If it weren't for the acting captain, it would be most appropriate for Ace to go to this matter, but it doesn't work right now.

He no longer hesitated.

A decision was made: "Leave those things to Marco!"


(I was too sleepy today, I accidentally fell asleep while codewording, this chapter is here, and there is another chapter later, everyone will read it together tomorrow.)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A dead silence.

Everywhere is lifeless and lifeless, this is Punk Hazard at this time.

Since the explosion of the secret naval base on this island, all the animals and plants in the place that was originally called the biological paradise have all died.

An island with a radius of tens of kilometers is so rich in species, but even so, everything is extinct under the poisonous gas, which shows how powerful the poisonous gas is.

Although the poisonous gas dissipated later, there was still no vitality here.

But at any rate, there has been a lot of popularity here recently, and the abandoned naval base that was originally located in the center of the island has also been used.

The person living here is Trafalgaro who was invited to become the Shichibukai two years ago.

He has been running this place for the past two years, and he has rearranged the intact base that was originally abandoned, which can just be used to study his medical skills.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Luo, who has obtained the fruit of the operation, is second to none in terms of medical skills, and there are definitely not many people who can match it.

Punk Hazard is very close to Dressrosa, and the two islands live next to each other, which is a relatively rare situation in the New World.

In fact, it can also be seen from the climatic conditions that the original Punk Hazard has almost the same climate as Dressrosa, with rich vegetation and various types of animals living and multiplying here.

Because it is a naval base, this place is not known to outsiders.

Later, a poisonous gas leak and explosion occurred, and the entire island was destroyed. Even if outsiders knew about it, they would have no way to survive.

But the advantage is that this is a land of no owner. After being occupied by Luo, it is equivalent to a pirate group of dozens of people occupying an island the size of at least one country.

The bad thing is that there are no living materials here, and everything depends on external supplies.

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Hui often goes out to find trouble with other pirates.

Nine Snake Island is at least self-sufficient, even if it goes out to plunder, it will take a while to go to sea when there is not enough food on the island.

But here, it all depends on robbing.

Fortunately, the number of Luo's pirates has never been large, and even if new people join after becoming Qi Wuhai, there are less than thirty people.

The living supplies of [-] people are absolutely different from those of [-] people and [-] people.

After the war on the top, after Luo returned from the Navy headquarters, he was not idle.

To be precise, he was quite stimulated by the battle with Doflamingo. He thought he was strong enough, but that battle made him understand that his king Shichibukai is much worse than these world's top fighters.

Even Doflamingo can't beat him, let alone those generals, the Four Emperors and others.

Luo, who realized the gap, started a boring life every day. Apart from practicing in Punk Hazard, he went out to find troubles with various pirates.

High-intensity training plus actual combat is the only way to improve strength.

Just during this time, the New World was in chaos due to Whitebeard's death, which gave him a lot of opportunities to make moves, which allowed him to feel the continuous improvement of his strength.

His fruit ability consumes a lot of physical strength, so the island is naturally practicing physical skills to enhance physical strength.

This will make him last longer, instead of just a few seconds.

In fact, he now looks a lot stronger than in the original plot, the only thing that hasn't changed is the dark eyeliner that looks like a teenager with an internet addiction.

When there is no battle at this stage, he is either studying the fruit of medical skills or pulling iron.

The biggest advantage of using this island as a base is that there is enough space, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed...

"Captain, captain."

When Luo was exercising his physical skills, the white bear Beibo flew over from a distance in surprise.

If you haven't heard of him, you will hear his voice first. This is the white bear Bebo.

Frowning, Luo looked at Beibo: "Beibo, you are interrupting my practice again."

Beibo shut himself off for a moment, stopped in a corner, lowered his head (t_t)


"Okay, what's the matter?"

"Didn't Mr. Mosen tell us to pay attention to some news? I just got the news that the dark fruit of the natural department will be auctioned in the Golden City. Shall we tell Mr. Mosen?"

Beppo poured out all the news he knew.

He is a very grateful bear. He has always remembered Mo Sen's kindness to him, so he is also very concerned about Mo Sen's affairs.


After listening to Bepo's words.

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