There is nothing wrong with wanting to mobilize naval soldiers to form an overwhelming advantage over the Whitebeard Pirates.


Zhan Guo covered his mouth with his hands and let out a dry cough, attracting attention and maintaining hygiene, "If you have no objections, follow the opinions of Sakaski and Mosen."

Obviously, the old man of the Warring States period gave Red Gouzi a step down.

Everyone also acquiesced to this statement!

The cold is finally cured, but watching the news that the new virus is becoming more and more rampant, come on wh, everyone must pay attention to precautions, and remember to wear a mask when going out!

Of course, it is best not to go out, and pray that the virus will be brought under control as soon as possible, and everyone will get out of the shadows as soon as possible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"As for the recruitment of Qiwuhai under the king, you will be solely responsible for it."

Zhan Guo looked around and threw this task to Mo Sen again.

There is no way, among the current King Xia Shichibuhai, apart from the newly joined Blackbeard and Moonlight Moriah, the other five are very familiar with him.

Mo Sen was in charge of summoning Wang Qiwuhai to the headquarters for the last two meetings, so it is most reliable to entrust this matter to him.

Of course, you still need to guard against it.

After the Warring States finished speaking, he continued to explain to other people: "Flying squirrel, go to Jiu Snake Island, which is located in the windless zone, in person. I remember that the famous Pirate Queen who was famous in the world did not come to the two previous kings Qiwuhai meetings. , this time there must be no one absent."

Mawson: "???"

WTF! !

Old man of the Warring States Period, please make it clear, are you targeting me, Fat Tiger?

Such blatant targeting is really a bit too much!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ~ hiccup!"

The old man Garp laughed out of nowhere, and was held back in his stomach by a stare from Zhan Guo.

Except for a few people such as Sakarski who were expressionless, everyone else couldn't help laughing.

Anyway, in daily life, it has become a habit for the Warring States Marshal and General Mo Sen to fall in love and kill each other.

Right now, it is obvious that Marshal Warring States has pulled back the round.

"Cough... that, why don't you leave it all to me. After all, I know the way well, and my battleship is also fast. If the flying squirrel goes there, there may be some accidents."

Mo Sen tried to refute, but Zhan Guo didn't mean to change his mind at all.

"This matter is settled like this. The flying squirrel will leave immediately after the meeting is over. If the Pirate Empress is still unable to come by relying on some people, then she will directly cancel the status of Shichibukai under the king."

The matter is settled like this, and Mo Sen will not demolish the Warring States stage on such a serious occasion.

If you want to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, it will obviously be a big help to bring in the King Shichibukai, and at the same time, it will also reduce the casualties of the navy a lot. Naturally, the Warring States Period will not allow Hancock to play small temper.

In fact, needless to say, Hancock would be very happy to come over, after all, it was a long drought... Cough, after all, I haven't seen Mo Sen for a long time.

Right now is a legitimate opportunity.

Although it only takes one phone call to summon Hancock, it is obviously impossible for Mo Sen to say more on this occasion.


A dignified admiral of the navy, what is the first appearance and image to take care of?

"Since there is no objection, this matter has been settled in this way. If you have any good suggestions, you can bring them up."

The meeting continues.

However, Drake, from the Chief of the Secret Forces, raised his hand to speak.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I have something to report here."

"You're welcome, just say it."


After all, Drake has just been promoted not long ago, and his position at this time belongs to the last one. After the words of the Warring States Period, he stood up and made a report: "Since a few days ago, the Moby Dick where Whitebeard is located has disappeared. , We used a lot of power but failed to find its whereabouts, I think this should be taken seriously.”

Drake's voice fell, and the conference room became a little noisy. If Whitebeard's whereabouts cannot be determined, there will be many variables.

Sengoku pondered for a while, and asked, "What about the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Except for the Moby Dick, the other pirates are all under surveillance. They are returning to the 'Paradise' in the first half of the great voyage from the New World. From the information we have learned, we can deduce that the purpose is the Navy headquarters."

"What? The Whitebeard Pirates are so fast. At this time, the news hasn't spread all over the world, right?"

"Certainly not, Newsbird is not that fast."

"The Whitebeard Pirates already knew about Ace's arrest before we announced the news, so it's not surprising that they have such a speed."

Not all the generals in the conference room knew all the information, some had known it before, but some had just learned the news not long ago, so it was inevitable that they would be a little puzzled.

Warring States pressed his hands together to silence the conference room.

"White Beard is not in vain. It is not uncommon to know this news in advance. Right now, we are not afraid of him coming, but we are afraid of him not coming!"

The hair of the old man from the Warring States period was still pitch black, and the toad glasses under the seagull hat reflected a cold light, making him look extremely domineering.

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