Sauron has always wanted to find Luffy, but he can't even get out of the castle. There is no doubt that this is a guy with full talent points in recognizing the way - you point east and he will definitely go west, you guide him Must go north!

Fortunately, I learned about the big event from the later newspapers, and got a hint from Luffy.

So Sauron no longer thought about how to go from this island to Chambord to join Luffy. The top priority is to improve their strength, otherwise they will still be miscellaneous fish that can be photographed at will when they go to the New World two years later.

It was after this that Hawkeye came back here.

Just saved Sauron who was besieged by baboons.

To be precise, it was another siege. During the time Hawkeye was away, he had already been beaten by this group of baboons countless times.

Because of the frequent battles between Mo Sen and Hawkeye before, these baboons who had already mastered certain fighting skills learned the swordsmanship of Mo Sen and Hawkeye. At this time, the strength of Sauron was uninjured, not to mention the injured. He may not have been able to fight.

What's more, there is a baboon king on it.

Sauron, an extremely proud man, finally lowered his head for another man, and was willing to bend down to ask Hawkeye for advice on swordsmanship.

In this world, the one who can make a man bow his head must be another man!

And in other places...

For example, Sanji of Taoshijima, he completely let go of himself and went in another direction.

There is a saying that women's clothing is cool for a while, and women's clothing is always cool!

At this time, Sanji has completely forgotten the handsome appearance when he passed on the suit, and those have become the past.

Now he wears all kinds of skirts, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, essence, water, milk, foundation and blush every day.

Until he saw the news of the big event, and saw the shemale king Ivankov who came back later.

Sanji also started his own alternative practice.

The people on the other islands who were shot by the big bear, after receiving the message from Luffy, also worked hard to practice, and constantly improved themselves, only to make great progress when they meet again.

After all, they are still too weak now.



Mawson's time in Nine Snake Island was not too long, and he returned to the Navy headquarters soon.

At this time, all kinds of work after the war have been sorted out smoothly, and the naval headquarters has also started reconstruction work.

The reconstruction this time is not as good as before. Whitebeard's ability has destroyed more than half of the Navy headquarters. The reconstruction work is definitely not a one-day job, and it is not even considered in a short period of time.

It will take at least half a year to return to its original appearance.

Other things can be postponed, but the navy's affairs, large and small, need to be handled by the navy headquarters, so the first thing to be established is a temporary office.

Otherwise, the work of the Navy will come to a standstill.

Mo Sen didn't need to worry about these tasks. He was in a hurry to come back this time because the navy was about to usher in a big change in the situation, so he had to hurry back.

Mary Joa.

This place is different from the Navy Headquarters. Since its establishment eight hundred years ago, there has never been an incident as serious as the Navy Headquarters.

Even if Fisher Tiger climbed up to the Red Clay Continent with his bare hands and released the slaves here, it didn't have much impact on Mary Joya.

Because the vast majority of slaves are not eligible to live with their masters, they are generally on the periphery.

The Pangu City inside is the residence of the Tianlong people.

The highest authority of the world government also works here.

Luxury, spaciousness and tallness have always been the traditions of this world, not just because of pomp and appearance.

It's also because the height of people in this world is a bit foul. You can't even sit in a building with a height of three meters or less if you are usually three to five meters tall.

The Warring States walked on the smooth and bright corridor here, with calm eyes and unwavering eyes. At the end of the corridor are two gates with the symbol of world conquest.

At this time, the door was closed tightly, and Zhan Guo pushed it open and walked in.

Inside were five old guys with different shapes and expressions. They all had one characteristic at this time, that is, their complexions were not very good-looking.

Warring States didn't seem to see it, and after looking around, he opened his mouth and said.

"I apply to formally resign as admiral!"


(If you say yes, there is a full amount of [-]! Going to bed, it’s too late and I’m too sleepy.

Well, you all understand~ Piaopiao is a good habit. )

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is my resignation."

Warring States held a written resignation letter in his hand and handed it to Wulaoxing, which said the world is so big, I am going to

Cough cough, just kidding, the reason why Sengoku chose to resign as admiral of the navy was written on it, etc.

After all, in this world, the Warring States has already set foot in many places.

Rather than wandering around the world, Sengoku wants to find a place to be lazy, drink some tea and eat some senbei

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