If he had just come across such a place when he had just finished practicing on Taoshi Island, he probably didn't know if he could be rescued.

The dazzled Sanji didn't know that there was a net attacking him silently.



Outer seas of Dressrosa.

The three pirate ships sailed side by side on the sea. Each of these three people has been famous recently, and when they are mentioned, they no longer refer to the former newcomers.

They are the supernovas of the extremely evil generation, and they are indeed worthy of the title of the extremely evil generation.

The new pirates who went to sea at the same time the year before last have now gained a lot of fame in the new world.

Since Hawkins, Apu, and Urki joined Barrett's command, the bounties have soared rapidly. Now the highest reward is Urki, who defeated the general of the Big O family, with a reward of 5 million .

Hawkins had successfully escaped from Jack of the Three Plagues before, and offered a reward of 4 million.

Among the three, Haiming Apu, who has the lowest reward, now has a reward of 3 million Baileys. The three of them appear at the same time, and it is conceivable that they are bound to win something.

They both belong to Barrett, and they have titles like Big Mom's Three Generals and Kaido's Three Calamities, but the three of them haven't drifted away yet, and they don't think they can compare with those powerful monsters now.

Moreover, the relationship between these three people is not very harmonious.

Apu and Hawkins have been friends almost all the way, and Urki has a very ordinary relationship with both of them, neither hostile nor close.

Therefore, his pirate ship sailed in the middle, separating the two men, lest they face each other again.

Although most of the time, Hawkins will not be as knowledgeable as Apu.

Driving on the left is Hawkins' pirate group. He is on the deck at this time, holding his pair of Tarot cards with strange abilities in his hand.

Divination is a daily compulsory course for Hawkins, and he will perform divination for any action.

Among other things, his life-saving ability is absolutely top-notch.

I met a crazy guy like Jack before, and he was able to escape intact, so this deck of cards played a big role.

This time their actions against Tokushima, Hawkins naturally also carried out divination.

But the results he got were a bit confusing to him. Several times of divination indicated that their trip would be very dangerous, and they might meet old people.

This is actually not surprising, the strange thing is that the results of every divination show that he will survive [-]%.

This is also contrary to the great danger revealed by divination. Why does he not have any problems when he encounters danger?

This is where he is puzzled.

After that, Hawkins predicted the fate of Urki and Apu, and the results showed that the survival rate of these two people was close to death.

This is really an extremely strange thing, he told the situation to the other two, no matter what, the three of them are now grasshoppers on the same camp and the same rope, one prospered and the other lost.

On the surface, Apu dismissed it, but in fact, both he and Urki have become vigilant. Hawkins, a nagging guy, probably has no one in the world better than him in terms of divination.

Hawkins still had a poker face on his face, and put away the tarot cards in his hand.

The result still didn't change, proving that the real variable was not with them, but an external force that he couldn't predict.

What the external force is, Hawkins already has some guesses.

They are still scratching their heads about the old people they will meet, but the divination shows that the old people are not friends but enemies, which may be detrimental to their actions this time.

It's just that right now, it's too late to make other arrangements.

Since Dressrosa refuses to be included in their territory, he must kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys. Otherwise, it will not be so easy for them to expand.

"Fate is never static, it depends on man."

"Tell me again!"



Chapter six hundred and sixty first

"Report to Lieutenant General Smoker that the target has arrived at the designated location, but... Dressrosa's brother sent news that he saw the Straw Hat gang there."

"What, the Straw Hats? Where are they?"

It was not Smoker who spoke, but Winster.

He replaced the smoker brother in the original plot, and now he is the enemy who loves and kills with the Straw Hat gang.

Especially since he had chased Luffy and his group for quite a distance, it was inevitable that he would become agitated when he suddenly heard it.

Realizing that his behavior was a bit inappropriate, Winster apologized to Smoker: "Cough... I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Smoker, I have been chasing the Straw Hats all the way, but I have never caught them. It's a bit too much." Excited."

Smoker didn't care about Winster's attitude and understood his emotions, but he frowned at the situation reported by the soldiers.

The last thing Smoker wants now is to cause extra complications, which will add a lot of uncertainty to the action.

The appearance of the Straw Hats in Dressrosa is the biggest variable.

This time, they have no problem dealing with the other three pirate groups. If they add the Straw Hats, whom they haven't seen for two years, they don't know if they can take it down.

Regardless of whether Mawson of Chambord Islands has released water or not, it is not to be underestimated to be able to slip away from him.

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