Spread it out and slap it on the table.

He lowered his voice, and said in a low and firm tone: "My solution is to report this matter directly to the Navy Headquarters. I believe that the most wanted criminals in this world will attract those powerful monsters, so that we can catch this group of murlocs in one go."

The old village chief and Fatty Jin looked at the newspaper on the table at the same time.

In the dimly lit room, through the lingering smoke, you can see a photo of a colonel smiling like a fool who won a 250 million grand prize on the newspaper under his palm...

The butterfly flapped its wings, and eventually the storm brewing at the other end deviated from its original track.



Marin Fando of the Navy Headquarters, Mawson's head is a bit big at this time.

Since the end of the holiday for more than half a month, he has been living in dire straits.

No way, anyone who meets such an unreliable bastard officer who only knows how to break his own donut record all day long, or finds a certain general to eat senbei, will be powerless to complain.

As an adjutant to such a chief, one can imagine the workload.

However, Mo Sen is not a vegetarian after all. As the new No. [-] assassin of the Navy Headquarters, his skill of "hands-off shopkeeper" has been practiced very well recently.

Mr. Lu Xun sincerely does not deceive me.

While thinking about this famous quote, Mo Sen threw a piece of information on his hand to the desk next to him.

"Major Bogart, please deal with this document."

The documents flowed like an antelope's horns and fell on the desk on the other side without a trace of fireworks. Mo Sen couldn't help applauding his technique.

Bogart: I really want to hack this stinky guy to death.

Blue blue, blue blue...

The phone bug on Mo Sen's desk suddenly rang, and it was a general with an explosive head.

"Mosen, come to my office immediately."

Chapter 74 Cloud Surge

Warring States is not alone in the general's office at this time.

On the opposite side of the desk was an old man with grizzled hair. Pieces of senbei were thrown into his mouth from time to time, making a 'click-click' sound. He didn't even care about the many residues on his beard. It was old man Karp whoever he was.

On the seat against the wall on the other side, Lieutenant General He was quietly drinking tea.

A white goat stood obediently beside it.

Zhan Guo was holding a document in his hand, flipping through it non-stop, brushing off his braids from time to time and frowning, ignoring Karp who was chattering on the opposite side.

"Warring States, is this old man finally going to be dispatched? Huhahaha, I have been guarding the headquarters for so long, and I can finally go out for some activities."

The old man Garp was obviously very happy. He has guarded the headquarters for a long time, and even the two grandsons of Fengche Village haven't visited it for more than half a year.

However, the headquarters needs to be stationed at the general level, and the Warring States has to handle all the affairs of the entire navy. The three general candidates also have their own bases in charge.

He can only be liberated from the headquarters after the Warring States period has completed the excessive promotion to marshal, and the three generals have been promoted to full-fledged generals.

"Report, Colonel Mawson has arrived."

The voice of the correspondent soldier came from the door.

"Let him in." Zhan Guo didn't lift his head.

When Mawson walked into the office, he saw the navy twilight love triangle... Ahhh, the golden triangle combination.

It seems that there is an important task.

Warring States waited until Mosen came in and got up, looked at Karp and Mosen and said seriously: "The criminal Fisher Tiger, who just received secret information, disturbed the Holy Land Mary Joa and freed a large number of slaves, appeared on the great route Forchat island."

Warring States handed over the documents and maps in his hand to... Mo Sen, obviously he knew the virtues of old man Garp better.

"The local police report directly to the headquarters, and request that they be wiped out." Warring States paused and continued: "This was originally the area under the responsibility of the G6 branch. Since Major General Stoloberg was transferred to the G2 branch, the combat power of the G6 base Not enough to get the job done."

Sengoku stopped to take a sip of tea, leaving Garp and Mawson to digest the information.

There are also reasons for Mason involved.

Due to the battle with Risti more than 20 days ago, Risti retired from the navy directly and disappeared without a trace.

The combat power of the g2 branch was tight, so Stoloberg, who was reporting to the headquarters, was transferred to the g2 branch.

It is also because of a series of layouts such as Mo Sen's big news that Shuangziye Village did not contact the g6 branch to report the whereabouts of the Sun Pirates like in the original book, but directly reported to the Navy headquarters.

In the end, it was reported to Warring States.

The Sun Pirates, who were supposed to be ambushed by Major General Stoloberi, now fell on the old man Garp to capture them.

The plot has changed a lot here. In the original development, Fisher Tiger was seriously injured in a sneak attack by Stollberg's fleet, and finally refused to transfuse human blood and died.

Stoloberg was also promoted to lieutenant general for this feat.

Now, the task is in the hands of Garp and Mason, and no one knows what will change in the future.

Mo Sen didn't know about these, and in his previous life, he only had a clearer impression of the plot of the major events after Luffy started his adventure.

The old man Garp didn't think too much, since it was an arrest mission, he just went there recklessly.

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