"what do you mean?"

"It's obvious what I mean, isn't it?"

Kidd stretched out two fingers, "I want the boat, I want your life and Bailey too."

"You keep your word, our shipyard is not vegetarian!"

"I'm a pirate, just grab whatever you like. Are you kidding me when you talk about credibility with pirates? Hahahaha."

Kidd stopped laughing, and suddenly his face became violent, "Besides, you looked down on my dream just now, didn't you? I once said that anyone who mocks my dream will die.

Get your hands on it! "

As Kidd's voice fell, many tall figures suddenly emerged from the darkened sky.

All of this has already been planned.

The setting sun in the sky is about to sink completely below the sea surface, and the last ray of light shines on a thin cloud

Red as blood.

The second change, both changes are more than 4k, adding up to about 9k2, as expected, the hand is disabled, and it takes 4 hours to complete the coding of more than [-] words.

Today is the [-]st, and tomorrow is the new year on the Gregorian calendar. I wish you all a happy new year, a new year and a new atmosphere. It is best to have a big New Year's hair. Well, if you can't do it, you can also have a small hair.

It's two o'clock in the morning, it's time to rest, good night

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What did you say?"

The clear voice contains complex emotions.

"The Kidd Pirates appeared in Lundin City. They attacked a shipyard, took away a newly manufactured pirate ship, and burned the entire shipyard, causing dozens of deaths and injuries."

The voice on the other end of the phone worm paused, "This is the news I just received. It happened yesterday evening."

A warm and jade-like hand was clenched tightly, and the speaker creaked unbearably: "Is it Lundin City yesterday evening? I know!

These guys are still as arrogant and cruel as before. If the sky wants to destroy them, they must first make them crazy.

I'm really looking for death! "


The phone bug hung up, and a cold voice came out on the deck: "Anilu, go find Caesar and ask him to suspend all the research in his hand and prepare to take off. The target is Lundin City, use all your strength to fly Get me up to speed!"

After the order was issued, the momentum on the huge battleship changed instantly.The original battleship was like a giant beast lying on the ground and dozing leisurely, but now it is showing its minions and preparing to catch it.

It's hideous!

This is Mawson's 16th year in this world.

Facts have proved that it is really difficult to change the three views of people after they are fixed.

Even though he has been in this world for more than half of his age in his previous life, when death happened in front of him, he still couldn't ignore it.

With great power comes great responsibility!

These words are not just words, but with Mo Sen's salty fish personality, if he is running around every day to save people he doesn't know or have nothing to do with, he can't be so great.

He can't save so many people.

But if something happens before his eyes, and he has the ability to solve it, he will never be indifferent.

This has nothing to do with good or evil, a normal person would have such an idea.

If he really didn't do anything, he would not be able to pass the test in his heart.

He's just a little salty, not indifferent!

This is actually the sorrow of ordinary people in the world with extremely high personal force. Imagine that when you can handle the lives of ordinary people at will, just like handling an ant, you can still maintain the same kind of treatment for ordinary people over time. psychological?

Just because Mo Sen can do it barely, doesn't mean that other people in this world can do it too.

At least for now, it seems that people like Kidd can't do it, imagine that it is dozens of living lives!

Not some plant straw.

On the deck, it became a little stagnant because of Mo Sen's angry atmosphere.

Everyone understands Mo Sen's temper, and he won't get angry no matter how much he laughs at him in normal times, but no one dares to find it uncomfortable when it's a serious matter.

Even a bold old demon would not dare!

I didn't see Enilo, who likes to talk back the most, didn't even dare to fart, so he just obeyed orders.

Others don't need to order at all. The tacit understanding developed over a long period of time will allow them to consciously enter their roles and handle the work that needs to be handled well.

The huge sails were folded up by the soldiers, all the propellers hidden on the huge battleship were turned on, and they began to spin rapidly. There were Enel and Caesar, who had super-powered engines similar to perpetual motion machines, and the flying Mo Sen The number soared from the sea.

After adjusting its direction in mid-air, the Mawson began to accelerate gradually, galloping away towards the distance.

A rare calm day.

The sun climbed into the sky early and began to work hard, radiating heat and nourishing everything.

On the calm sea, a brand new three-masted sailing ship sailed on the sea.

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