I want Whitebeard's funeral to be given to us. I don't want anyone to taint his death. "

Obviously, Shanks didn't want the Navy to make Whitebeard the same as the Navy executed Roger before, and the head was cut off to show the public when he died.

People like Whitebeard shouldn't be treated like this!

Clearly, many in the Navy intend to do so.

Among them, the idea of ​​the dog faction is the most obvious.


"That's a little difficult..."

Mo Sen suddenly walked forward, looked at Shanks, and said, "I had already agreed with this old guy to give him a funeral, but now you are here to intervene again, you have a headache, boss."

The redhead was speechless: "You bastard!"

"Ahem... Mo Sen, I will leave this matter to them," Zhan Guo reminded later.

Although Whitebeard is worthy of respect, it is obviously unrealistic for an admiral to pay him a funeral. No matter how much he respects the government and the navy, he will not allow him to do so.

Of course Mo Sen knew that what he said was just to shut up some people's mouths. He killed them, so what room do other people have to comment?

"However, Marshal of the Warring States Period..." Someone wanted to express a different opinion.

Mo Sen turned to him, with a half-smile: "Why, what's your opinion, Admiral Ghost Spider?"

"How can we listen to the pirates? Only by beheading Whitebeard's head to show the public can we prove the victory of the navy."

"You mean, if I kill Whitebeard, it's not a naval victory, huh? Is that what you mean?"

Mo Sen's voice became flat, without any fluctuations in tone, but the ghost spider said a few words, but didn't say anything after all.

Don't talk about him, even the red dog dare not answer.

"Okay, don't talk about this matter anymore, I will take all the responsibilities."

The voice of the Warring States period sounded. As the marshal, the navy naturally has the power to make final decisions on all matters large and small.

As Shanks said, as the image of Mawson killing Whitebeard spreads all over the world, the navy's goal is initially achieved, and there is no need to show off to the public.


As Whitebeard's old opponent for decades, Warring States also admires some of this guy's actions, but as the admiral of the navy, Warring States often never acts with his own consideration, but takes the overall situation of the navy into consideration.

To be able to give White Beard a decent burial is already his relatively 'indulgent' approach.

Mo Sen actually understood Zhan Guo's thinking, not because he knew the plot, but because Zhan Guo had expressed his intention to resign before the top war.

Moreover, the Warring States period had tested Mo Sen's thoughts on the position of the marshal more than once, but Mo Sen was perfunctory.

Mo Sen had some guesses about Sengoku's intentions. Sengoku probably wanted to continue to be a marshal for 5-10 years, just like Marshal Sora did before. He was still a marshal in name, but at that time most affairs were left to Sengoku to handle.

It is a pity that Mo Sen has no idea about this at all.

After Zhan Guo said this, he picked up the phone bug again...

The sound was broadcast through loudspeakers throughout the venue.

"The war is over!"

Regardless of whether it is the navy or the pirates, after the words of the Warring States Period fell, they were all at a loss. They were still fighting life and death a moment ago, but now they are restrained... It is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

For Sengoku, it was not easy for him to make such a decision.

Although the purpose of the navy was not fully realized, Whitebeard was killed by the admiral of the navy. At this time, there were no more than ten thousand people in the Whitebeard Pirates. This is a victory for the navy.

It's just that the result of victory is not as great as expected.

One of the reasons why the navy is also considered a loser in the original plot is that Whitebeard did not die at the hands of the navy.

Instead, he died at the hands of Blackbeard and his party.

What's more, Blackbeard not only released the extremely powerful prisoners in the city, but also turned the headquarters upside down.

Most of Marin Vandor, who was damaged in the hands of Whitebeard, was basically turned into ruins after Blackbeard got the Shaking Fruit.

Moreover, Blackbeard led his pirate group back calmly, and the three admirals of the navy here were all dealing with Luffy, um, although he escaped in the end.

But in Mo Sen's view, this is a typical case of not doing business. In terms of the situation at the time, does it matter who is more threatening?

Especially what Whitebeard said before his death had as much influence on the world as what Roger said at that time.

No matter what the reason for Whitebeard's death this time, he didn't say that, it's a great thing for the navy.

The impact of Ace not being executed was offset by factors such as the explosive news that Mosen killed Whitebeard head-on, which would not cause much loss to the Navy's prestige.

The current Ace is far from being qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with Whitebeard.



"Okay, now we can talk about what happened on the sixth floor of the city."

On the ruins of the Navy Headquarters, at this time, it was finally as Mo Sen had thought before, reincarnation every ten years.

From the Golden Lion [-] years ago, which destroyed half of Marlin Vandor, to Kaido [-] years ago, and now the Whitebeard Pirates basically reduced the entire Navy Headquarters to ruins.

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