Hawkeye raised the fruit knife in his hand, looked at Sauron who was running fast, without any fluctuation in his eyes, he stabbed forward lightly with the knife.

"Frog in the well, come and see how big the world is."

Ding! !

After the bright knife light, there was a crisp sound of gold and iron.

"What... what?"

Everything seemed to be frozen in place, and the pause button seemed to be pressed on the screen. The slashes from Sauron's three knives were easily blocked in front of him by the fruit knife in Hawkeye's hand, preventing him from advancing an inch.

Even holding a fruit knife in one hand, oh no, it should be said that the foot of the eagle eye of the pencil knife didn't even move.


Cold sweat dripped down Sauron's face, he couldn't even move forward at this moment, the small knife in front of the three knives was like a big mountain.

Although he vaguely understood that there was a gap between himself and Hawkeye, he never thought that the gap would be so large as it is now.

Not to mention him, but the onlookers including Luffy and his party, Bharati's chef and other pirates deeply understood the horror of the great route.

The three of Luffy said worriedly: "Zoro..."

Pulling his knife back, Sauron let out a somewhat unwilling growl: "What is this? Is my strength limited to this? How can I be so far away from the world?!"

However, it went straight up again.


Still useless!

No matter how many knives, no matter what moves, none of the knives could break through the small knife in Hawkeye's hand and hit him.

— not a single knife!

The more he fought, the more desperate and unwilling Sauron felt.

These unwillingnesses have been accumulating in his heart.

The scenes of him fighting against Guina and his uninterrupted overload training since he was a child flashed through his mind.

The attacks became more and more violent, but also more messy.

It's just that Sauron still persists, he never dares and cannot admit defeat!

Otherwise, what's the point of persistence?

Hawkeye looked into Sauron's eyes, and said in a rare voice: "What are you carrying? What do you want to achieve on the strongest road? Weakness!"

The words of the weak stung Sauron's heart again, as if he remembered the look in Kuina's eyes when he lost to Kuina for the first time.

He drew his knife and stood up, calming down his messy breathing.

"I... will never admit defeat!"

Raising his arms, the knife in his hand crossed with the [He Dao Yi Zi Wen] in his mouth, forming a "well" character with one stroke missing.

【Three swords hunting】

Sauron's figure moved forward, and his moves at this time were vaguely more powerful and fierce than before.

The knife flashed, and then...

Pfft! !

The screen freezes.

Sauron's figure changed from extreme movement to silence again.

For the first time, Hawkeye was not simply defending, but a defensive counterattack. The knife in his hand stabbed the top of Sauron's chest, only a few centimeters away from his heart.

——Sauron's move was naturally easily broken!




Blood flowed from the wound, first staining the clothes red, and then dripping on the wooden boards of the wreckage, the scarlet was a bit dazzling.

"Do you want to be pierced through the heart, why don't you retreat?"

Hawkeye asked, if the knife in his hand hadn't been raised a few centimeters just now, Sauron would have been a dead man at this time.

It's just that Sauron had obviously felt the power of the knife in his hand just now, and he still didn't retreat half a point, even if he moved forward, he would be pierced through the heart by the knife.

That's why Hawkeye was a little moved and asked aloud.

he already……

It's been a long time since I saw such an indomitable swordsman!

Blood flowed from the corner of Sauron's mouth, and he looked at the sky through the eagle's eyes: "I don't know why, even I don't know.

However, I feel that even if I take half a step back now, all the most important promises and vows so far will disappear.

If I am like that, I am afraid I will never be myself again! "

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