At this time, Mo Sen was on the boat of Longgong and his party, saying goodbye to them.

The countries participating in the World Conference have basically returned, and Fishman Island is the last batch.

Mawson just bid farewell to Cobra. This year's World Conference was not long before Mawson sent Doflamingo to Advance City. The whole Dressrosa can be said to be full of waste. The royal family of King Liku thought carefully Yiyi did not come to participate.

Otherwise, Mo Sen might gain another little girl who is a fan girl.

There is no need for the navy to see off the fishman island this time, because the fishman pirates who did not have time to return in the new world have already arrived here.

Jinbei is here with Otohime and the others at this time.

Otohime is petite, not to mention Neptune, who is more than ten meters tall, she is like a child even in front of Mo Sen, so everyone else is sitting, only she is standing.

"My previous thoughts were too idealistic, and it was simply unrealistic for the entire Fishman Island to be relocated to land.

What's more, I don't know how long it will take for Noah's Ark to be built. My current idea is to build a base on land first, migrate some residents here, develop and build here first, and then migrate here one after another.

For this reason, I have preliminarily prepared some ideas for a five-year and ten-year plan, and I will slowly implement it after I finish it. "

Mo Sen nodded. There is no doubt about the spirit and ability of Princess Otohime in this area. It is nothing more than that she took too many steps at the beginning, or she was too idealistic in thinking about the problem.

The complexity of this matter is not fully appreciated.

Although the trip to the World Conference was a lot of setbacks for her, it was not completely without benefits.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of these setbacks that she realized that what she had prepared was far from enough, allowing her to consider the feasibility of her plan more personally.

"If you have this idea, it proves that things are promising. In the past few years, no, in the past two or three years, I should have been in the Navy headquarters. If you need my help with anything, you can come to me directly."

Everyone in Fishman Island was slightly moved by Mo Sen's words. Sometimes you need to go through some things to find out who is your true friend and who is just a superficial brother.

Mo Sen's attitude towards them has not changed over the years. Even now that he has become a general substitute, his strength is already one of the pinnacles in the world.

In contrast, what they pay each year is only some fine wines produced by the royal palace, which is not worth mentioning compared with Mo Sen's friendship.

Wine has a price, love is priceless!

"Thank you, Mo Sen. It is a blessing for us on Murloc Island to have such a friend."

Mo Sen shook his hands with a smile, and said, "You seem to be out of touch when you say that. I have taken so many good wines from you all these years, didn't you say nothing?"

"Hahaha, if you like it, I'll send you some when I go back." Neptune laughed loudly and said proudly.

Mo Sen's eyes lit up. Although Drake had already brought a lot, no one would think too much wine.

"That's a good relationship, I won't be polite to you."

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the room became more relaxed.



During the World Conference, after the incident at the beginning, there were indeed no more disturbances in the next seven days.

Charles Rose woke up later, looking more stupid than before, and even became a little dizzy. His father even went to Wulaoxing to protest, but he was suppressed.

Moreover, the five old stars did give certain warnings to some Celestial Dragons.

It's not asking them to restrain themselves, because it's almost impossible to get rid of their habits that have already been deeply rooted in their bones.

So just ask them to be a little bit smarter when they do something, and don't expose the most stupid and shameless side, especially in front of the people in power in so many countries.

Hey, how about saying that the world government maintains all their rule!

How else can we say that Tianlong people don't treat people other than them as human beings!

This kind of rule has been maintained for 800 years. It has to be said that it is a kind of irony.

The World Conference is still a cliché, the Revolutionary Army continues to be mentioned again, and dragons are still the worst crime in the world.

And on the second day of the World Conference, Long's revolutionary army slapped the World Government in the face.

The incident happened in the North Sea. The Northern Army Commander of the Revolutionary Army, Crow Callas, led the uprising troops to overthrow the rule of a medium-sized country, and defeated all the local navy that supported the past.

Things are always mutual, and when some power is strong, its opposite is relatively weak.

For example, the relationship between the navy and pirates.

Unlike the navy's emphasis on the great route, a large number of troops are deployed here, which inevitably means letting them fend for themselves.

Needless to say, East China Sea is now the most peaceful symbol in the whole world because of the relationship between Karp and Mawson. Pirates are big cats and kittens.

The rewards are all big pirates...

e, Do you dare to believe in a big pirate with a reward of tens of millions?

The North Sea is completely opposite to the East China Sea. The North Sea is almost the most chaotic place in the world, and many countries have been caught in wars all year round.

I don't know how serious the impact and turmoil caused by the original Doflamingo on the North Sea is, not to mention that this is the base camp of Germa 66, which has been established for a long time.

The more war-torn the place, the poorer it is!

And the poorer the place, the better the soil for the survival of the revolutionary army. Compared with the great route, the revolutionary army of the four seas is easier to develop.

During the World Conference, almost all the eyes of the world were focused on Mary Joya, and news like Beihai undoubtedly made the world government feel ashamed.

They once again proposed that Long was the most dangerous criminal, and the revolutionary army on the other side made trouble again, and Wu Laoxing's face was not very good for the next few days.

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