Zhan Guo's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition, Mo Sen, a bastard, would not dare to let him go without authorization.

Thinking in his heart, he said calmly, "Ain has already reported to me just now, you have received that Fire Fist Ace, right? Shichibukai's confession has been published and will be announced soon."

"I'm sorry, Sengoku old man, Ace"

The air pressure was terribly low all of a sudden, and the two phone bugs who were talking became trembling, and the voice of the Warring States was a little scary: "So, you won't tell me to let that Ace, your student escape, right? "

"So you already know, so there's nothing to hide, Ace"

Mo Sen's voice paused, he already felt a chill flying over the phone bug, and a powerful force before the eruption of the volcano seemed to be about to erupt.

"Ace is about to be sent to Advance City by me, ahahahaha, how about it, am I reliable?

Just now you must have thought that I let him go secretly, but unfortunately you guessed wrong.You don't trust me so much, old man of the Warring States Period, the crib of our friendship has been turned over! "

The breathing on the other side of the phone bug suddenly increased, and there was a feeling of a balloon that was about to explode being punctured.

Without waiting for the outbreak of the Warring States Period, Mo Sen put on the microphone and hung up the phone.

It's fun to skin it!

In the Marshal's office of Marlin Vanduo.

"Bastard Mo Sen, don't let anyone stop me this time, I'm going to beat him to death!"

The roar shook the whole field, as if an earthquake had occurred in the headquarters, and the buildings were deformed by the sound.

However, the whole department has long been used to it, and they paused for a while and continued to work on the work at hand.

At this moment, a soldier broke in suddenly.

"Report to Your Excellency the Marshal, the Chambord Islands emergency, the nobles of the world were beaten by Straw Hat Luffy!"

I took time off to drive home with my friends, and coded a short chapter on the highway. It's a little short, but it's better than nothing.

After driving 7 kilometers in 260 hours, this traffic jam is really enough.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Inside the Marshal's office.

There was a silence at first, and then there was a cry of crying and screaming.

"Doctor! Come to the doctor!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period glowed with golden light all over his body, and fainted with white smoke above his head!!"

"Come to the doctor!!! Your Excellency the Marshal has passed out!!"

Then there is the chicken flying dog jumping.

After a while of tossing, it took a while for the Warring States to wake up.

The first place he looked at at this time turned out to be the direction of old man Garp, but he looked at old man Garp as if he wanted to eat this bastard.

Of course, you don’t need too much oil. Use more honey barbecue sauce to enhance the freshness. It’s best to sprinkle some cumin on it, otherwise the meat will be too old to chew and taste bad.

Or dip in some egg liquid, wrap in bread crumbs, and fry until golden on both sides, the white beard next door is almost crying

God is so pitiful, who can stand the various stimuli every day!

Warring States heart is exhausted, the two guys who have the best relationship with him in the navy are actually more jerks than the other.

That little bastard Mo Sen was fine, at least he didn't make any big troubles for himself.Karp is a good bastard. Not only is his son an enemy of the world government and the navy, but now even his grandson is on the opposite side of the navy.

What crime did I commit in my previous life? !

It would have been nice if Mawson hadn't been handed over to Karp, an old bastard, to teach him. A good boy would be taught to become a little bastard.

I really want to slap these two bastards to death, what should I do?

"Your Excellency Marshal, which general are you going to send to the Chambord Islands now?"

The colonel who came to report was sweating on his forehead, and he felt a little bit of regret for coming to report at this time. He wondered if he would be slapped to death by the Marshal of the Warring States Period. Your Excellency Marshal's eyes are so scary!

The old man Garp, who was stared at by the Warring States, looked unnatural, and secretly muttered to himself: "The old man is not wrong. He is indeed the grandson of the old man. The trash of the Tianlong people should have been cleaned up long ago. As for being so excited!"

It's a pity that I can only say this in my heart, otherwise it will be bad to wait for the next one, and it will be a bad thing to make the Warring States really angry.

"Call Polusalino and tell him to go to the Chambord Islands, he's the fastest!"

Sengoku came back to his senses and gave orders to the captain of the navy who came to report.

Except for Mo Sen, in fact, the three admirals of the Navy are all in the headquarters or Mary Joa, but only Huang Yuan is the most suitable to handle this matter.

He is in charge of this area since he sits in Marie Gioia, and as a person with the ability of the sparkling fruit, he is also the fastest, um, in various senses.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!"

After the colonel saluted, he hurriedly withdrew, not even caring about his awkward figure.

Immediately, there were only him and Garp left in the office, er, and a lost kid.

"Ahem old man still has things to deal with, so I'm leaving too."

Seeing that Zhan Guo looked at him very unkindly, the old man Karp realized that something was wrong and prepared to run away.

It's just a little late!

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