I still want to learn from that scumbag Mr. Chen in a book he read in his previous life.

It's a pity he's too late!

Fortunately, this world is not all monogamous, and I have always been influenced by the moral values ​​of my previous life, so I only find one partner, and I feel guilty even if I get a little closer to the little adjutant. Senior, what the hell is this?

To be honest, if he really wanted to be a cannon king, and with his good looks and status, he could carry no repeats 365 days a year, then it would take two people to struggle like this.

Mo Sen forcibly excused himself for a while, and then put this trouble of happiness behind him.

Forget it.

Let nature take its course, let's do whatever you like!

At worst, I would be a despicable scumbag and beat up the little adjutant!

Anyway, he doesn't want the little adjutant to fall into the arms of other people anyway, so let's take one step at a time!

Once again, I spurned myself a hundred times in my heart.

Mo Sen bought two strawberry-flavored ice creams from the ice cream shack next to him, and walked towards the little adjutant.

In the past two days, he accompanied the little adjutant to play the entire Chambord Islands.

You must know that Ain, who has worked hard for more than 7 years since he became his adjutant, has never really taken a vacation.

This can be regarded as a compensation for the guilt in his heart.

Fortunately, both of them are familiar with the paper paintings in the six styles, and they changed their faces, but they were recognized unexpectedly.

This is the disadvantage of being famous. Everything you do is under the eyes of the public, and it is difficult to have your own private space, unless you disguise it like you are now.

Ai En smiled and took the ice cream handed over by Mo Sen, and licked it carefully. The smile on his face was sweeter than the ice cream in his hand, and the shallow dimples were extremely sinful.

Mo Sen quickly moved his eyes away, took a big mouthful of ice cream, and let the cold feeling quench his thirst.

As an old driver who has read countless films and has personally practiced, the appearance of the little adjutant just now really stimulated the heart and kidneys.

"Thank you sir!"

Mo Sen raised his hand and rubbed the little adjutant's head, and smiled: "You don't have to be so polite, as long as you are happy."

Ai En, who has no family for a long time, these two days can be regarded as her happiest two days in the past twenty years.

Although sometimes she understands that this kind of happiness is illusory, and she also knows that she should not covet this kind of sweetness.

But some things are like this, and you understand the truth, but when it’s on your own body, you can’t control it.

So I can only deceive myself. After all, life is already so hard, so why force myself to feel uncomfortable?

Of course, these two nights went back to rest separately.

This is a matter of principle, Mo Sen dare not touch it!

Mo Sen came to the marshal's office again.

In fact, it can't be counted as another, because basically the Warring States Office is no different from half of my own office.

It's all a bad habit that I learned from the old man Karp. He was not like this before.

It's good now, if you don't have anything to do, you can go to the Warring States Office, a pot of coffee table and a bag of senbei, and he and Karp can hang out for a long time.

However, the Warring States period has nothing to do with the old and young bastards. His admiral's majesty is okay in front of others, but it is completely useless in front of these two people.

Really owe these two bastards.

"If you have something to say, don't stay with me if you have nothing to do. Look at the other three generals, which one is as free as you?"

"Hey, old man of the Warring States period, I can't stand what you say, am I free?

That's because you didn't see it when I was busy like a dog. Just say that a few days ago, I was so busy that I reduced my sleep time.

You still have the nerve to say other things, I can’t compare with Sakaski’s workaholic, but Polusalino’s work is also called busy?

He is really able to sit with a pot of tea for a day, and I can do it too! "

Mo Sen couldn't help but yelled back, this old man is very bad!

I didn't talk about it when I was busy two days ago, but now I just find fault after two days of free time. I can't just make people work and not eat!

Zhan Guo glanced at him, and said lightly: "Then how about I replace you to take over Polusalino's job, if you are envious."

"Tch, if you don't mind me going, then you can send me to take over!"

Mo Sen is worthy, if you have the ability, you should send me there.

The Warring States was stunned!

A little speechless.

The bastard was right, even if Mo Sen wanted to go, he wouldn't dare to let this guy take over Huang Yuan's job.

Once something happens, it will really be a big event that will break the sky.

"Ahahahaha, Warring States period, you are deflated again."

Garp laughed happily from the sidelines. It's okay for this guy in Warring States to bully him, but it's not so easy to bully Mo Sen.

Especially when it comes to anger, this kid Mo Sen has a unique talent.

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