As students in Class [-], the girls in Class [-] felt that there was nothing wrong with Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye being together.But the boys in Class [-] of the first year don't think so. Gui Yanye has been with Liu Shengxia Ye all the time, so they don't think about it. When their class resources are not enough, they look outside the class.

But they were still hit, especially by the girl who had a relationship with Yagyu Xia Ye.

Therefore, they felt that it would be better for these girls to be accepted by Yagyu Xia Ye. This would also prove that the boys in class four of the first year were stronger than other classes.

Seeing that the three of them didn't have any major conflicts together, they felt a little envious of Liu Shengxiaye's personal strength, but this envy passed away immediately, and he started to work seriously again.


After Liusheng Xiaye and Xiyuan Temple World entered the haunted house, they heard screams. When Liusheng Xiaye was a little surprised, after hearing the sound, Xiyuan Temple World was not afraid, but looked at it seriously. This haunted house in Class [-] is up.

"World, don't you feel about haunted houses?"

"I have a feeling, am I not seriously looking at the design of this haunted house?"

"No, I mean you're not scared at all?"

"Why should you be afraid? Anyway, these are all fake, and Xia Ye is by my side, you will protect me, right?"

The logic of Xiyuan Temple's world made Liu Sheng Xiaye retreat, so what else can he say besides agreeing.

After seeing Liusheng Xiaye nodding, Xiyuan Temple World happily took Liusheng Xiaye to visit the haunted house, pointing out that the design of the haunted house was a bit unreasonable from time to time.

When it was almost time to go out, Liu Shengxia Ye asked Xiyuan Temple Shijie and said, "Shishi, you came to see me for something."

After hearing Liusheng Xiaye's words, Xiyuan Temple World stopped, and did not immediately answer Liusheng Xiaye's question, as if something was brewing.

At this time, a ghost played by a living person moved her hair behind Xiyuan Temple World, trying to create a sense of terror, but Xiyuan Temple World calmly said, don't make trouble.

This remark made the living ghost a little embarrassed, and Liu Shengxiaye could only nod to him when he saw this, telling her to leave this place first.

"Xia Ye, you know that Setsuna is going to France after the school festival, do you think I should persuade her to stay?"

"I already knew about this, and I also promised to make a meal to send Setsuna off. This is Setsuna's own choice, and it's your choice to persuade her or not, but you shouldn't come to me today to talk about this matter. It's something."

The world of Xiyuan Temple was a little surprised, because she didn't know that Liu Shengxia had promised to see Qingpu Seta off, and she also said that her matter about Qingpu Seta was not the point.

"Xia Ye, will you always be by Gui's side during the school festival?"

"It should be like this on the first day, and I will go out for a walk in the next two days. After all, the school festival only happens once a year."

"Then do you have any plans for the after-night festival?"

"No." Yagyu Xiaye replied directly, because he was not very enthusiastic about the school festival, and he only cared about Gui Yanye's haunted house and Kuroda Hikaru's bakery stand for the entire school festival program.

The Xiyuan Temple world was very satisfied with Liusheng Xiaye's answer. It seems that Gui Yanye really didn't intend to occupy all of Liusheng Xiaye's time.

"Then can you dance with me during the Houye Festival?" Xiyuan Temple World made her request to Liu Sheng Xiaye, and this should be the ultimate purpose of Xiyuan Temple World coming to Guiyan Ye Liusheng Xia Ye today .

"But I don't know how to dance." Liu Shengxia Ye didn't refuse, but said that he didn't know how to dance.

"There is no rule about what kind of dance you need to dance. When the time comes, you just follow my rhythm. It's very simple." Xiyuan Temple World hoped that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would agree quickly.

"That's fine, but don't blame me if you make a fool of yourself."

"Of course, I just want to have a memory with Xia Ye during the school festival."

"Now that it's all said and done, let's go out, because it's lunch time."

This time, it was Liu Sheng Xia Ye who dragged Xiyuan Temple World away, but he was grabbed by Xiyuan Temple World before taking two steps, pointing to the device he was wearing and asked: "Xia Ye, you should know What is the use of this?"

"It is a video device that can record the wearer's reaction after entering a haunted house."

"Voice is fine too, why do you do that?"

"Of course the sound is okay. It's better to say that it's mainly recording sound. This is mainly to give the visitors of the haunted house an unexpected surprise. We will burn these videos into CDs after the school festival and give them to their original owners. "

After knowing the intention, Xiyuan Temple World then asked: "Then will you all check the video inside?"

"Yes, it's just that when checking the video, Yan Ye said that she can do it alone."

It was Gui Yanye who checked the video, so wouldn't Gui Yanye know her request to Liu Shengxia Ye just now?

Unlike Liusheng Xiaye, Xiyuan Temple World doesn't believe that Gui Yanye doesn't know about the Houye Festival.If Gui Yanye suddenly asked Liu Shengxia Ye to be by her side during the Houye Festival after watching her video, then the Xiyuan Temple World's request would be in vain.

"Xia Ye, can I take this video equipment back with me as a souvenir, I don't need you to make discs, and I will pay classmate Gui how much it is."

"You can take it back directly, you don't need the money, these equipments are at my own expense."

Liu Shengxia Ye's answer stunned the world of Xiyuan Temple for a while. They didn't expect Liu Sheng Xia Ye to do so much for Gui Yanye's haunted house.

"Xia Ye, you are really different to Gui."

"If you have a program in the world, you can ask me for help."

"Forget it, I don't have such a good design as classmate Gui, let's go out first." Xiyuan Temple World took down the video equipment, and was reminded by Yagyu Xiaye to turn it off before putting it in his pocket .

After finishing everything, Xiyuan Temple World and Yagyu Xia Ye walked out of the haunted house together.


As soon as the two of them came out, they saw Gui Yanye at the exit of the haunted house of Class [-] of the year.

"Xia Ye, students from Xiyuan Temple, you haven't come out for so long, I thought something happened to you."

"After wandering around for a while, I found some problems that need to be improved."

Chapter five hundred and eighth can you accompany us

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