As the admiral of the navy, Zefa resigned from the position of admiral because of this incident, and has since turned from the front stage to the backstage.

—He has not appeared in the public eye for twenty or thirty years.

Is there anyone who has been in the industry for [-] years and is still working as a front-line reporter?

there must be.

But there will never be many such people!

For example, this reporter is one. It's not that he can't rise up, but that he simply likes the feeling of being at the forefront.

But this time, he encountered news that made him very excited.

This is a feeling that has not been felt in a long time.

There are many reporters here, but he is the only one who puts an angle on this person who looks strange but not many people actually know his identity like him.

His heart was secretly refreshed.

Looking at other colleagues is like looking at a group of younger brothers!

The general mental activity is like this: "A group of idiots, now you know the benefits of being old. The experience and knowledge are far beyond what you guys without long hair can compare. Waiting for Lao Tzu to report it, you all have to look up!"

In fact it is.

With his coverage of World Weekend coming out, for the first time ever, World Weekend sales were equal to that of World Economic News.

Let Morgans, an old bird, almost fire all the reporters he sent to the Chambord Islands.

The press release gave a detailed introduction to Zefa's life, what happened to him, and his contribution to the Navy after the middle transition.

All of a sudden, it aroused the admiration of an unknown number of people - damn it!There are such awesome characters in the navy!

"...Zefa became an admiral at the age of 38. During this period, he fought against Roger, and also fought against the legendary pirate Golden Lion who was captured by Admiral Mawson and brought him into the city, and he is now known as the strongest man in the world. Whitebeard has fought against each other several times, and these battles have not been decided.

When Admiral Zefa was 42 years old, a group of pirates raided his home and killed his wife and three-year-old child.As a general who does not kill, General Zefa has never taken the initiative to kill a pirate in his life. He did not expect his wife and children to die in the hands of pirates.

After this incident, Admiral Zefa resigned from his position as Admiral of the Navy, and has since turned behind the scenes to train talents for the Navy.

So who are the talents he cultivated?

Now the fourth general of the navy, some people know that he is a disciple of the former general Zefa, but I am afraid that few people know that Admiral Akainu and General Kizaru are the first batch of students of Zefa!

Not only that, Admiral 'Aokiji' Kuzan is also the best one among the third batch of students trained by Zefa.

Yes, as you can see, the four current admirals are all students of this former admiral!

How about it.Surprised or not?

If this is the case, some people may think that the former general Zefa was just lucky to meet four people with excellent talents and abilities.

But I tell you, you are all wrong!

You think that's all, it's because you're too young, you don't know anything about power.Let me give some more examples now so you can understand how powerful this kind-looking old man is.

The current Vice Admirals Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Dauberman, Gumir, Stolberg, Smoker, Dalmesia, etc. are all his students.

Even the well-known Major General Drake and the newly promoted Major General Ain are all his students.

It is no exaggeration to say that at least two-thirds of the current fleet admirals of the Navy have been taught by this former admiral.

If I were to describe it, I can only think of one word as terrifying! ! "

The sensation caused by this report is definitely greater than that of General Mo Sen.

Because everyone has known for a long time that this is a matter of time, and it is just a ceremony.

The appearance of Dan Zefa has made countless people realize everything this old man has done for the navy after resigning for nearly thirty years.

The report has aroused heated discussions all over the world. Many people, especially the pirates, are thinking about a question. Is there still such a character hiding under the water in the navy?

Think about it this way, the power of the navy is really terrifying.


New world.

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard also had such a newspaper in his hand. He looked at the report in the newspaper, and his thoughts drifted away in silence.

The navy and the pirates are rivals, not only will they kill each other, but some people will also cherish each other.

If Roger and Garp are rivals and friends at the same time, he and Zefa also have similar meanings.

Zefa does not kill generals, and Whitebeard values ​​his family and protects those within his power.

There are some similarities in the beliefs of the two men.

Nearly thirty years ago, when Zefa's wife and children were killed, he was also a little shocked, and at the same time felt sorry for his old opponent.

Since Zefa retreated behind the scenes, he really didn't see much news about him, but he didn't expect to be dug out this time.

This reporter is also a bit amazing!

"Dad... Dad, Dad?"

Whitebeard came back to his senses and found that it was Marco looking at him.

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