After Ito Moko left, Xiyuanji Kupiko and Katsura Manami walked up to Kiyoura Mai, and asked with concern: "Mai, I know you've already made up your mind, but have you ever thought about how long you will go abroad with Setsuna? "

Hearing that the two were not persuading her, Qingpu Wu knew that they knew her plan, and said: "I don't know, but I will not come back until I have new abilities to help the company , maybe you two and Moeko will have to work hard during this time."

"Don't worry, we will manage the company together with Mengzi. And have you told Xia Ye about going abroad, and Xia Ye's sister."

Qingpu Wu shook her head and said, "I haven't told Xia Ye personally, but I have told Setsuna about it, and Xia Ye should know about it now. As for Xia Ye's sister, I haven't told it yet, but I I think she won't stop me from leaving Xia Ye's side voluntarily."

After listening to Kiyoura Mai's words, Xiyuanji Puguko and Katsura Manami also thought that what she said was good, but if there is a chance, they should tell Yagyu Kubei about this matter.

"Wu, you have already decided to leave, should we go together..."

"No, I want to stay with Setsuna during this period of time. After all, we are going abroad, so we need to keep a little more memory. As for Xia Ye, I believe it's okay to have just the two of you, and I just want to Just don’t forget me and Setsuna if Xia Ye is needed.”

After the proposal was rejected, Xiyuan Temple pupa didn't bring it up again, but said: "Don't worry, Xia Ye will definitely not forget you mother and daughter. And it's not like you won't come back, wait for you to come back after studying." , after managing the company well, Xia Ye will definitely not forget you."

"let's work hard together."

"work together!"

The three stretched out their hands and held each other!


In the evening, Gui's house.

Gui Yanye was cooking in the kitchen. Today, because of Gui Yanye's warning before cooking, Ito Zhi and Gui Xin didn't go to Yagyu Xiaye's room to watch cartoons on the computer.

However, even in the living room, the two little girls didn't plan to do their homework seriously.

"Big Brother, can we eat this?" Gui Xin pointed to the thing Liu Sheng Xia Ye put aside, it was the western cake that Liu Sheng Xia Ye brought back from Sakakino Academy, Gui Yan Ye didn't eat it when he was in school, So I took it home.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth you go to dance with me

"Okay, you guys should eat something to fill your stomachs first." Now that Gui Yanye was making dinner in the kitchen, Liu Shengxia Ye directly decided to give the western cakes to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls.

Because when I was in school, when I found out that Hikaru Kuroda asked Liusheng Xiaye to take her with me, Gui Yanye had no intention of eating, and asked Liusheng Xiaye if he could teach her when he was free. Make cakes.

Now it's not a problem for Gui Yanye to cook alone, as long as it doesn't compare with Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cooking, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, won't have any objections.But now Gui Yanye knows that she still has a lot of skills that she hasn't mastered on the road of cooking. If she can't master these cooking skills, not only Liu Shengxia Ye, maybe other people around her will be taken away too. Woolen cloth.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolitas, didn't think too much. After getting the approval of Yagyu Xiaye, they also opened the bag containing the western cakes, and directly picked up the western cakes inside and put them in their mouths .

"It's delicious."

"It's a bit like the cakes made by big brother, but it doesn't seem to be it."

Under the care of Yagyu Summer Night Cuisine, the two little girls are very picky about what they eat. If Kuroda Hikaru’s cakes can get their comments that they are delicious, it means that Kuroda Hikaru’s cakes are a success. .And they were able to tell that this was not a Western Cake made by Liu Shengxia Ye himself.

"Big brother, is this something that was part of your academy festival?" After eating a piece of cake, Gui Xin also asked about Yagyu Xia Ye, because she, Yuki Ito and Ii Uzuki are going to Sakakino tomorrow. The school participated in the school festival event.

"Of course, there are other fun places at the academy festival, but if you go tomorrow, you have to be careful about everything, especially Uzuki, you have to take good care of her." Because Gui Xin and the three little lolitas have already agreed to go tomorrow The school festival happened, so Yagyu Xia Ye didn't hide some things about the school festival with an umbrella. Anyway, you can see it in the past tomorrow. Why don't you tell them something now, and let the three little girls talk to Sakakano Academy? The college festival is full of anticipation.

"Brother, do you know this cake maker?"

"Yes, if you want to go, I will take you to her booth tomorrow."

"Big brother, you are so kind!" The two little lolis were very happy, and at the same time looked forward to tomorrow's trip.

Judging from the known situation, the school festival at Sakakino Academy was much more interesting than they thought.

Yagyu Xiaye wanted to go to the kitchen and say to cook less at night. After all, the two little girls had already started eating western cakes, but just after they stood up, they saw a call coming in, it was from the pupa of Xiyuan Temple.

"After you finish eating the cakes, do your homework well. I'll answer the phone first."

"We will!"

"Brother, go get busy first." The two little girls assured Liu Shengxia Ye.

With the guarantee of the two little lolitas, Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked into his room with the phone.


"Pupa, do you have anything to do with me?" Yagyu Xiaye originally wanted to ask if it was about Kiyoura Mai, but after thinking about it, it's better to wait for Xiyuanji Pujia to talk about her first.

"Xia Ye, did you know that Wu and her daughter Setsuna are leaving Japan for France?"

Sure enough, it was this matter. Of course, Liu Shengxia Ye would not pretend not to know, so he said: "Well, I already know, will Wu's departure have a great impact on Alipay?"

"It doesn't have much impact, because Moezi is fully capable of taking on the company's current development pace. Xia Ye, don't you plan to persuade Wu Wu after you know it?"

What Xiyuanji pupa is worried about is that if Kiyoura Mai comes back and enters the Alipay company in the future, it may make the people below feel uncomfortable.

"I already know why Wu went abroad, and I also believe that Wu can learn better abilities abroad, and then come back to play a role in the future development of Alipay."

Yagyu Xia Ye had such confidence in Kiyoura Mai, which also surprised Xiyuan Temple Pupa, but she was not jealous, because the words that followed would prove it.

"Xia Ye, can I ask you something."

"There is no need to ask for this word between us. What do you want me to do?"

Xiyuanji pupa on the other end of the phone raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously after hearing what Yagyu Xia Ye said.

"We don't know how long it will take for Wu to come back after going abroad, so Xia Ye, can you go and accompany Wu before she goes abroad. Of course, doing so may make your sister disagree, but..."

"I'll go to Wu's place, and my sister's side will also explain, you don't have to worry about that."

"Thank you, Summer Night."

"This is what I should do. Alipay's functions should be basically complete and ready to enter the market. After Wu leaves, I will go to Alipay to see if there is any room for improvement."

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