"Okay, let's not talk about that today, let's take a few days off from now on, don't you have no place to go, I'll take you out to wander."

Mo Sen grabbed her wrist and came out of the office amidst the little adjutant's exclamation. When he got outside, the little adjutant broke away in embarrassment, but Mo Sen didn't care.

There are people everywhere here, and Ain's face will definitely be unbearable.

He went to the next door and said to the office with the open door: "Drake, I'll accompany Ain to go out for a few days to relax, and you have full authority to deal with the fleet's affairs."

Yes, there is still a week before his admiral's commissioning ceremony, which is enough time for him to go out for a while.

In fact, becoming an admiral is not necessarily good, mainly because the constraints will be tighter.

Karp refused to be promoted to admiral because he felt that he was not as free as the lieutenant general. This is actually true, especially the lieutenant general stationed outside, that is really free.

But for Mawson, nothing really matters.

Because no matter what kind of general he becomes, he hasn't had a few times of peace, but in this regard, he is actually much more unscrupulous than old man Garp.

Drake watched Ain follow Mo Sen away like an angry little daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but twitched his eyelids a few times. He still couldn't hold back for a long time, and gritted his teeth a little: "Hmph, scumbag!"

And Mo Sen, who has been labeled as a scumbag, doesn't care about this. He takes the Ain passenger flying fish into the sky, and flies directly to the Chambord Islands.

The new scumbag Mo Sen has a very simple understanding of women as creatures, no matter how old she is, how rich she is, whether she is happy or angry, there is one principle that is right

Just buy, buy, buy! !

The new world looks the same as before.

Although the news of the fourth general of the navy caused waves here, it was still too far away after all.

Except for a few people who have intersected with Mason who are more enthusiastic about such news, most pirates can only curse secretly for such things.

Because the stronger the navy, the more difficult it is for them to live.

In fact, places that ordinary pirates can't reach will pay more attention to this news, or what is expressed behind this news.

All nations, cake island.

In a huge room in the most central palace, a Homiz brought today's newspaper to Big O.

The first version was the bastard navy that made her look so wide-eyed.

"It really pissed me off. This bastard got rid of the word "candidate" so quickly and became a real admiral. The navy has become more and more powerful over the years, and even the new world that they had no way of touching has begun to lay out. .

Hmph, that bastard Kaido is too arrogant, saying that he can deal with the navy by himself, and he will know how powerful the navy is now when he suffers a big loss. "

Big Mom's ability to become the queen of all nations is of course due to her monster-like strength, but it's not just strength.

Unlike Kaido, her brain is more useful to manage such a country than Kaido, who is full of big muscles.

It was after the battle with Mo Sen that she learned about the power of the navy now, and the guy named Jia Ji who succeeded Mo Sen as the chief of the G7 base was also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But she had put down her body to go to Kaido to hint before, but that bastard was too arrogant.

Hmph, we still need to develop our own territory and strength.

Not only big o, but the other Four Emperors also received newspapers.

It's just that different people have different ideas.

A certain winter island.

"Hahaha, boss, this guy is really scary. It's only been a while, and the word "candidate" will be removed and he will become the real fourth general."

In the warm cave, flames kept beating. Lagilu held a piece of barbecue in his hand, and the newspaper in his other hand was covered with a lot of grease.

Shanks shook his head, not surprised by this: "We didn't know that this kid would grow up to be scary when we saw him in the East China Sea, but we didn't expect that it still exceeded our expectations."

"Hey, Jesus Bu, I remember we had a bet at the beginning, and now it seems that I won the bet."

Jesus Bu, who was drinking, spat out, "Fart, Lagilu, don't think that I don't remember the original bet. Now we both lost, you bastard, don't try to lie to me."

"Ah, is it? That's just my memory."

"Come on, draw your gun, Lagilu! Today we will decide whether to win or lose, but also life and death!"


The atmosphere in the cave became more festive.

About half a month's voyage away from here, the huge Beluga was floating on the sea, and it was also extremely lively.

This time it was a joint operation between Ace and the captain of the fourth team, Sage. The opponent was not a small character, but Ace is also not to be underestimated.

With his help, those pirates were quickly defeated.

And now Ace's reward has reached 7 million, and he is the highest except for Marco Choz.

"Hey, Dad, what are you looking at? We have a bumper harvest today, hahaha."

"Gu la la la la gu dong"

White Beard sat there with the bottle still hanging on his body, but he seemed to be in good spirits, "Your teacher is really amazing, after 7 days, Marin Fando will broadcast live the awarding ceremony for his promotion to admiral.

I don't know how many storms will be caused in the sea this time, this guy from the Warring States Period will never do useless efforts. "

Swish! !

Ace ran up to Whitebeard in a few steps, took the newspaper that seemed to be a few sizes smaller in his hand, and couldn't wait to read it.

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