Mo Sen said, motioning to the side to send out the information.

"Everyone have seen this simple tactical layout map, the place marked with x is where you will be at that time.

I know you won't listen to the navy, so I haven't arranged any specific combat missions for you, and everyone can play freely at that time.

The only requirement is not to attack the navy.Including intentional or unintentional large-scale attacks including the navy, when you are fighting, the navy will deliberately avoid it, so...

The ugly words are up front, if the navy suffers casualties in your hands, don't blame me for being rude! "



Time always flies in the busy.

Sometimes when we are concentrating on doing one thing, or when we are concentrating on a certain project, we can't feel the passage of time.

Usually only when external forces intervene will he suddenly wake up, and the time has passed so long.

This external force may be that you are too hungry, or you are reminded by others, etc.

During this period of time in the headquarters, even Mo Sen didn't have much free time. The entire naval headquarters was like a clockwork gear, rolling forward non-stop.

Before I knew it, it was the day before Ace's execution.

Propel City, where Ace is held, is the world government's largest prison, built in a windless zone.

This place forms a triangle with the original Judiciary Island and the Navy Headquarters. The world government has spent a huge amount of money to create a triangular ocean current, which is dedicated to the transportation of these three places.

It can shorten the original three-place transportation time several times.

But who would have thought that Judiciary Island, which existed for hundreds of years, was destroyed by the Demon Slaughter Order some time ago.

However, the triangular ocean current created by the world government has not been affected, and it is still operating normally.

Most of the buildings in Advance City are below the sea level, only the entrance and the floor where no prisoners are held are above sea level.

The part exposed to the sea is a circular ring, and a large ring is placed outside the small ring.

The big ring is the first layer of protection, and there are still many naval warships standing in the sea area between the two for protection.

It can be said that it is heavily guarded.

There is only one entrance and exit for the entire city of advancement, which ensures the security here to the greatest extent.

At this time, there are several naval warships on both sides of the gate of the advancing city, and there are many naval soldiers on them.

The main purpose is naturally to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates from suddenly attacking the city, but the possibility is very small now.

Of course, there is also an invisible benefit, that is, I heard that the girlfriend of General Mo Sen, Her Royal Highness Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world, will appear here soon.

Soon, a naval warship appeared in everyone's sight.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel took the lead, and Hancock wore a long skirt and a long robe to cover his exquisite figure and followed behind Flying Squirrel.

After that, there was Salome, who was a little unnatural in his swimming.

Obviously, at this time, no one is going back to pay attention to a pet issue, not even people with abnormal brains.

When Hancock appeared in front of all the navies, cheers resounded like mountains and tsunami, which could be vaguely heard even in the advancing city.

"Your Highness Hancock, you really deserve to be the most beautiful woman in the world, I love you so much!"

"It's so cute! Master Hancock!!"

"Ah~ even the white eyes are so pretty, I feel like she's discharging electricity at me, the electricity is literally millions of volts."

"I feel like you're looking for death, soldier." It was a colonel who spoke, he was a former soldier of Mawson.


"It's so noisy, can I turn them all into stone statues?"

The flying squirrel who was walking in front paused, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he heard the petrified and ugly appearance of the soldiers on his battleship again.

"Forgive me, Hancock. For Mawson's sake, you have to be patient. If these people also turn into stone statues, the government and the navy will lose face."


Hancock didn't know what he thought of, his face turned red, and then he said arrogantly: "For Mo Sen's sake, I don't know as much as them.

Come on, don't waste your time here..."

Because, the concubine can't wait to see Mo Sen.


Advance to the office room on the first floor of the city.

Warden Magellan is still squatting on his most precious intimate toilet, so it's Deputy Warden Hannibal who handles the work here.

"What did you say? The clown Bucky on the first floor escaped from the cell, huh? A person with abilities?"

Hannibal was deep in thought, when a figure appeared at the door.

"Report to the Deputy Warden, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and His Highness Hancock have arrived."

Hannibal turned his head and said, "Okay, I'll be there right away."

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