In front of the screen, bursts of huge cheers rose into the sky.

Everyone was dressed in decent suits, and the cloak of justice on their shoulders swished as they walked, and an extremely powerful aura seemed to be felt across the screen.

The light waves on the image worm's head rotated, and finally focused on a figure and stopped.

Wearing a white suit and a light blue tie, the familiar face of the perfect face was suddenly enlarged on the huge screen in the middle.

This time!

The scene was completely uncontrollable, and it was all screaming from the women.

Even if he already had a partner, all the women subconsciously forgot about it at this time.

"Ahhh, awsl!"

"God, my husband is so handsome! I really want to go and lick the screen, what should I do?!"

"Hmph, nasty, obscene, how could you do such a disgraceful thing, it's almost as good as letting me lick it!"

"Husband, husband, husband..."


In the room, Hancock, who was originally fascinated and peach-blossomed, turned dark when he heard the screams of the women outside.

Looking at a group of crazy women outside, she gritted her teeth and said, "This concubine... wants to turn them all into stone statues, and dare to call Mo Sen, a concubine, that's simply unforgivable!"

Apparently, Hancock wasn't just talking, she was already walking towards the balcony of the window.

Obviously ready to make a comeback!

"Sister, please stop, this is not Nine Snakes Island, not a place where we can be willful!"

The two younger sisters hurriedly grabbed Hancock, for fear that she would really regard this place as Nine Snakes Island, and there were all journalists from the newspaper outside.

I don't know how many news reports are reported to the agency every minute. If Hancock really makes such a move, it will be bombed!

It's still Deep Sea King Fried! !

"Yes, sister, please calm down, this is Lord Mo Sen's conferring ceremony, even if you want to do it, you have to consider the impact on Lord Mo Sen."

Hancock finally calmed down, she snorted coldly: "Hmph, I hate these puberty women!"

Then added another sentence.

"Mo Sen can only be a concubine!"




The awarding ceremony went smoothly, and Kaido probably didn't come to the Navy headquarters to make trouble after he fought with Shanks and his gang.

Mo Sen was not the only one to be awarded the title this time.

Of course, he was the only one who was promoted to general. There were still a few lieutenant generals and major generals who were promoted some time ago, so they were put together.

As for the officer...

Colonel officers can only be conferred by the direct generals of their respective fleets, and such occasions are not arranged for colonel officers.

After the opening speech, the formal awarding ceremony began soon.

To Mo Sen's surprise, Liv and Amy, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, were the hostesses of the ceremony.

It has to be said that there are not many women in the navy, but most of them have reached a certain level of appearance and are absolutely outstanding.

When it was Mo Sen's turn, everyone fell into a climax, both on and off the court!

Wear the golden general epaulets.

It was from this moment that Mo Sen officially became the fourth general of the navy in front of the whole world.

Popularity +10086!

Afterwards was Mo Sen's inaugural speech. Mo Sen didn't do anything special this time, and it was not suitable to say anything on such a big occasion, because it represented the face of the entire navy in front of the world.

So it is rare for him to be serious and follow the book.

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Mo Sen, a bastard boy, would cooperate with demons on such occasions. Although the possibility was not high, didn't this bastard always like to mess around?

Fortunately, this time, he took the overall situation into consideration.

The position of the Warring States is placed alone at the top and the highest place.

After that are the positions of the 4 generals, next to the positions of Karp and Zefa.

The expressions of the three generals were different.

Akaken looked a little serious with a blank face, while Kizaru still had that sloppy look, and Aokiji tilted his head and opened his eyes as if he was thinking about something.

The three generals have different personalities, and even the suits have distinct personalities, which fits their nicknames very well.

Akainu wears a red suit with a rose flower in the pocket, Kizaru wears a yellow and black striped suit, and Kuzan is also white and blue.

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