setsuna would be there. what.

The two of them were already far away from the school, and if they walked a little further, they would arrive at the place where they boarded the tram.

Setsuna Qingpu stopped voluntarily, and Xia Ye Yagyu, who noticed Qingpu Setsuna's movement, also stood beside Qingpu Setsuna.

"Xia Ye, thank you." Qingpu Setsuna didn't tell Liu Sheng Xia Ye what she wanted to see him first, but first expressed his gratitude to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

After Qingpu Setsuna finished speaking, Liu Shengxia Ye also knew what she was talking about, because after all, Liu Shengxia Ye was more relevant during this time.

That's what Kiyoura Setsuna had a dispute with her mother Kiyoura Mai about going abroad.

When they got together last week, Yagyu Xiaye knew from Qingpu Wu that the matter of their mother and daughter had been resolved, but did not explain the details.And when he was in school, although he met Qingpu Setsuna several times, Qingpu Setsuna never took the initiative to mention that matter.

"Or after the school festival?" Yagyu Xia Ye asked if the time for Qingpu Setsuna to go abroad was the same as before after knowing that the matter of Qingpu Setsuna's study abroad had been resolved.

"Yes, anyway, there will be a holiday after the school festival, I can go there first to get used to the environment." Qing Pu Setsuna did not tell Liu Shengxia Ye that her mother would also go abroad with her.

"Then what can I do?"

Now that Qingpu Setsuna has settled the matter of studying abroad, Yagyu Xiaye also doesn't know what else Qingpu Setsuna has to do with him.

"Xia Ye, do you still remember the promise you made with me?"

This time, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't think about it any more, and immediately said: "I know, I still owe you a meal, is it time for me to cash it? This week is fine, and there is nothing to do."

It has only been a week since the meeting with the three of Xiyuan Temple World, and they are currently busy with the Alipay company. Even when they met last week, they still used a special method to satisfy Yagyu Xiaye, leaving more room for later. It's time to talk to Liu Sheng Xia Ye about Alipay.After all, Liu Shengxia Ye is the initiator of this plan, and he may have a better understanding of Alipay than they do.

The result did not disappoint the three of them. Liu Shengxia Ye did put forward a lot of opinions and suggestions on the work they reported. Although they have not yet implemented it in the company, they can also know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye's suggestion is very important. useful.

"I don't need this week." Qingpu Setsuna shook his head and rejected the proposal to cook this week, and then said: "After the academy festival, let's go to my house to cook a meal before I go abroad. It's a send-off for me."

After listening to Qingpu Setsuna's own request, Yagyu Xia Ye said: "It's ok, there is no problem at all."

Although Yagyu Xiaye might have some problems when Qingpu Setsuna went abroad, Yagyu Xiaye still felt that it was more important to say goodbye to Qingpu Setsuna.

Yagyu Xiaye's reaction made Qingpu Setsuna very happy, after all, it showed that she still had some weight in Yagyu Xiaye's heart.

"Thank you, Xia Ye." When he was alone with Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Qing Pu Setsu could not call Liu Sheng Xia Ye's last name, and then asked: "Xia Ye, are you going to help Gui student prepare for the college festival program? ?”

Although the news that Liu Sheng Xiaye wanted to help Gui Yanye did not spread throughout the grades, many people in Classes [-] and [-] of the first year knew about it, and Qingpu Setsuna who asked this question also knew about it. Asking to make sure.

"Yes, the program that is being prepared is a haunted house. Do you have any preparations for Setsuna?"

"No, it is possible that we will all stay by the side of the world, because we will be separated after the academy festival."

"If you have time, you can visit Yan Ye's haunted house." Now that the college festival has not yet started, and Gui Yanye's haunted house has not yet been prepared, Liu Sheng Xiaye has started to solicit customers for Gui Yanye.

Facing Yagyu Xiaye's invitation, Qingpu Setsuna did not refuse, saying: "Well, maybe I will go with the world."

"Wait for your visit!"

"I wish Katsura-san's haunted house all the best. It's almost time for the train to arrive. I'll go first." Although Kiyoura Setsuna and Yagyu Natsuya have already left the confines of Sakakino Academy, the huge clock of Sakakano Academy can still Visible.And Kiyoura Setsuna knew when the tram she was going home would pull in, so he bid farewell to Yagyu Xiaye.

Liu Sheng Xiaye also checked the time, and found that if she walked to his station at this time, she might still be able to catch the tram back home.

"Well, to borrow your good words, be careful on the way home."

"I will."


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