An ice road on the sea surface spread from a distance to the huge naval warship, and a bicycle was driving slowly on the ice road.

On the bicycle is a tall, middle-aged man wearing a white suit, small vest, dark blue shirt, he has curly black hair, the most eye-catching thing is the eye patch on his forehead, and he is about to fall asleep and squint when he is riding a bicycle s eyes.

As with all storylines, the most crucial and powerful force always arrives at the end of the matter.

"Ku...General Kuzan, I didn't expect you to come here, we...we will continue to pursue them, and we will never let these pirates go.

Even if we gamble on our navy, no, even if we gamble on the majesty of the world government, we will definitely destroy the Straw Hat Pirates.

We will definitely catch the most important criminal, Nicole Robin, please approve the support fleet and replenish soldiers, please..."

Kuzan frowned and interrupted: "Enough!"

"But, Your Excellency General..."

"The power of the national-level combat power of the Demon Slaying Order has been used. How many warships do you think will support in the future? And judging from the defeat of the fleet and the tragedy of Judiciary Island, which symbolizes the law, everything is already clear at a glance."

Kuzan paused for a moment before continuing: "This incident is a complete defeat of our navy and the government."

This is a fact that the navy is unwilling to admit but has to admit. No matter from which point of view, including the navy stationed on Judicial Island and the soldiers of the world government, plus so many naval forces of the Demon Slaying Order, they have not been able to leave the straw hats behind. A group of anyone.

What is this if it is not a fiasco?

The major general who was in charge of the report looked ugly, and his voice was much lower: "Yes, Your Excellency, General."

"Let's stop here. Go rescue the injured soldiers first, and then return to the voyage. I will give Mr. Sengoku a detailed explanation of the situation here."

Kuzan's face was serious, he had already overestimated Luffy and his party as much as possible, and found that he had not estimated their destructive power enough.

After this incident, the young people of the Straw Hats will definitely be paid close attention to by the navy, even if he is Mr. Garp's grandson.

However, the urgent task now is not these, but how to report the situation here to Mr. Zhan Guo.

He could already imagine what the face of the Warring States period would turn into.



Mo Sen had slipped out of the marshal's office before the Warring States black face.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the people in the Navy Headquarters, including Sengoku, Zefa, Karp, Kizaru, and the well-matched lieutenant generals, can be said to be well aware of their personalities.

Knowing when to rant and when to shut up is very discerning.

He has a good sense of proportion, or he has ABC numbers in his heart.

In the current situation, the old man of the Warring States Period was obviously really angry.

That is Judicial Island. Although it has no practical effect, it represents the face of the world government and the navy.

In any case, the fig leaf of the law cannot be torn off, exposing some of the ruthlessness of the world government and the navy to the world.

Mo Sen will not defend the navy without thinking just because he is in the navy camp, and will regard everything the navy does as right.

The old man of the Warring States Period is naturally qualified or even excellent as the admiral of the navy, which is determined by his position.

But his ass determines his head, and everything is considered for the navy and the government. Even if some local governments and the navy are doing something wrong or even wrong, the Warring States has to support it or cover it up.

For example, the current Judiciary Island incident really made him angry, and the cause of the incident was nothing more than the government and navy coveting the Pluto design left by Tom.

From the beginning when Cp9 went undercover in the capital of seven waters to the series of events that happened later, they were all serving this purpose, and the damage caused was not considered.

Even in the end, the Demon Slaughter Order was launched without hesitation, which meant that the soldiers on Judicial Island had been abandoned.

If they hadn't been lucky enough to escape early after hearing the truth of the incident, at least half of the soldiers stationed above would have been lost.

But what Warring States did not expect was that a state-level military force like Tu Mo Ling would not be able to capture and eliminate a group of small new pirates.

When did the combat power of the Navy Headquarters become so weak?

Of course, the most hateful ones are the group of pirate straw hat boys, um, and his bastard grandpa Garp!

"Hey, old man, don't blame me for not reminding you, because that little bastard Luffy turned Judicial Island upside down, and finally triggered the Demon Slaughter Order to destroy the entire Judicial Island. But the anger is soaring, I guess I will call you in a while, and you will be miserable."

In the office, Mo Sen carefully dialed Garp's number, thinking that he should remind the old man no matter what.

With the current level of anger of the old man in the Warring States Period, which has reached the point where his relatives do not recognize him, Karp will probably be scolded as a bloody sprinkler.

"Ahahahaha, so this kid is so powerful? I asked why I didn't catch up with him all the way. It turned out that he had already run to Judicial Island.

As expected of the old man's grandson, he was able to escape from the Demon Slaughter Order. He has the style of the old man back then, hahaha. "

Mo Sen on the other end of the phone has a dark face, old man, isn't your focus a bit crooked? !

You are still proud at this time, so I have taught this little bastard before, am I proud?

"Be serious, old man! Let's get down to business now. This time, the old man in the Warring States Period was really angry. I just slipped out of there, and his nostrils were so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils. The air pressure in that office was so low that I dare not stay there."

Seeing that Mo Sen said something seriously, Karp was also a little apprehensive.

Although he has long been used to the various postures of the Warring States... Bah, the roar of the dragon in various modes, but now he still feels a little guilty.

His tone is still a bit stubborn: "Ahem... the old man will not be afraid of him as a warring country! Besides, Luffy, a bastard, the old man has always trained him as a navy. It's that bastard Shanks, I don't know What kind of ecstasy was given to him to make him want to be such a shitty Pirate King.

Humph, what's so good about One Piece!Wasn't Roger also chased all over the world by the old man? "

It's impossible for the old man to be cowardly, isn't it just a Warring States period?

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