In other words, for Kaido and Big Mom, these are not as important as their own development.

Although the two seem to be simple-minded, they are reckless in everything, but that doesn't mean they are stupid.

The Blackbeard incident happened more than half a year ago, and Ace's news only occasionally appeared in newspapers, but he had already gone to the first half of the paradise.

The death of Saatchi is by no means a secret to them. Although they don't know the details of the matter, as the captain of the second team, Ace, this fast-growing guy's sudden visit to the paradise must have something to do with it.

Especially in the recent period, it is impossible to completely conceal the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The largest pirate group in the world, the direct subordinates and the peripheral pirate groups have a scale of nearly ten thousand. No one knows the situation except the most central Moby Dick. The actions of the peripheral pirate groups cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

The Whitebeard Pirates occupying the New World have been mobilizing frequently recently, and they have chosen to retreat from areas that originally had many conflicts with Kaido and Big Mom.

This kind of behavior made Kaido and Auntie very happy. Although they couldn't figure out the specific reason, they didn't want to. Anyway, eating these sites was the meat in their mouths.

There is no need to think too much in the world of the reckless, the big muscle bully is everything!

These are only superficial things, the real situation has become undercurrents under the sea, and it is unknown when there will be huge waves.

Make an indelible mark on this era.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, whether it is the captain of the directly subordinate team who knows, or the peripheral pirates who don't know, everyone has a certain measure in their hearts.

I'm afraid this time, the whole world will change because of it!

Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

In the marshal's office, the old man Karp was sitting on the sofa, and he didn't care if Zhan Guo was angry with him and completely ignored him, making tea and eating Zhan Guo's senbei by himself.

Warring States with a livid face, dealt with official business very seriously, completely ignoring Karp.

But the occasional glance and the occasional twitch of his mouth prove he's not who he seems.

There was a report from the phone bug's speaker: "The above is what we have monitored."

"I see, Drake."

Sengoku withdrew his gaze from the bastard, and thought about something from time to time: "Whitebeard is whitebeard, he naturally has his own channels to know about this matter, and the commotion of the Whitebeard Pirates now proves this.

However, he definitely doesn't know the specific situation at this time, and now he is only shrinking his strength, just like a fist must be retracted before it can be swung with stronger force.

Kaido and Big Mom are not beyond our expectations. Forget about these two monsters, let’s not talk about them. Has the Red Hair Pirates monitored their whereabouts? "

Hearing the red-haired name, Garp, who was drinking tea at the side, sat up a little more, his ears pricked up to listen to the conversation of the Warring States Period over there.

"Sorry, Mr. Warring States! The whereabouts of the red-haired party are too erratic. He hasn't been back to his stronghold for a long time. We haven't traced him."

Derek's voice on the other side was a little apologetic.

As the lieutenant general of the Navy's secret force today, it is not the same as in the plot. He now puts all his energy on the four emperors.

The various conflicts that occurred in the Four Emperors' Regiment may not all be due to them themselves, and many other forces' guidance and misfortunes are also attributable to them.

Among them, the role played by Drake is also hidden under the water, and no one knows.

The more no one knows about it, the less likely it will be suspected. In this regard, the Warring States Period gave Drake a lot of power, and he, the admiral of the navy, did not know many specific things.

Of course, he didn't mean to ask.

When Drake was chosen for this position, Sengoku had already considered it very clearly.

There is no doubt about employing people, and there is no need for others!

Drake has done a great job, no need to be exact.

"It's normal, don't blame your strength." Sengoku didn't blame, but comforted him, "The red-haired pirates have always been unique, and their goals are different from the two monsters Kaido and Big Mom.

Moreover, if these people deliberately hide it, it is normal for us not to be discovered by us.

Next, you continue to monitor their actions and report any suspicious situations. "

"Yes, Mr. Sengoku."

Drake hung up the phone, and the only sound in the office was the sound of Zhan Guo writing on paper with a pen in his hand.

"Cough Warring States, old man"

"Irrelevant personnel, please go out and don't disturb my work."

Karp: ""

It seems that this old man is really angry. It has been two days since he came back, and he hasn't scolded himself at all.

It's scary when old men get angry!

When Warring States and the old man Garp were quarreling with each other, the Mawson finally stopped at one place.

Because the cautious black beard finally sent someone to send Ace over.

The place he chose to trade was a deserted island that was not shown on the map. It must be said that the navigator on his ship was really skilled.

Not only can a ship made of a few big logs nailed together sail in the first half of the great route, but even such a hidden place can be found.


There are many unknown desert islands in this world, especially outside the main waterway. Not to mention pirates, even the 800-year-old navy has not set foot in many places.

The deserted island in front of me is obviously one of them.

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