Different from these pirates, all the navy reacted at once after being stunned for a long time, and cheered louder and louder.

Warring States and Garp were still on the high platform, and their eyes were also looking at the area where Whitebeard and Mo Sen were.

They saw Mawson with a calm face, who was not as ecstatic about some victories as he used to be, wishing the whole world knew about it.

At this time, Mo Sen's expression can be called solemn, no one knows what kind of mood he is looking at the white beard now.

Warring States and Garp also saw the old guy who had been a headache for them for decades, even after death, he still stood upright, leaving his back to his sons instead of the scarred front.

What kind of deep love is this?

Presumably anyone who can have such a guy as a father is a happy thing.

However, this is not the time to worry about these things. Although Whitebeard is a respectable opponent, the navy will not stop chasing the pirates because of this.

Garp's eyes were far away, and he was rare and serious: "The era of white beard is over. Mawson, this bastard boy, will surprise us every time he makes a move.

Even the man with white beard can defeat him, even though he is a disabled old guy. "

"No, Garp, it's not the era of Whitebeard, it's the end of our era!"

"Ahahaha, I knew it a long time ago. From the time I received this kid Mason into my fleet, I knew that the era of us old guys has passed."

Sengoku didn't return Garp's words, looked towards the other end of the bay, and continued to give orders to pursue.



Chambord Islands.

From Mo Sen's sudden appearance on the screen to turning off the only video phone bug, everyone here is talking about it.

It was hard to wait until there was a signal, but it wasn't long before the signal was cut off again.

The point is that before the signal was cut off, the scene of the Navy Headquarters had become dilapidated, and Whitebeard was grabbing Admiral Akainu and rubbing it on the ground.

This kind of scene has awakened many people's fear of White Beard. Even though White Beard is old, he is still the strongest man in the world.

It's just that Mo Sen suddenly appeared and cut off the signal, so that they could not see the next development of the situation.

Fortunately, the waiting time is not too long.

The next time he accesses the screen, it is the scene where Mo Sen appears, beats Doflamingo up to a dead dog, puts him in chains and makes him take him down.

There is no sound in the picture, but you can see how many marines rescued their injured companions following Mo Sen's words.

Immediately afterwards, there was the image of Mo Sen appearing in front of the white beard who blocked all the navy soldiers by himself.

Whitebeard, who had long been at the end of his battle, exhausted his energy after the last eruption. Even if Mo Sen didn't make a move, Whitebeard could only linger on, and would be shot to death by the navy in the end.

An opponent like this should have a decent way to die, so Mo Sen directly stabbed Whitebeard in the heart and sent him off for the last time.

The picture of him killing Whitebeard was transmitted to the big screen through the signal of the video phone bug.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the Chambord Islands was detonated.

First there was a deathly silence, followed by cheers that resounded through the sky.

Everyone was jumping for joy, especially the reporters. The flashes were so close together that they almost blinded people's eyes.

"Hey, is it the headquarters? Big news! Super big news! Whitebeard Edward Newgate was killed by Admiral Mawson!"

"Yes, it's true, the photo will be faxed right away."

"Hurry up, hurry up, we want to grab the first place... at least the top three."

"I'm Morgans. Admiral Mawson killed Whitebeard. I want our World Economic News to report it first, or you can all get out!"


In short, the place suddenly fell into a great hustle and bustle, and the unhappiness of cutting off the video had already flown to the sky.

This kind of big news was passed to all over the world in the first time.

It was too late for the newspapers, but each newspaper office had its own way to announce it through the phone bug.

All of a sudden, the world boiled.

Whitebeard's prestige in this world is too great, it is overwhelming.

In the news, Whitebeard has been smeared by the navy countless times, and it is not an exaggeration for ordinary people to say that they fear him like a tiger except for the territory he protects.

The significance of his death is naturally huge.

Marin Vando.

The war is not over.

The death of Whitebeard is not the end. The Navy's idea from the beginning is to wipe the entire Whitebeard Pirates from this world.

So, the casualties continue.

Yellow Ape fights Rayleigh again, the song of ice and fire is staged again, and the escape of the remnants of the white beard pirates is very difficult.

Where Ace and Kuzan fought, there was a scene of ice and fire. I don't know how much strength Kuzan used. It seems that he and Ace are quite evenly matched.

Ace, who was fighting, suddenly changed his face, his body turned into a cluster of flames, and disappeared on the spot.

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