The pirates on the opposite side didn't notice it.

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Mo Sen refocused on the three pirates.

The battle must be resolved quickly, and the shouts of killing not far away have begun to weaken.

If Bogart was the first to clean up those pirates, where would he put his handsome face as a major general?

Let's start with the weak ones first.

In a corner of the cabin, Abner's expression changed as he dragged his injured body.

Before he had time to react, a black figure appeared beside him.

Subconsciously, he crossed his swords and stopped in front of him.

After a grating sound of teeth rubbing, the bright light of the sabers filled his pupils after the two sabers were severed.

There was a momentary blank in my mind.

People often say that the memory of the moment of death will flash like a slide show.

Why does my memory only have one scene?

The girl who appeared in the blank screen, if...if you hadn't died, would we live as usual as before.

Unfortunately, what if there is nothing in the world.

"I'm sorry, I finally became what I hate the most! Now, I'm here to accompany you..."

Mo Sen didn't know what the navigator of the Rattlesnake Pirates was thinking about before he died, so tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Perhaps, there will be a soft place in everyone's heart that they want to protect, and there may be poignant stories in it.

But that's not a reason to be an indulgent sinner.

Mo Sen didn't hold back.

The knife was cut like this.

Perhaps, death is sometimes a relief for some people.

Mo Sen turned around and looked at the last two people left.

After Sennest's most powerful eruption just now, he was entrenched in the much thinner poisonous mist now.

Selt's burly and strong body also did not give him a sense of security. His eyes flickered as he looked sideways at Mo Sen, and the corner of his eyes swept across the sea below the boat from time to time.

Obviously there is a plan to escape.

At this time, it is obvious that Sennest, who has the highest bounty and kills the most civilians, is more attractive.

He is now trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, lest this powerful killer will take the lead in solving him.

It's a pity that his two-color domineering has just been developed, and if he is proficient, he may not be able to fight.

If there is no way out, Gou is king.

The price of understanding this truth is a bit high.

However, the reality is like a sudden storm with blue sky, white clouds and clear sky.

Mo Sen was obviously more interested in this strong swordsman with two-color domineering aura.

As for the snake, not to mention the severe injuries, it is difficult for a person with fruit ability to escape in this sea.

When Mo Sen moved his feet, the dazzling light of the knife was as frightening as the eyes of the god of death in this increasingly gloomy sea of ​​mist.

Celt felt a little bit bitter, I was ready to give up, and you still came to me.

This is simply the rhythm that uncles and aunts and aunts must endure.

I can't beat it, I can't bear it.

The rapier blocked and took a slash from Mo Sen. Celt had already retreated to the stern.

Perhaps because of the veiled malice just now, Mo Sen has already started to use the fruit ability to bless himself.

Even Celt, who was also knowledgeable, couldn't catch Mawson's movements.

After Mo Sen charged in again, he knocked away Celt's rapier with the [Paper Kite] in his hand, turned the blade, and the back of the sword stirred the surrounding gray mist and slammed Celt's neck fiercely.


Celt, who had no time to react, rolled his eyes and passed out.

The look moved.

Mo Sen grabbed it with his left hand and grabbed the former captain of the Kingdom Guard, who was well-dressed even for a pirate.

After a few jumps, he came to the bow deck.

At this time, the deck was empty, only the thin poisonous mist, the deck that had been soaked in dark red by blood, and several corpses of pirates corroded by the poisonous mist.

Sennest did not know where to prepare a small boat, and when he regained his human form, he rowed the boat frantically with his arms like propellers, and went straight to the depths of the dense fog.

? ?

Mo Sen scratched his head, did he have such a strong desire to survive?

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