Seeing that the two were about to fight, Tina had no choice but to intervene to suppress the two guys.

You know, what Smog mentions is all the results of her shopping.

"Hmph... For Tina's sake, I'll let you go first." Mo Sen snorted coldly.

Hurry up and develop the armed color, otherwise there is nothing to do with this smoking guy.

The natural system is too buggy here, except that the armed color can make their elementalization invalid, like Mo Sen can only win by consuming Smoker's physical strength and fighting for a long time.

"Arrogant brat, let's talk about it if you can beat me." Smoker was also unconvinced, before this kid didn't master the armed domineering.

It is undeniable that the natural system is a bully in the first half of the four seas and the great route.

This is also Smoker's arrogant capital.



On the boat back to the headquarters, Smoker and Mawson sat cross-legged on the deck.

A small wooden table was placed in front of the two of them. Two bottles of Barceló rum had already been opened on the table, and beside them were some snacks such as dried fruit and young fish.

It has to be said that the aristocratic 'Barcelo' in rum is also considered a novel way to drink this kind of snacks.

Smoker, of course, couldn't afford such an expensive drink. Most of his salary was spent on cigars that never stopped, and the remaining half was used to maintain his precious smoke-powered motorcycle.

There is only Mo Sen, who pays more attention to the quality of life when he is strong and easy to get money, and he will not treat himself badly for food and clothing.

Barcelo is known as the nobleman of wine because he really only supplies it to the nobleman most of the time. After all, the price of a bottle of more than a dozen or hundreds of thousands is prohibitive for ordinary people.

Mo Sen also discovered this bottle of Barcelone, which was regarded as a treasure by the pirate captain, after killing a certain pirate group. After tasting it, it unexpectedly matched the taste, and he remembered it ever since.

It just so happened that I came to visit Shampoo this time, so I bought five bottles back, which is still the boss's entire inventory.

In his previous life, he studied and worked in the beer capital, so he loves beer very much.

Although there is no alcohol addiction in this life, the existence of alcohol is indispensable for long-term voyages. The quality of beer has relatively high requirements for the origin and storage of grain.

Moreover, the degree of beer is too low and the influence of freshness on the taste leads to its slightly lower popularity.

The best-selling and cheapest at sea is rum.

Mawson's taste in wine has also diversified.

However, for Smoker, 'Barcelo' is really no different from chewing peonies, recklessly.

There is no wine glass, and occasionally taking a sip from the mouth of the bottle is a special taste. For some reason, Mo Sen remembered that beer in his previous life was only peanuts...

"Smog, why don't you apply for transfer from the current fleet. In my opinion, Huoshaoshan or Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel are the right places for you to go."

Just now Smoker had told him the reason for his demotion. When the new captain of the fleet, Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman, was hunting down a group of pirates, he ordered all the wounded soldiers to be abandoned on a deserted island, giving up rescue, and letting them fend for themselves. , and turned to pursue the pirates with all their strength.

In Smoker's view, this ran counter to his justice. As a thorn with his own values, he led his frigate to disobey orders and rescue wounded soldiers on the spot.

Lieutenant General Dauberman did not succeed in chasing down the pirates, and was escaped by a small number of pirates.

Hence Smoker's demotion.

As a "hawk" general, Dauberman believes in absolute justice, and can sacrifice everything he thinks can be sacrificed in the execution of justice, even the lives of his own soldiers and civilians.

Although Smoker usually has a bad temper with soldiers, but at critical moments, he will regard the lives of soldiers more than his own.

In this world, sometimes things are not as simple as black and white right or wrong.Just like a huge navy, each general has his own interpretation of justice, and there is no way to directly distinguish which is right and which is wrong.

But there is really no way to forcibly get together if the ideas are not in harmony.

Smoker picked up the wine bottle, took a big gulp of the wine, and took two puffs on the cigar without filling in any snacks.

"You think it's so simple to transfer other fleets. Each lieutenant general or major general has their own tasks. If I transfer Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman, there will be a shortage of manpower, unless someone can take my place."

Mo Sen smacked his mouth, and understood what Smoke meant.

"So, you mean you are indispensable? You can't do without you."

Smoker almost spit out his wine, how did you know what I meant.

Well, there is a little bit of that to it.

"I mean, every colonel must at least have the ability to stand alone. Moreover, I am not very famous in the headquarters."

Smoker took another sip of the wine, and said in surprise: "Your wine is not bad, boy Mosen, bring me back two bottles to drink."

Mo Sen was stunned at the time.

I finally met someone who is more shameless than myself, and I brought you two bottles back, I am so ashamed of you.

"Sincerely 50 Baileys, no credit."

"Hey, brat, are you going to rob?"

"The half bottle you drank just now, 12 Baileys, do you think it was robbery?"

Smoker looked at the wine bottle after listening to Mosen's words, and said in disbelief: "This bottle of wine costs 25 yuan, you are really a rich man."

As an upright and good young man, Smoker is different from Mosen. He basically handed over the property he seized from hunting pirates, and then lived on bonus wages.

Mo Sen didn't have this awareness. Regardless of whether he killed or captured pirates, he put cash and some valuables into his pockets, and only handed in worthless things.

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