The first floor above the sea in the city is the office area, including the office monitoring room of the deputy warden Hannibal and others.

The next basement level is the area where the prisoners are held.

The word Jinjin City can be said to be worthy of the name. The entire prison, including guards and prisoners, has hundreds of thousands of people.

With such a huge number of people, the daily consumption is simply massive.

However, the prisoners here don't even think about having any human rights.

It is a luxury to want to eat enough, not to mention activities such as going out for a walk, which is a luxury that would never be dreamed of.

The number of pirates imprisoned every year is an exaggerated number, and similarly, the number of people who die in the city every year is also an exaggerated number.

The jailers and guards here are ashamed to speak if they don't have tens or hundreds of lives in their hands.

The real first floor of Advance City is also known as Red Lotus Hell.

In the so-called Red Lotus Hell, there are "sword trees" and needle grasses that are as sharp as swords. The prison guards dared to go inside, and they were cut to the point of bleeding, and finally the vegetation was dyed red.

The first floor is the one where the most pirates are held. The pirates inside are the most common pirates. Basically, the rewards are below 1 million, and many of them don’t even have rewards.

A certain red-nosed god who dug up treasure and found a secret naval base and met Bogart, the adjutant on Cap's ship, was imprisoned here.

However, because he concealed the fruit ability when he was in prison, he was not handcuffed by Hailoushi.

This gave red-nosed Bucky a chance to escape.

The Buddha said: Looking back 500 times in the past life is only exchanged for a passing by in this life.

Although the Buddha said that he did not live in this way, it is not really important.

The important thing is that some people are really very predestined.

As the saying goes, if you are destined to meet a thousand miles away!

This predestined word is wonderful.

Bucky, the escaped red-nosed god, had just left the cell, when he turned a corner...a surveillance phone bug, exposing him to the surveillance room.

The blue gorilla, the jailer who belonged to the first layer of pirates, was sent out, and Bucky was chased by a group of blue orangutans and ran wildly.

at the same time.

Luffy also came to the basement floor. The one-minded idiot learned to use Ace's life card to determine where Ace was.

"Well, by the way, that man over there is screaming so badly, this prison looks really scary."

Luffy stopped at a corner, heard the screaming sound getting closer, and then chose the opposite direction: "No matter, anyway, I can't forget that my purpose is to save Ace, and I can't waste time on here."

Patting his straw hat, Luffy shouted in a low voice: "Ace, wait for me, I'm here to save you!"

Pulled his legs and started running wildly in the direction he chose.


"Hey, hey, don't chase me, I'm just passing by, if you want to chase, go after the red nose next to me..."

"Red nose? Huh? Who are you calling a red nose, you bastard straw hat..."

"Fuck!! It's you! Bucky the Clown!"

"Damn it!! It's you! Straw hat kid!"

During the run, the two did not forget to grab each other and pinch each other. If there is no group of blue orangutans behind them, they may fight in minutes.

Of course, it is also possible that Bucky was unilaterally hanged and beaten. After all, Luffy at this time is no longer what it used to be.

After a few minutes.

All the blue orangutans were dealt with by Luffy, and Bucky was stunned. He didn't expect the Straw Hat Boy to be so much stronger than before in just a few months.

It looks like this is a good helper to help escape from prison.

Bucky rolled his eyes and asked, "Straw hat boy, why did you appear here? Could it be that you were also arrested?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "No, I came in from the outside."

"Outside?" Bucky seemed to have thought of something, and burst into tears, "Straw hat boy, I did not misread you, you must have known that the great Captain Bucky was locked up here, and then broke in to save me of!"

Luffy had a question mark on his face: "What are you talking about Bucky? I came in to save Ace from going out.

However, I didn't expect to meet you here. By the way, do you know which floor Ace is locked on? "

"Ace, 'Fire Fist' Ace?"

"That's right, Ace is my brother, he's been locked up here, I must rescue him!" Luffy said seriously.

"elder brother?"

Bucky's eyes widened and he screamed, "You said Fire Fist is your brother?"

"What, Bucky, do you know Ace too?"

"Well, it was a sunny morning... Bastard, what are you doing, please put me down quickly."

Luffy carried Bucky on his shoulders, and ran while avoiding another wave of pursuit from the jailer blue gorilla, this time there were hundreds of them in black.

"It's too late to explain, Bucky, can you tell me where Ace is?"

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