A blast.

Fist collided with fists, and there was a burst of air, followed by the sound of things breaking. Tezolo's golden fist was actually defeated by Sabo's armed dragon claw fist.

"Since the purpose has been achieved, there is no need to stay here."

Sabo will not stay, he has no idea of ​​continuing to fight with Tezolo at all.

A punch hit the floor, and with a series of clicks, a huge hole was punched out by Sabo in this closed confidential room.

Jumped towards the hole.

Tezolo was furious: "If you want to run, ask me if you have asked me!"

How could he let Sabo run away, and how could he face Admiral Mawson? You must know that the dark fruit was lost at his auction.

Originally, he was the one who persuaded Mo Sen to put the dark fruit in this room where no one could sneak in, and now the fruit was stolen and eaten in this room.

He was speechless.

You know, that general is notoriously narrow-minded.

The ending at that time...Tezolo didn't dare to think about it. He had to try his best to keep the No. [-] figure in the revolutionary army in front of him, so that he could have an explanation.

This room is very large, covering more than a hundred square meters, and the place Sabo smashed open is only a few meters wide.

Tezolo also jumped from the hole.

What was faster than him was his attack. All the gold on the ground in this room turned into tentacles, some were holding him, and some Tanaka was holding him and throwing him back into the room. More of them all swept towards Sabo.

Under this room, except for the spiral staircase, everything is hollow. Sabo, who is falling down, is like a fish in seaweed, avoiding the attack from Tezoro's tentacles above him.

It seems to be more than capable.

It's just that although he avoided the tentacle's attack, his speed inevitably slowed down, because he didn't fall vertically, but used the gap of the tentacle's attack to keep moving horizontally or vertically to avoid it.


Finally, Sabo in mid-air had no choice but to rely on his strength, was hit by a golden tentacle, and hit the floor.


The wall that was both the floor and the ceiling was smashed into a big hole under the force of the impact, and Sabo fell down.

"Hiss... it hurts, it hurts!"

There are no scars on Sabo's body, because the dark fruit can absorb all kinds of attacks, but the pain is double.

That sour...

Unprepared, Sabo rolled back and forth on the ground twice to stop the impact of the pain.

At this time, Tezolo also fell into the room from the sky.

This is a very delicate-looking room. The rooms on such high floors are basically the most advanced suites in the hotel, and this one is no exception.

The place where they landed was the living room of the guest room. Broken gold nuggets were scattered all over the floor. Under the light of the guest room, they seemed to blind people's eyes. luxury goods.

But whether it's Sabo or Tezolo, they don't care about these things at this time.

Without saying hello to Sabo, sharp spikes protruded from the golden floor under Sabo, piercing the high-grade carpet first, as if they wanted to pierce his whole body into a sieve.

Sabo dodged the attack with a bounce, smashing a chair to pieces.

Tezolo was expressionless. At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a big villain boss. The countless golden tentacles were no longer mainly sleepy, and the front ends all turned into sharp spikes, shooting towards Sabo.

Now the whole room suffered disaster, countless precious things were pierced, and debris flew away.

Sabo's fist was clenched, and he drew a fist shadow all over the sky, blocking all the attacks in front of him.

a long time.

The two separated, and Sabo knew in his heart that he could not continue to fight with Tezolo in the hotel, because this was Tezolo's home field.

Awakening of fruit ability is a manifestation of a person's fruit ability to be developed to the depth. The ability of any fruit to be awakened should not be underestimated, and Sabo naturally dare not be careless.

He stretched out his left hand, and an extremely powerful attraction emerged from his hand.

Tezolo didn't have time to react, he was attracted by Sabo's fruit ability and was grabbed by Sabo with one hand.

In fact, Tezolo is taller than Sabo by more than a head. Grabbing Tezolo with one hand made his ability useless, and the other fist stretched out and punched Tezolo in the stomach. past.

"Sorry, Mr. Tezolo!"

"What are you..."

Tezolo's complexion changed wildly, but before he had lost his fruit ability, he was punched in the lower abdomen before he could react.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Tezolo's face became extremely pale, and he flew upside down like a cooked shrimp, smashing a big hole in the pure gold wall, and his body fell downward.

"Is this the ability of the dark fruit? Touching it can make the ability user lose its ability. Sure enough, what Mr. Long said is right, this ability is very powerful. When I get familiar with the power in the future, I will definitely be closer to Mr. Long."

Darkness gushed out from under Sabo's feet, crushing and attracting all the things used in the living room, and it became clean in a blink of an eye. He walked out while thinking.

"You can also absorb the substance, except that it can't be elementalized, and you have to bear double the pain, hiss..."

As if recalling the pain just now, Sabo took another breath of hot air—because the rapid shooting of the golden tentacles just now raised the temperature of the room a lot.

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