Please, sir, you have to finish your speech, otherwise it will easily cause misunderstandings.

"Haha...ha... Of course, this is no problem. Where is General Mo Sen, a little money, you can win as much as you want."

Tezuolo laughed a few times in embarrassment, and quickly agreed.

"It doesn't matter if you win or not. I mainly want to experience the thrill of hanging."

This handsome comparison is about to become a European and handsome hanging comparison!


(Two updates will be delivered first. I found out that Piao Piao will go to other cubs if you don’t ask for it.

So, I wish everyone a good morning... Cough, anyway, I am asking for tickets, all kinds of requests, 360 rolling for support.

Thanks, (?????)??)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The city of gold is brightly lit at night.

It almost feels like a modern metropolis when viewed from above.

The flow of people is like weaving, and there is a lot of traffic.

Unlike other places, besides walking, the fastest way to get around here is a variety of cars.

Among them, there are some very high-end sports cars or the appearance of classic cars, coupled with the appearance of brightly lit high-rise buildings, shopping malls and department stores, it seems that there is a feeling of being in a modern metropolis.

Here during the day, it looks no different from some other places.

From nightfall, the entire Golden City can be regarded as entering the most essential time of the day.

The nightlife here is the essence of the day!

The dark night is the source of all evils, the restless soul with no place to rest, the frenzied dopamine with nowhere to release, are all quietly drawn out by the ambiguous night.

Then magnify these emotions, crush them and throw them in every corner of the city - there is always a place where your soul or body can be released.

The Golden City is a comprehensive entertainment city, where there are everything that people in this world can't think of.

Only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't do here!

What is more distinctive here is the star performance.

Yes, the world does not lack the profession of star, but most stars are another name for singers, or masters of opera and music can also be counted as one.

Before the evolution of movies and TV, there were no stars in this area, and of course there would be no bullshit about the king of traffic such as reading one, two, three, four, and cutouts to the camera.

As soon as you enter the Golden City, there is a big theater that can hold thousands of people.

There are various large-scale performances here every once in a while, and usually Tezolo will appear at most of these times, because he likes this kind of stage that attracts everyone's attention, and he likes to control everyone's emotions on the stage. in the feeling.

He is a star in his own right!

Of course, the featured performances don't stop there.Occasionally, performances by some lifeless pirates are interspersed. They are regarded as the protagonists, performing escape games under the eyes of thousands of spectators.

If you can escape, you can continue to sail to the depths of the new world, if you can't, you will be swallowed by the golden sea water here.

But so far, no one has been able to escape.That is, the price is usually their lives.

Most of these pirates are pirates who have the idea of ​​the Golden City. It is not surprising to say that Tezolo, as the richest man in the world, controls Bailey, who is around 20 years old in the world, and there are not many people who have his idea.

It's just that the strength of most of them is not worthy of their greedy ambitions, and the end result is to lose their own lives!

Of course, as long as most people are not stupid, they will know that it is impossible for the master who created this place from nothing to world-renowned to be so simple, whether it is strength or skills in other aspects, otherwise he would have been eaten by others There is no scum left.

People in any place are not afraid to look at those people whose wealth far surpasses them with the greatest malice, and if possible, they will frantically rush to bite them down. Only strong strength is the basis for ensuring all this.

These, Tezolo has long been deeply aware of.

Therefore, he will do everything possible to build a good relationship with Mo Sen.In fact, if one can be a human being, who would like to be a dog licker?

Today's performance in the Grand Theater is going to the third program, and there is a solo instrument on the stage.

Different from previous music masters.

This time the soloist is not only much younger than the average music master, but also his musical instruments are very unique, one person can perform multiple musical instruments.

This can be regarded as a genius in music, at least in musical instruments. You must know that if ordinary people can master a musical instrument to perform alone in this situation, they can barely be called masters.

During the interval between performances, the applause from the stands was followed by whispers.

"Is this the supernova that has recently become active in the new world? This kind of fruit ability is really strange, with so many instruments, I didn't expect a pirate to have such a musical level."

"You don't know that! I read a report about him. This pirate captain has studied music under the name of a master since he was a child."

"No wonder you have this level, so how did you become a pirate?"

"It's not all caused by Roger's One Piece Secret Treasure, every year there are countless people who go to sea to find the so-called onepiece.

It's just that there are more people this year, and there are more than ten supernovas emerging. Especially after Whitebeard was defeated by the navy, these restless supernovas fell into a carnival, all wanting to compete for the throne of the Four Emperors after Whitebeard's death.

The captain of the show, Apu, currently has a reward of more than 2 million. "

"It's not that simple for them to covet the position of the Four Emperors left by Whitebeard. That fire fist is not so easy to mess with."

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