Liu Shengxiaye's proposal to help was rejected by Gui Yanye, because Liusheng Xiaye helped her too much when building the haunted house, and it was time for Liusheng Xiaye to rest.

"Xia Ye, I'll check the rest next time. Could you please clean it up for me?"

"Yes." Since Gui Yanye refused, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't say anything more, and nodded in agreement.

After saying goodnight to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye also left Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room.

After Gui Yanye left, Liu Shengxia Ye began to tidy up the video equipment on the table.

Yagyu Xiaye took out all the cards inside and put them together with the paper with the name written on the outside. This was done so that there would be enough video equipment to use during the academy festival.

As for the souvenirs for those students who participated in the haunted house, they only need their names to correspond to the cards. After all, the cost of the memory card is cheaper than the cost of the video equipment.

After doing all this, Yagyu Xiaye shut down the desktop computer.Because there is no internet now, this computer can only play stand-alone games, which is not the purpose of Yagyu Xiaye wanting this computer.

However, after connecting to the computer just now, Liu Shengxiaye received a message from Dongcheng, saying that the network operator would install the network for him tomorrow, so that Liusheng Xiaye could use the computer to do many other things.

When Yagyu Natsuya was surprised, the previous phone call was actually from Miki Sawaaga, saying that he asked Yagyu Natsuya not to disturb Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto during the school festival. The tone seemed to be prepared for the two of them. A brand-new program was launched, so that the two of them could restore some good impressions in the minds of the school classmates.

Originally, he planned to send out the recording immediately, but Xia Ye Yagyu decided to wait until a certain time before sending it out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, the school festival at Sakakano Academy began.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye came to the school together, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Zhi will go to their school from Jing Yi Uzuki's house today, so they don't need to worry about it.

Although it was Monday, but because it was a college festival, not many students came to school wearing school uniforms.

At the school gate, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye greeted the classmates they knew, and walked to the classroom of Class [-] of the first year with their friends from the haunted house.

Because with Liu Shengxiaye's proposal to add living ghosts, all the haunted house programs cannot be handled by Gui Yanye alone, and helpers are needed.

The reason why Liu Sheng Xia Ye was not accompanied was entirely because of Gui Yanye's consideration for Liu Sheng Xia Ye.Gui Yanye didn't want Liusheng Xiaye's college festival to become her own college festival, but Liusheng Xiaye still promised to stay around the haunted house on the first day.

Gui Yanye and the staff of the haunted house walked in front, while Liu Sheng Xiaye walked behind.

While passing the stalls in the atrium, Yagyu Xiaye saw Kuroda Hikaru's bakery stall.It's not yet time to open the stall, only Kuroda Hikaru is busy.

After looking at it, even if the haunted house starts working, it will take a while, and it won't be of much help to keep up now. Even if there is a problem with the haunted house, Yagyu Xiaye and others have almost solved it yesterday.

Therefore, Yagyu Xiaye left the team.

"Is there no one to help?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to the bakery booth and asked aloud.

Hikaru Kuroda, who was busy at first, stopped working after hearing Yagyu Xiaye's voice, raised his head and said to Yagyu Xiaye: "I don't have a decent deskmate, how could anyone come to help me."

Kuroda Hikaru’s words were obviously based on the help of Yagyu Xia Ye in Gui Yanye’s haunted house. Fortunately, Kuroda Hikaru might not want to hear Liu Sheng Xia Ye’s explanation of this matter, so he continued: “The world and Setsuna seem to be There is no program, but I found them, and they said they don’t have time to help me. As for Otome and Nanami, they promised like Yagyu-san that they would come to my booth to support me when time permits. "

It seems that it's not that Hikaru Kuroda's popularity in her circle of friends is not good, but that the world and the others really have their own affairs during the academy festival.

"Don't worry, my promise will not change, I will come here to eat western cakes." Yagyu Xia Ye promised Kuroda Hikaru again.

"Welcome to come, but you'd better keep up with Gui's team now, because since you stopped, I have turned back to look at you several times." Kuroda Hikaru reminded Yagyu Xiaye.

After hearing Kuroda Hikaru's words, Liu Sheng Xiaye turned his head to look at the picture of Gui Yanye and others on the stairs, just in time to see Gui Yanye turning his head to look at Kuroda Guang's bakery stall, but when he met Liu Sheng Xia Ye's eyes Gui Yanye immediately turned his head away in a panic.

"If you continue to stay with me, maybe the whole school will smell sour."

Does this mean that Gui Yanye is very jealous?Regarding this, Liu Shengxia Ye just shook his head, and said to Hikaru Kuroda, "Then I'll go first, remember to save a portion of my western cakes."

"Understood, as long as you come, you will have something to eat."

After saying goodbye to Hikaru Kuroda, Yagyu Xiaye ran to catch up with Gui Yanye and others.


After the third class of the year, Yagyu Xiaye smelled the aroma of coffee, and there were students dressed as maids standing at the door of the classroom to welcome guests.

"Yayuu-san, do you want to come in for a drink?" the student maid said to Yagyu Xia Ye who passed by the door of the classroom.

"No, you're still here to appease the guests who are frightened from our haunted house, but I've given you a chance."

"Thank you very much, I hope you don't frighten this side."

After talking with the maid, Liu Sheng Xiaye looked into the classroom of Class [-], Year [-], but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

This action was also seen by the maid, and she said: "Shijie and Setsuna didn't participate in our coffee shop show this time, so you don't need to look for it. As for what they plan to do during the college festival, we don't know. "

After hearing what the maid said, Liu Shengxia Ye also nodded to show that he understood, and then asked: "There should be some students in your class, right?"

The maid was a little dazed after hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, because there were not many people who had a relationship with Yagyu Xiaye in the third class of the year. Among them, Xiyuanji Shishiji and Kiyoura Setsuna disappeared. Who else could Let Liu Sheng Xia Ye remember.

But soon, the maid came to her senses and said to Yagyu Xiaye with a disgusted expression: "If possible, we really don't want to admit that those two perverts belong to our class. When we were preparing for the event, Zeyong Teacher Miki also mentioned to us that he hoped that the two perverts could participate in our class’s program at the college festival, but this decision was rejected by our whole class. If we let them participate, our college festival program Might as well not hold it.”

When talking about the gay pair of Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito, the maid was very upset, and she also told them what Miki Zeyong asked them to do.

Fortunately, in the end, Miki Zeyong didn't force the students in Class [-] of the first year to agree to the pair of homosexuals appearing on the show, but said that she had to find another way by herself.However, all the students in the third class of the year can be sure that no class would be willing to let the gay couple Taisuke Sawanaga and Makoto Ito participate in any program, unless Miki Sawanag prepared a program for them alone.

However, even if those two people had a separate program, there would definitely be no one to join them.

"I'm relieved that I didn't see those two guys. Otherwise, the programs of our two classes probably wouldn't be able to be done."

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, the maid nodded desperately to express her agreement, but at this time someone else walked behind Liusheng Xiaye, so she had to apologize to Liusheng Xiaye and then greet her later classmates.

Of course Liu Sheng Xiaye would not blame her, she walked directly to the third class of the year, and came to the haunted house of the fourth class of the year.

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was talking to the maids of the third class of the year, the work of the fourth class of the year was almost done, the living ghosts had already put on their makeup and walked into the haunted house, and Gui Yanye was sitting in a room. in front of the seat.

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