The underlying meaning is that stability overrides everything, and if you really want to mess around, you have to wait until after the war.

Mo Sen curled his lips, the old man in the Warring States Period is not cute in this way, and the task is the most important thing at any time.

But what you don't know is that the guy with the black beard has evil intentions, this king Shichibukai is just a cover-up for him to make trouble, his ambition is bigger than you imagined!

But this matter, he also has no way to say, because there is no evidence and the Warring States period has formed an inherent impression.

At this time, it is not the right time to really attack Blackbeard, and it will cause misunderstandings for nothing.

So it can only be defended with one hand, and the possibility of taking the opportunity to get rid of it is gone.

Mo Sen raised his hand, saying that he was a good student: "Don't worry, I will not mess around in front of the enemy. I can guarantee this with my character."

Before Zhan Guo could speak, the corners of Drake's mouth twitched slightly, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

What kind of character do you have yet to count?

This guy Blackbeard is missed by his own chief, so he will be lucky in the future!

Zhan Guo obviously understood this truth. He opened his mouth to say something, but Mo Sen had a serious face and looked very obedient.

I can only emphasize again: "I don't care about you at other times, but right now you must put the overall situation first and don't make trouble for me, you know?"

"Old man in the Warring States period, I don't like to hear you say that, you don't trust me!"

Mo Sen started his performance, and said with an aggrieved face: "Didn't you make me feel cold when you said this? It's okay to make my heart feel cold, what do other marines think?

I think that I, Mo Sen, have been conscientious and conscientious since I joined the navy. How much credit have I made for the navy in the Southern and Northern Wars?

How much blood was shed for the Navy?

Over the years, the pirates I have caught can even circle the great route, but you still don’t trust me so much, where do I put the face of a dignified admiral, I..."

"Okay, okay!" Zhan Guo had a huge headache, and he waved his hand to chase Mo Sen out, "I believe you can't do it? Go and do your work, I have to keep busy, you go down!"

"It's almost there!"

Mo Sen accepted it as soon as he saw it, put away his aggrieved expression, and got up to leave.

Drake didn't stay any longer, he also had things to deal with, it can be said that he was much busier than Mawson at this time.

The two stepped out of the office of the Warring States Period, and Mo Sen took a step slowly.

"Drake, don't leave after school tonight, let's get together, I have something to talk to you about."

"Yes, sir!" Drake replied subconsciously.

His expression was a little nervous, and he thought that Mo Sen had seen his expression just now and would settle accounts with him one night.

Mo Sen patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Don't be so nervous, just chatting for a while, I won't do anything to you. Well, I'm leaving, you go to your own business."

After walking two steps, Mo Sen suddenly stood up: "Oh, by the way, come to me after the war, my newly developed posture... Bah, the moves are just for you to be a witness!

Don't worry, it's just a testimony, I can guarantee this. "

Drake wanted to cry but had no tears.

He has never seen such a stingy, such an officer who doesn't want Bilian.



At night, Marin Vanduo is brightly lit, and there is a tense atmosphere before the war everywhere, even the pubs in the headquarters and so on... Many pubs are not closed, but the number of people is indeed much smaller than before.

The taverns in this world are not just places to drink and drink, but also part-time restaurants.

At this moment, they are very conscious, after all, they are family members of the Navy.

Soldiers under the school officer basically seldom appear in the tavern at this time. Many people were sent to send the family members here to the Chambord Islands, and stayed there to maintain order.

The naval headquarters is not only soldiers, but also a large number of naval family members, which is even larger than the permanent population of soldiers.

Not every soldier was born in the starting point orphanage, and not every soldier was celibate like the Warring States Period and the Three Generals.

Marriage is the instinct of human survival and continuation.

At the same time, for soldiers, marriage is an important part of maintaining stability.

The family members were sent to the Chambord Islands, so that the soldiers here would concentrate on fighting the enemy.

Golden Time Tavern is located in the family area.

Originally, the owner of the tavern also asked to be evacuated, but the owner and his family, who had been in the navy during the era, had seen big storms and said that they would stand on the last post.

——Wait until closing time on the last night before evacuating to the Chambord Islands.

Tonight's golden time is without the hustle and bustle of the past. In the dim tavern, there are only two or three people sitting here, and they are very conscious of not ordering any alcoholic drinks.

Even Mo Sen, who is usually not very obedient, did not violate this rule at this time. He has always been a person with a sense of propriety.

This is well-known!

In the corner of the tavern, there were a few figures sitting, looking at the shawls of justice that had not been taken off, which blinded people's eyes.

This is the table with the largest number of people in the tavern.

In fact, the people at the table were all ordinary, except for the leader Mo Sen, there were only three natural ability users of Smokey Winston and Ainel Road.

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