Otherwise, how could this ship travel across the small half of the new world from the headquarters of the navy in only three days.

All are the crystallization of technology, and Caesar has played an irreplaceable and powerful role in it.

When he is free, in addition to conducting his favorite experiments, he is constantly optimizing this battleship so that it can keep pace with the times and show a more powerful posture.

This can also show his Caesar's brilliance, isn't it?

Red Gouzi, who set off earlier than the Mawson, will need at least 3-5 days to catch up with Barrett.

One step ahead, step by step?

Kuzan nodded to Lu Qi. He had nothing to say, and the pre-existing problems had been resolved.

Felt like I was on vacation.

It seems that since the Warring States period proposed him to be the admiral of the navy, he has been lying down, and there is a Mosen in front of him who has paved all the roads.

And now, he will continue to lie down.

Kuzan drove out the messy thoughts in his mind, and ordered: "Then let's set off now, keep in touch with the person in charge there at all times, and never let the Red Earl escape."

Now Kuzan is the highest officer here as Admiral, taking over all command work.As for Yixiao, Mo Sen hasn't given him any position yet, but after this time, if he doesn't miss it, he will be a vice admiral if he comes back again.

After Kuzan's order was issued, everyone started to get busy again.

Although fighting is the business of the bosses, all preparations and combat plans before the battle must be done.

For example, when is the best time to fight, and how to protect other ordinary people on the island from being affected by the battle. You must know that in this level of battle, not to mention civilians, even ordinary naval officers are not qualified to watch the battle.

Those who touch it will be injured, and those who rub it will die.

There is absolutely no exaggeration in it, and ordinary people can't imagine how powerful it is.

Therefore, we must find a suitable opportunity to insert it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On an island with no name.

Redfield came down from a merchant ship. He wore white pigtails and a gold chain on his mouth, with a habitual smile called Xiemei.

He likes to wear red and holds a black umbrella in his hand. He looks very stylish, except that his old face is full of wrinkles like chrysanthemums, which is a bit detrimental.

It seems that his complexion is much better now than when he escaped from the prison in Advance City, which proves that he has recovered well during this period of time.

A bit different from the original image of going alone, this time Redfield appeared behind him with a raccoon that looked like a cute baby raccoon.

Redfield, who got off the merchant ship, walked ahead of everyone. He has a nickname called the Lonely Red, because after seeing through people's hearts, he completely surrounded himself and was difficult to approach after the siege.

But the raccoon dog followed behind him step by step, showing no sign of wanting to leave.

As he walked further and further away, Redfield, who came down from the pier, actually walked in a direction outside the town, and the fox behind him followed without hesitation.

Redfield raised his eyebrows, revealing a dangerous aura. He regretted saving the little guy impulsively.

He turned his head with a gloomy expression: "I told you, don't follow me anymore, or you will end up miserable if you anger me."

"Boss, don't drive me away, I'm very powerful and can help you." Hualiu looked a little trembling, but still had no intention of leaving.

Confirmed the eyes, it is a stubborn eye.

Redfield can see through people's hearts, so naturally he can see clearly the raccoon in front of him.

This raccoon is really scared, but it really recognizes itself in its heart, and wants to follow and repay his kindness.

Redfield looked strange.

He didn't know how long it had been since he hadn't been in such a strange mood. He just wanted to keep driving away this more pet-like guy, but the words turned into another way of saying: "How can you help me?"

Seemingly sensing Laidfield's looseness, he took out a pen and a few leaves from his body like a raccoon offering treasure.

"Boss, you see this is my ability. I can draw the people and animals I have seen on it, and then I can summon them to obey the words of the leaf owner."

While talking, it took out a leaf, drew a few times on the leaf with a pen, and then threw the leaf, and a fox that was exactly like it appeared.

No matter in terms of expression, breath or any other aspects, this raccoon dog doesn't look any different from the main body.

As if thinking that this was not enough, the fox drew a few more strokes on another leaf with a pen, and after throwing this leaf out, a person exactly like Redfield appeared.

From dress to expression, they are exactly the same as Redfield himself.No matter how powerful a person is, the naked eye alone cannot tell the difference between the two.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful fruit ability.

Redfield became interested, and suddenly felt that his out-of-the-box kindness seemed to be working out well.

"Is that all?" he asked.

Seeing the approval of Redfield, Huali narrowed his eyes with joy.

"Of course not. Boss, you can try it. The second boss is not as simple as it seems. Unfortunately, I can only make three deformed leaves at most now."

When Redfield heard the words of the raccoon, he looked at Redfield No. [-]. With a movement, he appeared in front of No. [-] as if teleporting, and stabbed straight with the black umbrella in his hand.

at the same time.

No. [-]'s figure disappeared under his black umbrella, not because he was poked by his umbrella, but because No. [-] inherited his own knowledge and color, and also inherited his own speed.

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