White Beard smiled and said, "He doesn't seem to be here to trouble me, you go and stay aside, let the two of us stay alone."

Everyone retreated to the side of the deck, leaving only two people with white beard and red hair.

In front of the red hair was a bowl as big as half his body.

He opened the wine jar, filled the bowl with wine, and threw the wine jar directly to Whitebeard.

"The bar in Xihai is not a high-quality wine."

White Beard just put it under his nose and sniffed it, and he recognized the origin of the wine. He was indeed a famous alcoholic.

The redhead nodded: "I've traveled the whole world, and there's nothing better than the wine brewed with joyful water all over the skin. This is the wine from my hometown. It's the best drink for talking about things. Try a couple of sips! "

Hearing this, Whitebeard smiled, raised his head and held up the wine jar, and drank at least one-third of it in one go: "That's right...Roger, Garp, Warring States, there are not many heroes who galloped the sea back then. , on the contrary, you, who used to be a trainee kid, have also broken into the sky.

I remember Roger and we had a lot of conflicts at the time, and I remembered your face during a war, that very funny red-nosed kid who used to be with you, how is it now? "

The redhead also took a sip, and said with a pun: "It's been 22 years, and this is a matter of course.

As for the Bucky you mentioned, I really miss it. The last time we met was the day Captain Roger was executed. I parted from him in Rogue Town.

However, it has been a long time since I saw him, and it is rumored that he is still a pirate. "

"For me, it's just a blink of an eye. In the past few years, there have been many heroes in the sea. It seems like yesterday that you fought Hawkeye."

When Whitebeard said this, he picked up the wine jar and took a few more gulps, and then put the wine jar on the deck: "A man like you actually threw an arm in the East China Sea. Everyone will be shocked when you come back. You Who cut off that arm?"

The red-haired right hand brushed against the position of the left arm, pondered for a while, then raised his head and said with a smile: "Arm?...I blocked it on the New Era!"

The red hair didn't know what to think of, and that smile was more real than ever.

This is really happy, and it can't be faked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Whitebeard looked at Shanks.

It took him a long time to lift up the wine tank, which was about the size of Shanks, and took a few sips, and then said: "You have no complaints or regrets, so it doesn't matter."

Well, the translated meaning of this sentence is: as long as you are happy!

"White beard"

The redhead was cross-legged on the deck, and beside him was a large bowl that could almost fill him.

"I've been through all kinds of battles, and I've had all kinds of injuries. But now, this scar is the only thing that hurts me."

The red hair was talking, and pointed to the three scars on the left eye: "This scar was not caused by an adventure, nor was it hurt by Hawkeye.

The one who left me with this scar is your black beard Titch, you know I didn't carelessly when I fought him.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

White Beard, Titch that guy is not as simple as it seems.I can be sure that that guy has been waiting for the opportunity. He doesn't want to be the captain and he doesn't want to be famous. He hides himself perfectly, and he has been hiding in the shadow of the famous name of White Beard until now.

Then accumulate strength, draw nutrients from it and wait for the opportunity, and finally rely on your own ability to compete for the top, one day he will come back to replace your throne! "

The sky did not know when it started to be covered with dark clouds, and a gloomy atmosphere followed.

White Beard put down the wine jar, and said in a deep voice, "Don't talk about that, what you want me to do, that's the point!"

"Stop Ace!"

Shanks' attitude towards White Beard's anger is not false at all, and he is still talking about the purpose of his visit this time: "This young man who has the ability to be the captain of your second team, he is very strong, compared to any Guys his age are strong, I know that.

But his reputation and his past affection for you will make matters worse, and now is not the time for the two of them to clash.tell him not to touch tikki

All I want to ask is this! "

The dark clouds around the two pirate ships became more dense, pressing down like thick lead. After hearing what Shanks said, Whitebeard raised his head and laughed: "Gu la la, gu la la la, you really sound like a Bratty brat!

That guy killed his companions, committed the most unforgivable crime on this ship, and he broke the iron rules.

As long as he gets on my boat, no matter how stupid a fool he was, he is still my child.If you don't care about that bastard Tiqi, how should the soul of the murdered child be placed?

If you owe benevolence and righteousness, you can't survive in this world. Isn't it my responsibility to teach that bastard Tiqi this truth?

Got it, idiot?If you want to tell me what to do, you are still a hundred years away! "

Whitebeard raised his head and drank all the wine in the wine jar, grabbed the wine jar and threw it at Shanks. Shanks, who was sitting cross-legged, moved in place and avoided the wine jar.

He picked up the huge wine bowl in front of him, and drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

Then he stood up, the red hair put his hand on the handle of Griffin's knife at his waist, he looked at the white beard and said: "Then no one can try to stop it, I am afraid that after this incident, this era will soon fall into a rampage Already!"

White Beard also pulled out his naginata from behind him, pulled out the needle in front of him, and raised the knife to cut Shanks head-on.

"But it's all alarmist talk, who do you think I am?!

I have a white beard! ! "

Without saying a word, Shanks drew out his long knife and set up Griffin with one hand, blocking the naginata that Whitebeard chopped off.

A powerful aura exploded from the two of them, and the dense dark clouds on the horizon began to be stirred up by their powerful domineering looks. For a while, there was a feeling of turbulence and turbulent waves.

Waiting for the momentum and domineering intensity of the two of them to continue to rise, the dark clouds in the sky rolled and majestic, but after all it was difficult to resist the powerful momentum and the more powerful domineering look of the two of them, and they began to dissipate slowly.

Right above Whitebeard and Shanks, the sky suddenly cleared, and a crack was clearly visible, as if the two had split the sky with a huge scar.

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