Don't fight Laozi Island.

Also known as Braised Egg Island.

Well, from the name, you can tell that this is not a serious island.

In fact, it is not very serious!

This is a relatively large uninhabited island on the Great Route, which is not recorded in any charts.

From the sky, the island looks like a jumping cough that has been magnified countless times. It is a marinated egg. There is no vegetation on it, and it is all exposed. The marinated egg-shaped rocks are yellowish brown, not to mention the vegetation and even moss None of them.

According to the knowledge that Mo Sen had given back to the teacher who didn't know whether it was biology, chemistry, physics, or even geography, this should be an island with no plants.

Of course, this conclusion can be drawn as long as the eyes are not blind.

As for the reason why this island is so strange, hehe, if he knew, would he still name the island like this?

The rocks of this island will emit a pungent gas when exposed to the sun, which not only prevents the growth of plants, but also prevents people and creatures from approaching it.

I am a lonely island, let me grow old alone in this lonely sea.

Scientific name: Mobai Laozi!

Mo Sen has visited here on the spot, and the human body will not have much effect if the gas is absorbed, but it will cause some hallucinations, such as treating the island as a large egg-jumping monster.

But it has no effect on him, and it is mainly aimed at some ordinary people with poor physical strength.

However, it may attract some female anchors who were more talented in the previous life. If they are found, they may start a wild reality show.

Maybe there will be some strange gameplay.

There are reasons why Mo Sen chose this place as the place where he fought Akainu. The most important point is that it is not far from the Navy headquarters.

Coupled with being on the edge of the windless belt, no one will appear here at all.

If you can't do anything else, it's a good place for a fight.

It's like when I was studying in my previous life, some punks who didn't learn well made an appointment to have a fight. They would first say don't leave after school, and then choose the grove next to the campus to fight the landlord, bah, big fight.

Under normal circumstances, each of them pushes and shoves a few times, and the fight is also a mess of eight punches, and often even various accidental injuries.

Of course, at that time, there were also boys' toilets, or playgrounds and the like.

Training sparring in the navy is also common, but there are very few collisions at the level of Mosen Akainu.

One is because it is too powerful, and its destructive power in battle is far beyond that of ordinary people, and it can turn into a demolition team at any time.

In addition, their identities are too sensitive, which can easily cause bad influence.

The current confrontation between Mo Sen and Akainu is obviously a rare feast, but unfortunately, none of them can observe it.

There is no one else who can appear here except for Mo Sen and Akainu.

Since this island looks like a marinated egg, its shape must not be too different. It is high in the middle and low on both sides.

Mo Sen and Akainu stood opposite each other.

One is in a white suit and looks like a graceful tree.One is in a red suit and looks wild and unscrupulous.

Among other things, whether you look at it from a distance or close up, at least it is full of compulsion!

To be honest, Akainu's appearance in the navy is relatively acceptable. Apart from his boring personality, he is very masculine.

The other two generals, Kuzan's looks are not as good as those of Akainu, not to mention Kizaru. To be honest, his honor and the way he speaks are not beaten to death because of his strength.

Mo Sen didn't even know how he grew up tenaciously.

Neither of them wanted to speak!

The purpose of Akainu fighting with Whitebeard to stimulate him before was also to be able to win, or even kill Whitebeard directly.

Naturally, Mo Sen couldn't use this trick.

The most important thing is that Akainu knows that if he talks about his strength, he doesn't think he is inferior, but if he talks about it, he worries that he will explode first in the end.

Mo Sen drew out his long knife.

He didn't even say hello, let alone the sentence I often said before making a move, I'm on the red dog.

He directly slashed at Akainu, the flying slash was not very useful for the elemental nature, and he didn't mean to test it, this slash was directly wrapped in domineering and attached to his ability.

If the red dog is careless, it will suffer a big loss.

Obviously, Red Gouzi is not a careless person. He was deeply impressed once in the headquarters before, and he is not qualified to be careless, not to mention someone who can confront Whitebeard head-on.

At this point, who is not experienced in many battles?

You may not care about the fledgling guys, but if you dare to underestimate the opponents of the same level, you are courting death.

One arm of Akainu turned crimson, covered with arrogance and blocked directly in front of him, and the other fist turned into magma and punched Mo Sen.

A signature move similar to Ace's Fire Fist.

ghost dog

Don't underestimate such a move, because it is a signature, it must be the most skillful to use, and its power should not be underestimated, and it is likely to be killed in one move against those with weaker strength.

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