You have to figure it out slowly!

It’s too late.


(It is agreed that the third shift will be the third shift, and it will be changed at three o'clock, bah, bah, bah, it has become a tongue twister. One of the shifts should make up for the weekly shift, and the leader's added shift will be returned tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Not much to say, I was too sleepy to keep my eyes open.Ask for a ticket to sleep ~)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In this world, although the navy has one or another kind of bad, but it is the orthodox force in this world, and the people have a natural trust in the navy.

The navy can also accommodate people with different views of justice, such as the extreme ones like the red dog, the humane ones like Mawson, and the paddling ones like the yellow ape.

Everyone actually has their own ideas, the key is how to reconcile them.

Yixiao undoubtedly still has a good impression of the navy, not only because of Jiaji, an old friend, but from the plot, he knows that if he does not agree with the navy, he will not participate in the world conscription and become an admiral of the navy.

This is an old guy who has a very sense of justice and knows how to persist in his heart.

Mo Sen didn't know why he was entrusted by someone to hunt down a group of pirates, but he felt that since he met, wouldn't it be a pity if such a... big master let go?

The navy is full of talents now, who knows if there will be any world conscription in the future.

So Mo Sen chatted: "Where are you going after a smile?"

"Old man?"

Obviously, Yixiao didn't expect Mo Sen to change the subject so quickly, and he couldn't keep up with his train of thought.

He thought for a while, and said: "The old man didn't think about it for a while. He thought that he would not be able to see the filth in the world if he was blinded. Later, he realized that the filth is there. It doesn't mean that if you don't see it, it will disappear. of.

Since Whitebeard's death, the world has become more and more turbid, and it doesn't matter where you go. "

"Do you regret it?"

"There is no way to regret in life. It is a blessing not to be able to see things. At least you can see less filthy and dirty people." Smile calmly.

It could be seen that he did not regret the thing that blinded him before.

Of course regretting is useless is another matter.

Mo Sen answered the words naturally: "It really doesn't matter where you go. In this world, there is light and there is darkness, and there is good and there is evil. If you want to see less dirty and dirty things, you have to clean them yourself."

Not to mention the current chaotic world, even in the society where the legal system was initially sound in the previous life, there are still many crimes happening quietly in places that people can't see.

For those who are incapable, guaranteeing that they will not do evil is the best reward for this world.

As for the ability, it is also a great act of kindness to eliminate those evil deeds when you encounter them.

"Hahaha, General Mo Sen's words are very appetizing to this old man."

On Yixiao's face, there was that kind of honest and even cute smile. It's hard for people who haven't seen it before to believe that an old man in his fifties can be described as cute.

He has a crush on Mawson.

This good impression is not only due to the relationship with Jia Ji's friends, but also his basic understanding of Mo Sen after collecting news and various information.

If one were to evaluate a list of influential people in the past ten years, Mo Sen would undoubtedly be at the top.

About his news, just ask anyone and you can tell the truth, but a smile will not be so superficial, he can't see it with his eyes, but it is deeper than ordinary people can understand.

This cognition is the result of his various aspects of verification.

Mosen Duoji... A smart person, he found out early on that Yixiao also had a lot of affection for him, so he continued to talk to Yixiao along the topic while the iron was hot.

Although he never revealed his intentions, his words somewhat hinted at temptation.

The so-called planting a seed today, tomorrow will grow fruit, today is a great day...



New world.

Whitebeard's territory has shrunk by more than half compared to before. In just a few months, the largest territory area among the Four Emperors has become smaller than Shanks' territory.

During this period of time, white beard's territory wars have continued.

No matter what kind of pirate group, they all want to take a bite from this piece of meat.

Chaos is the tone at this time.

Nearly half of the Navy's troops located in the New World have been deployed into this maelstrom. Soldiers in the bases of G-1, G-3, G-5, and G-7 are all fighting the fire non-stop.

The battles experienced by the original Whitebeard Pirates during this period have never been more frequent and brutal in the past few decades.

Unlike in the Navy Headquarters and the decisive battle with the Navy, many pirates here do not know the rules, and many take the form of travel notes to erode these territories little by little.

And the original Whitebeard territory was really too big.

To maintain such a large territory with less than [-] people and less white-bearded remnants and rogues is tantamount to nonsense.

Ace stood up at this time.

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