Without exception, these pirates are all very bloodthirsty.

After that, few people would do anything to massacre the village. After all, the pirates were only seeking money, and the perverts who took pleasure in killing were a minority after all.

However, this is not a long-term solution. Mo Sen didn't have many things to deal with when he was in the headquarters, but he needed to make decisions on many major matters, and Ai En didn't have such qualifications yet.

Not only was the Warring States period not allowing him to do this, but Mo Sen himself couldn't afford to spend more time chasing and killing pirates at sea every day.

Not to mention other places, the first half of the great route has indeed changed a lot at once.

Most of the other future supernovas who originally went to sea with Kidd chose a very conscientious way.

Fortunately, other pirate groups will not kill people at every turn like Kidd's pirate group.

In addition to plundering villages, towns and countries, the pirates in the sea will also attack each other, and these Mo Sen will not take care of it, nor do they have the mood or energy to do it.

When is there any time to discuss moves with Miss Hancock? Isn't it delicious?

A month later.

Mo Sen, who was exposed to the wind and sun at sea, was preparing to return with his battleship. After a long time, life at sea was not comfortable and there were many inconveniences.

The most important thing is that, except for the little adjutant who stayed in the headquarters, there is not a single woman on the Mawson.

Everyday life is male plus male, who can stand it?

Therefore, after achieving his goal, Mo Sen ordered the warship to return to the Navy headquarters, and it is now on its way back.

He also received another mission from the Warring States period, and was squeezed to death by the old man in the Warring States period, for fear that he would slip away to fool around again after a while.

Really, the most basic trust between people!

You go to the Navy headquarters and ask, he is not that kind of person at all.



City of Seven Waters.

As the most famous shipbuilding base on the Great Sea Route, it was glorious for a while, but then declined. After that, with the efforts of generations, and the completion of the Shanghai Train, it began to slowly regain its vitality.

Here is a group of miraculous cities in the ocean of Independence. Every year, a storm surge from the "Water Gods" hits here, but the city still maintains its appearance for hundreds of years.

This is not only because the city has mastered the laws of the gods of water, but also because the buildings of the entire city are not only designed to conform to the terrain, and a large part of the reason has a lot to do with this storm surge.

The City of Seven Waters looks like a huge multi-layered cake from a distance. The whole city has distinct layers from top to bottom. The lowest building is surrounded by a group of solid stone walls. The drain is like a city gate.The uppermost layer of water will stay and be drained from here, and these flowing sea currents form an extremely complex traffic network, which is the main mode of transportation in the city.

The capital of seven waters is famous for its shipbuilding, especially the murloc Tom who was executed by the world government a few years ago is a master in the shipbuilding industry.

One Piece Roger's former pirate ship came out of his hands, and he was also responsible for designing and manufacturing the world-famous sea train.

To be honest, for such a master, Mo Sen didn't know about his accident at the time, otherwise he would have to find a way to save his life.For nothing else, even if it is to ask him to help redesign his Mawson, it is worth saving his life.

However, Tom not only built the pirate ship of Roger the Pirate King, but also held the blueprint of the ancient weapon 'Pluto' in his hand, which was the root cause of his final death.

The reason why Lao Sha wanted to seize the country of Alabasta was because they guarded the secret of the 'Pluto' - it is said that it is a powerful weapon of war that can destroy an island in one attack.

The world government has always wanted to obtain such an ancient weapon, but it is a pity that it took a waste Spandam to take charge of this matter.

Even if he executed Tom, Mao had never seen the legendary design of Pluto.

Tom the Murloc has two disciples who have inherited Tom's shipbuilding skills, but the two walk in completely different ways.

One is the mayor of the capital of the seven waters and the boss of Carrera, the largest shipbuilding company in the capital of the seven waters, and the other is really rushing to dismantle the ship. This is the more talented second disciple Fran strange.

No one knows that the design of Pluto is in the hands of Franky.

On the contrary, the iceberg on the bright side has always been the key object of supervision by the world government. Not only is the secretary a cp9 from the world government, but even the shipbuilders in the company have cp people.

And the goal of these people is naturally the design of the legendary Pluto.

It's just that after lurking for so many years, they still haven't found any trace, as if it was just a legend.

But at this time, they deliberately planted flowers to keep them from blooming, but unintentionally planted willows and willows to make shades. They discovered the devil's son Nicole Robin who had been wanted by the world government and the navy.

No one thought that the arrest operation was not an accident at all, but other circumstances triggered a major earthquake in the world.

Without any interference, the plot seems to be controlled by an invisible big hand, walking forward in a predetermined direction.

Before that, another major event broke out on an island.



Balona Island.

This is a karst island, surrounded by forested peaks, they surrounded the whole island, and only a few places are accessible.

In the center of the island is a small town with a population of only a few hundred.

The surrounding mountains provide shelter from the wind and rain, so that they can live here safely without worrying about the storm.

But things are different in town today.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a town than a village. Today, all the villagers have fled the place where they live, from newborn babies to old people who cannot walk.

All gathered on a mountain plateau a few hundred meters away from the village.

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